Life Is Busy, Let Us Help!

You have enough to deal with each month. Reduce the clutter and go paperless! It’s easier, safer, and more convenient. Just a few clicks and you’re done. Sign up today in MyREC SmartHub
Energy Vampires
There aren’t any monsters under your bed, but you most likely have energy vampires lurking in your home. Devices like computers, gaming systems, and TVs still use energy even when turned off. Unplug these devices when not in use to save energy and money!

How much is it costing you? Check out our Vampire Energy Calculator
Cooperative Sunshare
Summer may be over, but the power of the sun can still work for you. Sign up for Cooperative Sunshare and receive a portion of your monthly electricity from solar power. Doing your part to help the environment, doesn't have to cost a fortune. It's solar made easy!

Energy Savings Tips That Really Work!
Save energy and save money! REC’s energy management advisor, Louis O’Berry, has some tips that could work for you! 

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
P.O. Box 7388
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
© Rappahannock Electric Cooperative 2018 - All Rights Reserved