CEO Report on Advocacy, Policy and Business Issues
April 1, 2021
Vol. 9
Urgent advocacy needed to preserve transportation funding
The 2021 Legislative Session is in its final weeks and transportation budgets are moving quickly. Our shared lobbyist for the South Sound Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition, Carolyn Logue, has been keeping us updated and is testifying in hearings.
Your voice is needed to preserve funding and project completion for transportation projects affecting the South Sound.
Here are two ways to speak out:
1) Email your State Senators and Representatives: Use the District Finder tool, enter your address, and you will see links to your legislators.
2) Call the Legislative Hotline at 1 (800) 562-6000. A live person will answer (M-F 8:00am - 7:00pm) and ask your name and residential address, so they can direct your comments to the legislators in your district. They will note your comments.
Here's a message you can use:
"Before ANY work is done on any new transportation proposal, we urge you to make sure that the current transportation budget includes ALL commitments to funding the 509/167 Puget Sound Gateway Project, AND that these projects and commitments are fully funded so they stay on track to completion. This includes ensuring that all money for the Gateway project remains with the Gateway project and that the 161 interchange is funded as well."
Representative Strickland was sworn in as a Member of Congress early this year, representing Washington's 10th Congressional District in the 117th Congress. The seat was formerly held by our current Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck.
This event is free and open to Chamber members and non-members, but you must register in advance. Space is limited. We will hold this event at reduced capacity and in accordance with Phase 3 Healthy Washington guidelines; masks are to be worn.
Join us for this annual event that will provide relevant information on what is happening with business, development and other growth opportunities in the Puyallup and Sumner areas. This event also serves as our Chamber's annual membership meeting.
Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier and economics expert Dr. Ali Modarres will speak at the event, along with other speakers representing our state and local governments.
GAC meetings are held the first Tuesday each month, and are open to all. During the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings are held virtually via Zoom.
On Tuesday we'll be joined by Leslie Barstow, Port of Tacoma's Community Relations Manager, to discuss the Tideflats Subarea Planning Project. The Port is seeking input from the public, and input from the business community is important.
We'll also be joined by representatives from our state, county and cities.
Tips for tracking bills and remote access to our State Legislature
We encourage you to learn more about any potential legislation that may affect your specific industry. Stay tuned to our Chamber updates, as well as any updates from your industry's associations. It's also a good idea to subscribe to email updates from state legislators in your district.
Here’s a handy guide to accessing the legislature remotely.
The Chamber Advocate keeps our members & business community informed of developments regarding policies and issues pertinent to the business community. Here you'll find political and government affairs news, as well as calls to action for Chamber members to garner support for specific issues.
Please share your newsworthy stories with us as they relate to government affairs and economic development as we may feature them in this newsletter.
Our Chamber exists to be the catalyst for business growth, the convener for leaders and influencers, and the champion of business and stronger communities.