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Get out on the water and Protect
While You Play
Do you enjoy being on or around the beautiful waters of Lake Tahoe? Do you have a smartphone? Then you have everything you need to help protect Lake Tahoe from aquatic invasive plants while out playing in the Jewel of the Sierra. Watch our short video , download the free app and get out and have some fun on Lake Tahoe. We need your Eyes on the Lake to stop these invaders in their tracks.
Upper Truckee River Eyes on the Lake Survey
On August 21 a team of the League’s most dedicated volunteers who are trained Eyes on the Lake joined League staff to conduct an aquatic invasive species survey along six miles of the Upper Truckee River in South Lake Tahoe. In partnership with the California Tahoe Conservancy these aquatic crusaders were ensuring that any infestations of aquatic invasive plants in the river could be located and removed before the CTC proceeds with a massive restoration of the Upper Truckee Marsh downstream of the survey location. Any plants unknowingly left behind in the river could infest the marsh once the river is reconnected with the marsh.

Learn more about the Upper Truckee Marsh restoration project here .

Join our Eyes on the Lake or Core Volunteer Program and be part of the solution.
What do Miami and South Lake Tahoe have in common? They both logged over 100,000 miles ridden on Lime bikes and scooters in 2018. The difference, it took Miami over a year to hit that mark and South Lake Tahoe riders exceeded the milestone in just two months. Now having just finished its third month of operation Tahoe Lime riders have covered 188,000 miles. Based on estimates from the California Air Resources Board* these fun trips around town have removed nearly 150,000 vehicle miles from our roads, reducing the associated pollution clouding Tahoe’s waters. Find out how you can explore South Tahoe without your car , avoid the hassles of traffic and Keep Tahoe Blue. See you on the bike path.

* VMT and Emissions Reductions Calculations (CARB "Revised Quantification Methodology for the Strategic Growth Council Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Fiscal Year 2016-17" - October 2017, pg. 59):
Lake Tahoe news
In hot water? Lake Tahoe sees decreased clarity, highest ever surface water temps in 2017
August 2, Sierra Sun
Shorter winters and rising temperatures have led to the highest surface water temperatures ever recorded at Lake Tahoe, while drought and one of the wettest winters on record have contributed to the worst clarity readings since regular measurements of the lake began in 1968.
Shore thing
Lake Tahoe shoreline plan
One of the toughest issues to challenge Lake Tahoe policymakers in decades could see a resolution as those with the highest stakes in the future of its shoreline near an agreement on rules to guide activities there.
As the sun sets on summer, our work continues
In the last few months we have engaged nearly 1,000 volunteers who removed 3,170 pounds of trash from 30 miles of shoreline, planted over 900 native plants to prevent streambank erosion and joined our citizen science programs to survey for aquatic invasive species.

Although summer is coming to an end, our work to Keep Tahoe Blue continues all year long. Make a donation now and help ensure that the Lake is as blue as when you last enjoyed it!
Keep Tahoe Blue gear
Be part of the solution tee
Be part of the solution every day in every way! Locally designed and hand printed by RISE Designs this super soft jersey knit tee is made in the USA from recycled bottles. Visit our store today! All proceeds benefit efforts to Keep Tahoe Blue.
League to Save Lake Tahoe | 530.541.5388 |