DAOM Fellow Newsletter
Medical Presentations



Welcome to the FALL 2018 MEDICAL PRESENTATIONS!  The topic of the Quarter is CARDIOLOGY.  Please prepare your presentations accordingly.  

If you have any questions, please email your faculty, Dr. Thornton ([email protected]) and Dr. MoraMarco ([email protected]).

Topics included in this update include:
  • Introduce the Basic Presentation Skills Online Course (Complimentary and Optional)
  • Introduce the new Medical Presenation Order Form and Tracker

As a reminder please read the whole email so that you don't miss any important details.  This is where we will include useful links and other information.  If you think something is missing that should be included in the newsletter please let us know.  


The DAOM Program Office 

Please report any broken links to [email protected] 
General Announcements



As a reminder, COHORT 15 will now replace the COHORT 13 time slot on Thursday evenings in the first meeting of each quarter (Thurs 10/11/18).  

We do want to make sure that the incoming Cohort (Cohort 17) can observe how the Medical Presentation process works.  We want as many members of Cohort 15 as possible to present this coming week.  However, if you are unable to present this coming weekend, please email the faculty  [email protected] and [email protected] to let them know.

Attendance and Tardiness Policy

Medical Presentations is an important part of your clinical education as it facilitates communication with other healthcare providers and the general public.  
The policy is as follows:
  • One (1) absence with at least 5 business days written notification to the Faculty is allowed per quarter with required scheduled makeup.
  • Make up can be done during a subsequent Medical Presentation day with an additional new Medical Presentation (Google Slides format) submitted to the faculty and presented.
  • Makeup must be done during the same quarter.
  • Failure to complete make up will result in an "Incomplete."
Students who arrive more than 15 minutes to class or leave class before it ends will be given 1/2 absence towards attendance.  Students who repeated leave and return to class late from a break or leave during the class or who disrupt the class in other ways may earn an F in that class and/or be referred to the Academic Dean for professionalism.

Medical Presentations

The theme for the FALL QUARTER IS CARDIOLOGY .  Please begin to research your and develop your presentations.  Details can be found on the syllabus page found here:  https://daom.emperors.edu/daom-course-syllabi/ 

Please UPLOAD your Medical Presentations in Google Slides format.  Make sure that the version that you revise is in your Medical Presentation folders (i.e. John Smith (MP)).  

If you have any questions please email the faculty, Dr. Thornton ([email protected]) and Dr. MoraMarco ([email protected]).

Medical Presentation can be found here ( download here)
DAOM Medical Presentation:  Case Report Template ( download here)
DAOM Medical Presentation:  Literature Review Template ( download here)
DAOM Medical Presentation Evaluation ( download here)
Authorization to Release Information ( download here)

Presentation Order and Checklist

Based on feedback from Faculty and Students, this quarter a Medical Presentation Order Form and Checklist.  The updated will help faculty and students to know the presenation order and also allow the faculty to to document who presented during their required times.  The updated form also includes a page explaining how to use the schedule.

To view the presentation
 schedule and order, please click on the following link:

Medical Presentation Evaluations

Medical Presentation Evaluations PDF can now be found in your Medical Presentation folder "John Smith (MP)" in a folder marked "Medical Presentation Evals."

Please open the PDF for last month, the forms are marked either PASS OR REPEAT. 
Specific feedback for you can be found in the attached PDF provided.  Below is general feedback given to ALL presenters:
  • The faculty want to stress the importance of citing authors papers in your presentations.  If you summarized a study, a citation in slide is required.  If you're using a quote word for word, to include quotation marks and citation.
  •  Also, they would like to say that if the content of your presentations is good, your improvement can be made in how you present your materials.  It's a good idea to prepare for your presentation in advance by practicing at home and timing yourself.  Focus on not reading from your slides by being familiar with the content in advance.  
Presenters that are marked "REPEAT" will present again at the December 2018 meeting incorporating commentary notes including, but not limited to, your answers to questions/comments from the advisory panel and peer cohort members, additional sources of reference supporting the answers and modifications of treatment strategies if there are any.
Presenters that are marked "PASS" based on the Medical Presentation Evaluation Rubric during may for the DECEMBER 2018 meeting:
  • Present a new presentation following the topic of the quarter.
  • Repeat Presentation 1 for practice.
  • Opt out of Presentation 2
As a reminder if you have specific questions about your presentation or want specific feedback, you are instructed to email your faculty members directly (Dr. Thornton, [email protected], Dr. MoraMarco, [email protected]).  Thank you.


Basic Presentation Skills Online Course (Complimentary and Optional)


All DAOM Fellows have access to an optional training resourse.  The Basic Presentation Skills is an online 3-part training that students may access through their ThinkHR ( https://apps.thinkhr.com/login/) profiles.  
This is a complimentary and optional resource offered to DAOM Fellows and Faculty to help you develop and improve your MEDICAL PRESENTATIONS, CAPSTONE PRESENTATIONS, Preceptorship Teaching, etc.  

DAOM Fellows will be awarded 5 Hours towards their overall Clinial Hour Requirement with submission of all 3 Certificates of Completion.

If you have any difficulties, please email ThinkHR Technical Support ( [email protected]).  


The Syllabus for Medical Presentations  can be found here on the new DAOM Website ( https://daom.emperors.edu/daom-course-syllabi/ )

Access the Databases

To access and explore all the new resources, please use the following information. 
ID: emperors8
PW: library
(Please be aware that this resource is only available to Emperor's students, staff, and faculty. Sharing access with those outside of Emperor's is a breach of contract and could result in the loss of access to all members of the Emperor's community.)

Article Request Form

Emperor's College Students, Staff, Faculty, and Alumni receive article request privileges.  To request journal articles from Emperor's College, please use the link below:


We know that with storm conditions, that travel plans may have been delayed or canceled.  If you're travel plans have been impacted, please email the faculty right away to let them know.

To make up for a Medical Presentation, please create a new, separate presentation.  Schedule with the faculty ([email protected]a date that you will present it as a make-up.  This extra presentation is in addition to the one the one that you would have made for Medical Presentations.  The extra presentation is to make up for the 4 hours missed.

Barcode Clock-in/Clock-out

As a reminder please make sure that you bring your student IDs with you on campus.  

For more information please visit this page:   https://daom.emperors.edu/miscellany/clock-in-and-out/

If you are receiving this email you are a current student in the DAOM Program. 
Emperor's College | (310) 453-8300 | Emperor's College D AOM Program