Urgent News from Scott Wheeler
author, producer, former investigative journalist
and GOP Trust Executive Director 
All day today and tomorrow, up until the impeachment vote, 31 House Democrats are going to be monitoring their office phones to decide how to vote on impeachment. 
These Democrats are scared because Nancy Pelosi wants them to vote for impeachment, but these 31 Democrats are from districts that President Trump carried, and terrified that if they vote the way Pelosi wants they will lose their seats next year. 
If we can convince them to vote against Pelosi's impeachment vote, it would destroy the Democrats' impeachment plans. 
We are targeting these key districts today. Your help is needed immediately! 

We have a series of informative video ads that can turn the tide and make Democrats fear losing their election next year. 
We must stand behind President Trump now and embarrass the corrupt Democrats by making them lose their impeachment vote. We can do this with pressure from the public. That pressure will come from our video ads exposing the Democrats' anti-America agenda. 

We must deploy every video ad we have right away . The good news is that we have a donor standing by to triple whatever we can get right now. 

Yours in Liberty,

Scott L. Wheeler
Executive Director

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Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.  2100 M St., N.W., Suite 170-340, Washington, DC  20037-1233.

Contributions to The National Republican Trust PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

The National Republican Trust PAC is not an official RNC committee.  We are conservative Republicans dedicated to helping restore the GOP to its historic conservative roots by mobilizing like-minded Republicans nationwide.