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News and Updates
Small Works Members' Show is Underway
 Although notifications were delayed by 2-3 days, the Plano Art Association (PAA) is well on the way to hosting its first Small Works Show. Each person who submitted works will choose their best or favorite submissions for display in the Small Works Gallery at the Rail Station Studios located at 1013 15 th Place in Plano.

One work will be dropped off on August 8 th and will be on display from August 12 th thru September 15 th . The second piece will be dropped off on September 17 th (the first piece can be picked up at the same time). It will be displayed from September 20 th thru October 20 th

Winners of the first place in painting, photography, and 3-D art will be announced on September 20 th . If the winner was in the first show, we will ask if we can hold the work and display it during the second show. Pickup for art in the second show will be October 21 st . We will send out the details and logistics for Drop Off and Pick Up to the artists with all the details.
Thank you Linda Smith, Jan Lorine, and Lana Browne of Three Birds Gallery for serving as our judges. Thanks also to all the artists out there who submitted works for the show. Placing a size constraint on the works did create a hardship on our artistic natures, but you really came through!!
Due to COVID-19, PAA is also hosting an on-line component for this show. You will be able to visit virtually and see all the works submitted. Hours of operation for Rail Station Studios are “by chance or by appointment”. If you want to be sure to see your works displayed, email info@planoartassociation.org and we can set up an appointment for you to tour. 
August Members Meeting
Be on the lookout for the announcement of the August Members Meeting. It will be an Art Share / Critique. The first 20 members that email a jpg image file to gabypruittphotography@gmail.com
gets to submit their piece for share and critique. Please name the file with your last name then .jpeg for the file. Sample : Pruitt.jpg No spaces allowed!! The meeting is by Zoom. Hope to see you there!! 
Join the Zoom Meeting at 7:00 pm on August 18 (will last till approximately 9:00 pm)
Meeting ID: 426 393 7278
Passcode: 0vN9CP
For Audio Only, Dial
+1 346 248 7799 US (Local)
Meeting ID: 426 393 7278
Passcode: 430430
If you don’t have art to submit (or don’t want to at this time), join us to see what other artists are doing. Their work may spark creativity in you or send you off in a new and better direction.
PAA Members-Only Facebook Group
The members-only Facebook group is up and running. Thank you, Gaby Pruitt for taking the lead on this! If you want to join, and are a member of the Plano Art Association, and have Facebook, go to the search bar and type Plano Art Association – Artists – Connection. You will be asked to fill out some questions. If you do that, an administrator will admit you to the group. If you are not a member of the PAA and want to be in the group, you will have to join the PAA first. Click Join or Renew . Follow the instructions and you are in!
We were very sad to announce the passing of one of our Advisory Board Members, Jody Reed on July 7 th . We will miss her energy and creativeness. There is a memorial tile fund started for Jody. If you wish to donate, send your check to the ArtCentre of Plano, Attn. Jody Reed Donation, P.O. Box 860353, Plano, Tx 75086. 
2020 Plano International Festival
The Plano International Festival has been cancelled this year due to COVID-19. We partnered with them to put on the Global Reflections Show titled “Art the Universal Language”. We have not totally cancelled that show at this time. However, it may be moved to the virtual arena since our usual venue (The Courtyard Theatre) is closed until further notice. Your Executive Committee of the Board is putting on their thinking caps and coming up with alternatives. If any member has a suggestion, please feel free to e-mail us. You can use info@planoartassociation.org to get in touch with us.
Did You Know?
Plano Art Association has a donation button on our website. If you want to donate to us, we are a non-profit organization. You can use the donation as a tax deduction. 
Join or Renew Your Membership
 All of the above programs plus more are fully utilized
if you are a member of the Plano Art Association. If you are
considering membership, do it now!  If it is time to re-enlist, don’t wait. Go to the website and join today!
Amazon Smile
Did you know you can give money to the PAA just by using Amazon Smile. Instead of using the general Amazon website, sign on the Amazon Smile. Designate Plano Art Association as your charity and any purchases you make will have a small percentage of the Amazon profit go to the PAA instead. It is an easy way to give money and you pay the same price for the items on Amazon Smile as you would for the regular Amazon. Just think if all of our members (and maybe their family and friends) would do this as a habit. It would really help our budget.
 The Plano Art Association is dedicated to encouraging the
visual arts development and education of the membership and community
, and inspiring awareness of the visual arts by sharing the joy, passion and beauty within and beyond our Plano community.

Plano Art Association is sponsored in part by the
City of Plano
Headquarters located in
Plano's Art District
Merchandise Sponsor