Welcome to YOUR newsletter!
August 2020
I'm so excited to launch my first-ever newsletter for you, my patients and friends! Looking forward to connecting with you each month and sharing some ways to improve your health through Chinese Medicine, seasonal wellness, and whole-body fitness.

When I’m not working directly with patients, I spend a lot of time expanding my knowledge of acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, and the healing arts. One day I realized what better way to apply this knowledge, than to share it with my patients. With this newsletter in your inbox you have health and wellness information at your fingertips, no appointment needed!

Offering you inspiration, useful tools, and shared ideas for health and healing is a big part of my job. I hope you find this newsletter informative and transformative. Let me know what you think via social media, email, or at your next appointment!

Be Well,
Beat the Heat
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it’s known as Summer Heat Syndrome and it’s something we want to avoid—overheating leading to sickness. I can help you "beat the heat" with a targeted acupuncture treatment or herbal remedies. Until I see you, try these simple and delicious tips and stay cool!
Ready, Set, Go!
Did you know Acupuncture is a great treatment option for children? It's true! Kids suffering from anxiety, living with sports injuries, or going through puberty can benefit from monthly acupuncture treatments. If you've had success with acupuncture, there's a good chance your children will, too!
Why do we Fear Needles?
If we compiled a list of “Top Ten” fears that humans have, the fear of needles would be near the top of that list. As a practicing acupuncturist, one of the greatest obstacles I face is convincing patients that acupuncture needles will not hurt.
And the winner is...Acupuncture vs. Anxiety
In study after study, acupuncture has been shown to be a highly effective treatment for anxiety—in fact, clinical trials have shown acupuncture to be TWICE as effective as medications or talk therapy. Amazing, right? Like many of us, you may be more anxious than usual right now. Dive into this article on the efficacy of acupuncture and call me if you’re ready to wage the battle and win!
I'd love to know what you want to read, watch, or listen to in the next newsletter. Complete a short survey to let me know what wellness topics will help you transform your health.