Methodist Men - Building Ramps


Church Offices Will Be Closed on Labor Day.
Cherub Choir starts September 5th!

4:45 - 5:10 pm for all children 3 years through kindergarten. 

Registration online at 
Twice Blessed News
 Twice Blessed will sponsor a diaper and baby wipe drive at the Showroom during the month of September to benefit the House of Palms, a new organization in Victoria with the mission to give help and hope to teen unwed mothers in a 24/7 residential, faith-based program.  To qualify, a young mother must be a Junior or Senior; be recommended by the school counselors; and must plan to finish school, keep her baby, attend life skill classes, go to trade school or college, and assist with cooking and the upkeep of the home. More information on House of Palms may be found at  Diapers, baby wipes, or monetary donations may be dropped off at the Showroom during business hours throughout the month of September.     
UMW News
UMW Logo Did you know the United Methodist Church has missionary conferences within the United States? On September 4th at our General Meeting, we will begin a series of programs about them. Jacquie Fritz is going to tell us about one of the most comprehensive mission efforts of our church, the Red Bird Missionary Conference, where it is located, why it exists, and its outreach programs.
United Methodist Women's Day
Webster Chapel United Methodist Church
invites you to celebrate
United Methodist Women's Day
Sunday, September 9, 2018
3:30 p.m.
405 S Wheeler St.
Victoria, TX
Church, you are the front lines of caring ministry of our congregation.Throughout the week, as you meet and greet those around you at church or in the community, "Think Stephen Ministry". If you see persons who are downcast or see persons struggling through diffictult times, "Think Stephen Ministry". Tell them about this special ministry in our congregation where they can receive extra love and care they need to make it through the challenge or crisis they are facing.
Contact Church Office: Pastor Tim Brewer 361-578-2701
Stephen Leaders: Kay Chapman 361-212-5500 or Joye Tripson 361-652-3995
Snacks for the children of FW Gross Elementary 
Starting in September, we hope to begin providing snacks for the children of FW Gross Elementary that are unable to bring them to school. This will be a year-long project - snacks are always welcome! For many of these students, the majority of their daily nourishment is received at school. While free breakfast and lunch are provided by the school district, snacks are not. Many of the teachers purchase snacks to keep in their classrooms for the students that cannot bring them. We want to reduce this expense for our teachers and help them to provide snacks for their kiddos. Snacks must be individually wrapped for easy distribution. Some ideas are goldfish, pretzels, cheese crackers, fruit snacks, chex mix, animal crackers and vanilla wafers. Please note that FW Gross Elementary is a PEANUT FREE CAMPUS!!!! Donations can be dropped off in the Welcome Center at any time. If you would like to make a cash donation so that we can purchase snacks, please note FWG Snacks in the memo line! Thank you for supporting our FW Gross family!

For more information  email Monique  at: [email protected]
Donate Tools for the Methodist Men's Tool Sale

Twice Blessed will serve as a collection point for donations of tools and sporting goods for the Methodist Men's Tool and Sporting Goods Fundraiser, which will be held Saturday, September 29th at the Twice Blessed Showroom parking lot. Begin bringing your donations to the Showroom at 104 W. Commercial Tuesday through Friday from 10-4 and Saturday from 10-3. If you need assistance, please contact Milton Chapman at 571-1091 or Bill Buckert at 648-1844.
Who doesn't enjoy a second cup of coffee with a breakfast sweet?

Bakers and Coffee Makers - volunteer to minister to our Methodist Day School parents.

Friday, September 14 - 8:00 - 8:45 a.m.
Call Nelda Hensley for details: 512-300-8031 or 576-5839

September 27 - November 9
Thursdays 9-11 a.m.
email Monique for more info:  [email protected]

Mental Health First Aid
You may know CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. You can call 911, but can you administer first aid in a mental health crisis?

It's easy to tell when someone is having a heart attack, is choking, or can't breathe. But what does depression look like? Or anxiety? What would you say to help someone who says they are thinking about suicide? How can you help in a panic attack?

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training course that teaches you how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental crisis. People all across the country - in all 50 States and the District of Columbia are trained in Mental Health First Aid. They know how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and addictions.
This course is delivered by certified Mental Health First Aid USA Instructors.

Adult - Mental Health
Tuesday, Sept. 11 - 8 am to 12 pm
Thursday, Sept. 13 - 8 am to 12 pm

 Call Rebecca or Heather to sign-up. Space is limited.
Sign-up to "work" in the Pumpkin Patch
 To sign-up - click the picture. 


Grace & Peace,
First United Methodist Church Victoria Texas