
Kyle Pimental, principal regional planner, regularly attends meetings of the NH Coastal Adaptation (CAW) workgroup. CAW is a collaboration of 24 organizations working to ensure coastal watershed communities are resourceful, ready and resilient to the impacts of extreme weather and long term climate change. One of the ways CAW accomplishes this is through various outreach and education opportunities, including its signature King Tide photo contest.

Occurring this year between Oct. 27 Oct. 30, a King Tide is an extreme tidal event that occurs when the moon, Earth, and sun are aligned, and the sun’s gravity helps tug on the oceans a little more, causing the tides to be higher. As noted on CAW's website, "these extreme high tides give us a glimpse what sea-level rise will look like in our region." Interested parties are asked to capture photos of this rare event in order to raise awareness, h elp coastal communities identify areas prone to flooding, visualize potential impacts of sea-level rise, and start planning for the future.

In order to enter participants should take between one and three photos of the NH Coast at High Tide during the dates listed above. The photo must feature a theme of vulnerability, resilience, or Halloween. Once the perfect shot(s) is/are captured, they can either be posted on social media using the #KINGTIDENH2019 or emailed to .

For more specific contest rules and photo location requirements visit the contest web page .
Pieces of Interest


This week marked the first of the two-week CommuteSmart NH Buses, Bikes and Brooms challenge. This competition is similar to CSNH's pilot June Statewide Challenge, but differs in that individuals can participate by joining the "Free Agents" team and prizes are awarded on an individual basis.

Senior transportation planner Colin Lentz is SRPC's front-runner, riding his bike to work regularly (not just during the challenge!). While the challenge is half over, there is still another week to get involved. Logging just one trip gets you a CSNH sticker, with prizes building depending on number of trips logged.

To find out more, or to join the challenge, visit
 Pieces of Interest

Economic Development

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields program, through which SRPC received its second assessment grant in June, recently announced it FY2020 Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup grants. Proposals for these grants are due on December 3, and the EPA will be offering sessions to assist potential applicants with their proposals. The NH workshop is scheduled for Nov. 7, from 8:30 a.m. noon at the Manchester Health Department .

The training will be led by EPA New England Brownfields staff, who will provide key points for writing a competitive application and answer any questions related to preparing grant applications. There will be two separate breakout sessions, one for the Assessment Guidelines and one for the Cleanup Guidelines. For potential Revolving Loan Fund applicants, an informational webinar is currently being planned. It is suggested that if an entity or community is interested in applying for more than one type of grant they have two people attend.

Registration can be completed online . Learn more about the workshop sessions on EPA's website .
 Pieces of Interest

Strafford Regional Planning Commission | 603-994-3500 | |
October 25, 2019