2020 January 11
Meteor 1.8.3 & 1.9 have been released!
Happy new year!

In last news of last year Meteor 1.8.3 has been released. Meteor 1.8.3 is a quick release focused on updating node version to the newest version (v8.17) based on security releases earlier this month. In addition you will also see an update to jQuery package that will encourage you to use the npm version, this is especially important for those who use Blaze as it will prevent duplicate jQuery from Meteor if you have another one from npm.

Starting the year with a bang, Meteor 1.9 is also finally out! This is a major release most notable for upgrade to Node.js 12 (v12.14) which should among other benefits see speed improvements due to V8 engine. This is in addition to other small speed improvements that the team has worked on for this release.

Coming up is Meteor 1.8.4 which focuses on Cordova updates.
Community Updates
If you have been following the forums then you know that many of the packages that were brought under our management received updates. Some of them long time in the waiting. Here is a list of release announcements:

Official news
Some amazing articles and forums topics to check out:
News from Tiny
State of JavaScript 2019
A yearly survey from Sacha Greif about the state of JavaScript ecosystem is out!

Grapher has moved to NPM & Typescript
…and is now called Nova.

Part of their new Kaviar starter for Meteor, more about that next time!
Auto-scaling Galaxy
NodeJS command line tool to monitor and auto-scale Meteor Galaxy projects including Slack notifications.

From a Meteor game
Games made with Meteor
Made a game with Meteor or are interested to see what others have made. Check out this forum topic.

Strongly typed Meteor methods
A a pattern of typing meteor methods in such a way that Typescript knows which methods are available and also what arguments can be passed to or received from a specific Meteor method.