PTO Auction is OPEN!!!
Our biggest "FUN"draiser of the year is open and ready for bidding and buying!

Start your shopping HERE! Take a few minutes and browse through this year's offerings. There is everything from baked goods and gift baskets to community socials and movie nights!

Let's make this year's Auction another roaring success! You have until November 1st to place your bids.

Please note that our November Meeting will be on Thursday November 15th at 6:30pm. We will NOT hold a meeting on November 1st nor on November 29th, as previously advertised due to school conflicts.

Please sign up HERE for childcare at least 24 hours in advance. Thank you.
What's Coming Up?
Intern Breakfast & Staff Appreciation Potluck

4th Grade Families: Please click HERE to contribute to the early release day potluck on Wednesday November 14th. Note: this is open for all staff. Bring enough for 20 and LABEL your items!! (Better yet, provide a disposable dish you don't need returned!)

Kindergarten Families: Please click HERE to contribute to the intern breakfast on November 19th . Note: This is open to all 15 interns.
Did You Know?

We need you!
Here are spots we currently need filling :

  1. Help with Plant order & Strudel pickup on Monday November 26th, 3-6pm at school.
  2. Our Maskenball committee is still looking for dedicated people with event planning experience!
  3. Own a business or organization? Be a Maskenball sponsor!
  4. Be our "Box Tops Lady" and collect Box Tops every Friday at 2:15pm. (This can be split up between 2 people too).

Email to help!

* What a SUCCESS! *

THANK YOU 6th Grade families! Our teachers get some yummy nourishment for their potluck!

THANK YOU 1st Grade families for providing our interns with a nourishing breakfast today!

THANK YOU for your Plant Sale orders. 71 of you placed orders and 127 plants will be filling your homes!! Pickup will be on November 26th, along with the Strudel orders.

Volunteer Spotlight!

Special thanks to Kari Lindberg for all her hard work for our first annual Oktoberfest 5k!! She spent countless hours making this fun event such a success! THANK YOU Kari, for your work.

Interested in helping Kari for next year's run?! We are already in planning stages, so get on board! Email