An urgent alert from the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

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Friday, November 1 
Call-In Day for HR 2419!

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom is uniting with NuclearBan.US, Code Pink, and World Beyond War on a National Call-in Day to promote the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. 
Call-In for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on Friday, November 1!

On this important day, we urge you to take just five minutes to call your Representative's DC office at 202-224-3121. Please urge them to co-sponsor HR-2419 (see suggested script, below).

Congresswoman Norton asks us to particularly focus on members of the House Progressive Caucus (they are the most likely to co-sponsor) and of the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees (where the bill is, for review). Click here for lists of these committee and caucus members.

Find the text of the bill and , online, sign a letter asking for co-sponsorship  
Learn the history of the legislation.

Please let the Disarm Committee know -- by emailing me -- that you have called your representative on this WILPF Congressional call-in day, November 1, or on any other day you're able to get through!
Even better, take the next step: Ask for a meeting! In a face-to-face meeting with your representative when he or she is at home, you can explain in person why HR-2419 is so important for the future of your community, and for the world.  
Keep me informed by emailing Ellen Thomas   ,
Co-Chair, WILPF US Disarm/End Wars Issue Committee


Hi, my name is ____, calling from ____(city/town)____. I'm calling to urge Representative _____ to co-sponsor HR-2419, the Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act. HR-2419 supports the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This legislation also redirects arms money to critical work to reduce or prevent climate change. HR-2419 earmarks the billions of dollars the US otherwise spends each year on nuclear weapons instead for converting the arms industries and to producing carbon-free and nuclear-free energy systems and providing for other human needs -- such as health care, education, and environmental restoration. This is a start on the funding for the Green New Deal.

Invest in Peace
Your support helps us reach farther and have more impact. Consider a donation to WILPF today to demonstrate your solidarity with our work. 

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
AFSC House | PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 |