It will look severe but will look much better this summer
As we have been discussing all winter, there are likely some shrubs in your landscape that naturally grow larger than the location they are planted allows. In keeping them pruned to the appropriate height, many shrubs get out of hand and too big over time. To correct this, we recommend rejuvenation pruning to bring them back into size. This can sometimes be achieved by thinning pruning, but other times they need to be cut down to the ground and allowed to regrow at a shorter height and more naturally. The problem is that when we make the cutback, it looks like we killed the plants. However, they almost always grow back and look much better by the end of the season.
This is becoming a growing part of our maintenance program as landscapes age. Please be open to this approach as it is the best long-term practice to improve the appearance of your property when we make this recommendation .
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