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Next Meeting |
The next ACCA board meeting will be
November 5
Providence Presbyterian Church
9019 Little River Turnpike
Refreshments and fellowship 7:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
Open to all visitors.
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Contact Information |
Mailing Address 7200 Columbia Pike Annandale, VA 22003
Information 703-256-0100
Emergency Assistance (Fairfax County) 703-222-0880
Donations (except furniture) 703-256-0100
Furniture Donations 703-256-9513
Email accacares@verizon.net
ACCA Website www.accacares.org
Camille Mittelholtz, CROP walk coordinator, Sally Norris, Rev. Pamela Moyer, Fairfax Board of Supervisors Chair Sharon Bulova, Jim Boxall, Nancy Boxall, ACCA President Deb Schrag, and Supervisor Penny Gross
CROP Hunger Walk
The 2019 Annandale CROP Hunger Walk was held on Saturday, October 19 at Lake Accotink Park. This walk raises funds for Church World Service's (CWS) hunger and refugee relief and for ACCA.
Volunteers from ACCA churches participated and several youth contributed posters to the event. Pledges are being counted and final totals will be available in December.
Many thanks to all who participated and pledged, especially to the many repeat walkers. Special recognition goes out to Sally Norris, Jim Boxall and Nancy Boxall, who have supported the CROP walk consistently since 1979.
ACCA Pastors and Partners attended the annual gathering. |
Pastors and Partners Luncheon
The annual ACCA Pastors and Partners luncheon held October 17 at Annandale United Methodist Church brought together almost 80 people representing ACCA church pastors, board members, and partners from the community. Dave Posey from our local Giant Food on Columbia Pike, Annandale, provided a buffet luncheon for guests.
Isabel Ballivian, Executive Director of the ACCA Child Development Center (CDC) presented the latest information on the value and importance of early childhood education and also spoke about the additional classrooms at the CDC which will accommodate 36 more students.
The Rev. Peter Kwon, Associate Pastor, Annandale United Methodist Church, offered an opening prayer and the Rev. Dr. Jeff Shankles, Rector, St. Alban's Episcopal, led the closing prayer.
Scouting for Food
The annual Boy Scouts' Scouting for Food drive will take place on Saturday, November 9. Scouts will be going door-to-door to collect non-perishable food items for donation to food pantries such as ACCA's. The Scouts pick up the donations and transport them to the ACCA pantry. Please support the Scouts and be generous!
After collecting the food, the scouts will deliver to the food pantry. Volunteers are needed to help at the food pantry on Saturday November 9 between 10 and 3, please contact Dave Donahue at mcclinticct@verizon.net if you can help.
Come and Give Thanks
ACCA's annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will take place on Tuesday, November 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Annandale United Methodist. The service is an annual tradition to celebrate another year of serving basic and emergency needs in the community. A time of fellowship will follow. The offering from this service will be dedicated to the Annual Challenge Campaign.
Challenge Campaign Begins
The Annual ACCA Challenge Campaign is underway with a goal of raising $130,000 this year! As we begin this year's campaign, several anonymous donors have pledged $20,000 for starters. The campaign this year will end on January 31, 2019.
Donations made to ACCA through the Catalogue for Philanthropy (CFP) are welcome anytime. Payments made through the CFP do not incur any additional fees.
Why donate to ACCA? The Greater Washington Catalogue for Philanthropy
has included ACCA in its group of "the best" local charities for the past several years. Experts from the catalogue vet charities by asking questions such as:
What need is a nonprofit meeting? Is it doing so with excellence? Are its finances sound? What impact, concretely measurable or harder to measure, is it having on the community it serves? This is how the catalogue determines which nonprofits are truly among "the best", helping donors feel confident that their giving makes an impact. Give now.
Workplace Giving Campaigns
Many workplace giving campaigns are presently underway. If your workplace participates in these important campaigns, please consider designating ACCA, Inc. (Annandale Christian Community for Action) as a beneficiary. Thank you for your continued support. Following are the details on each of these three campaigns:
Volunteer Meals on Wheels Drivers Needed
Make a Difference in the lives of some of our Senior Citizens....Your visit delivering Meals on Wheels will help local seniors rest assured that someone will be knocking on the door bringing food and conversation even if for only a few minutes.
Annandale Meals on Wheels needs drivers on Mondays and Fridays. Food pick up about 10:30 am at United Baptist Church in Annandale.
Baileys Meals on Wheels needs subs and drivers Monday through Friday with pick up about 1:15 pm at the Baileys Crossroads Shelter.
For more information and how to become a driver for meals on wheels, contact Mary Lee Di Spirito at 703/256-9513 or
Thirteenth Annual Winter Outerwear Clothing Drive
The Thirteenth ACCA Clothing Drive begins in December with a week-long collection from December 1 - 8. The clothing will be distributed to local day laborers, men and women in the shelters, and children in the ACCA Child Development Center.
An ACCA truck will be available on Saturday December 7 at St. Anthony of Padua parking lot in Falls Church 1:30 to 2:30 PM and at St. Michael Church parking lot in Annandale at 3 :00 to 4:00 PM. Federal Tax Receipts will be made available for all donations.
Please collect winter jackets, hooded sweat shirts, gloves, scarfs and wool hats. Please avoid dress coats, shirts and suits. Thank you for your generosity.
Another collection will take place in January.
Mark Your Calendars
November 5 - ACCA Board Meeting, Providence Presbyterian Church, 9019 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA 22031 - 7:30 p.m. November 10 - Boy Scouts of America - Scouting for Food November 26 - Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service at Annandale United Methodist Church - 7:30 p.m. December 3 - ACCA Board Meeting, Warner Baptist Church - 7:30 p.m. December 1 - 8 - Winter outerwear collection at churches. Truck collection Saturday December 7.
Keep up with ACCA events. |
Annual Report The 2019 annual report for ACCA is now available.