Religious Education News
Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton

RE Mission
Our religious education program works
to create an accepting environment that empowers children and youth to explore their spirituality, celebrate diversity, and live our Unitarian Universalist values.
Family Ministry
  We believe that families play a vital role in furthering this empowerment to explore and live our UU values. We are excited to support our families by offering ideas from the UUA's Tapestry of Faith program as well as graces and thought provoking questions related to the topics introduced during Sunday religious education classes. We hope you find this new initiative enjoyable and spiritually fulfilling for your whole family.
In RE Next Week
Our church year begins!  All children and youth will be participating in our annual ingathering worship service .  Remember to bring your water. 
RE Committee
Wil Rivers, Chair  
Anna Sorensen,       Council Liaison
Jeff Frank
Arthur Freeheart
Shelby Hunkins
Esther Katz
Ashley Nadean Clover
Ron Tavernier
Jenn Whittaker
For the Week of September 2, 2018
Please Register your Child(ren) for RE

Please take a moment to register your child(ren) for the 2018-19 religious education year.  Click here or stop by the RE office for a paper copy.  Each year we need to update our record.  
A Table Grace:
Zip a dee do dah, Zip a dee ay,
We are grateful for your blessings today.
We've plenty to eat, to drink and to share,
We sit at your table, with friends everywhere!
A Chalice Lighting:
In faith, together, we light this small scrap of light,
symbol of Grandfather Sun's enormous power, whose energy burns so brightly.  In these days of deep Summer, catapulting the leaves and vines, vegetables, flowers and fruits to astonishing size, lengths and heights, spilling over the tops of cages, walls and trellises, delighting and nourishing all beings.
We bask in the warmth and the heat of these days, with lightened hearts and quickened senses, in gratitude and in faith.
By  Ellen Hamilton
Please consider    utilizing these ideas to deepen and inspire your faith during the week.
Contemplation Topic  - During a shared meal with family or friends or as part of a contemplative practice, ponder the following -  How would you describe the difference between work and play?
Inspirational Words: "Hold fast to summer. Enjoy with heightened appreciation these still-warm September days. Create more memories, take more pictures. Enjoy a bit of denial. Suck all the summer sweetness out of your sun-warmed garden tomatoes. Smile at someone. Squeeze a hand. Put up some jam or pickles. We store these things up as we approach the uncertain seasons. And our summer companions will be our winter support and sustenance. In celebration of the changing seasons, we gather together in community." ~ Ben Soule  
UU World Summer 2018 Audio Recording: Would you prefer to listen to the articles from UU World rather than read them?  Click here to listen the articles from the summer issue and find previous issues.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carol Zimmerman at or 315-386-2498.