Development News
Spring 2021
Note from Rob Eccles
Assistant Dean for Development

“No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.” – Guinean Proverb 
This winter has indeed been long, in more ways than one. While the weather is just beginning to warm, we are halfway through the spring semester here at SC&I. The prospects of summer ushering in a gradual return to normal and a repopulated campus come the fall bring us great hope. And there's no better way to celebrate hope than Rutgers Giving Day—a day when our community joins together to help Rutgers help the world just when the world needs it most. Please see below to learn how you can join us on March 24 and make a difference.

As the season brings with it great promise, the Scarlet Promise Grants program puts hope into action, providing need-based aid and emergency support to more than 10,000 students every year. Our student spotlight feature tells the story of Anna Masciandaro JMS’22 and the tremendous impact this program has had on her education. Finally, in follow up to our last edition discussing the impact of legacy gifts, we are happy to introduce FreeWill, a complimentary online tool to help you craft your legal will. As always, we are here to help with any questions, and we look forward to hearing from you.  
Happy reading, and happy spring.  
SC&I Events
Rutgers Giving Day — 3.24.21
Each year, Rutgers sets aside 24 hours in which we come together as a community to raise funds for students, schools, and programs. As we reflect on all that has changed over the course of the last year, consider the good we can do in just one day. 
Be a champion of positive change, support your favorite Rutgers causes, and show off your scarlet pride as you unite with the Rutgers University community to create a brighter future for the next generation of leaders. 

Please consider making a gift to these SC&I funds on Rutgers Giving Day!

SC&I Dean's Fund provides undergraduate and graduate student assistance and vital program and research support. It also enables the dean to meet pressing school needs to ensure we provide the highest-quality teaching and learning environment.
SC&I Scholarship Fund provides assistance to students across each of our academic departments and programs who would benefit from additional aid.

To learn more about Rutgers Giving Day and how to support SC&I and our students, please visit the Rutgers Giving Day website or contact Rob Eccles.

Don't Miss These Compelling Online Events Happening March 24 and 25

"Coded Bias” Screening and Conversation with Naomi Klein and Shalini Kantayya

March 24, 4:00 p.m.: “Coded Bias” explores the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini's startling discovery that facial recognition algorithms do not accurately see dark-skinned faces and women and examines her journey to push for the first-ever legislation in the U.S. to govern against bias in the algorithms that impact us all. Watch the documentary and attend the live conversation between Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Media, Culture, and Feminist
Studies Naomi Klein and filmmaker Shalini Kantayya. This program is sponsored by the Institute for Women's Leadership at Rutgers. Register here
“Covering New York City”: A Conversation with WCBS Reporter Marla Diamond and Rutgers Professor Steven Miller

March 25, 7:00 p.m.: Join Steven Miller RC’79, Professor of Professional Practice and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers’ School of Communication and Information, in a one-on-one conversation with reporter Marla Diamond LC’92 about “Covering New York City in Good Times and Bad.” Diamond got her start in radio at WRSU and joined WCBS radio in 1997. She has been recognized by the Associated Press and other news organizations for her on-location news reporting. This event is jointly sponsored by the Livingston Alumni Association and Rutgers School of Communication and Information Alumni Association. Join us for the engaging program. Click here to register; advance registration is required.
Upcoming Graduate Program Information Sessions

April 13, 6:30 p.m.: Explore SC&I’s Master of Communication and Media (MCM) program, now offering a specialization in Corporate Purpose and Social Impact. GRE is optional for summer and fall 2021. Register for the MCM info session
April 14, 6:30 p.m.: Explore SC&I’s Master of Health Communication and Information (MHCI) program which focuses on the communication, information, and media aspects of health-related policies and practices. GRE is optional for summer and fall 2021. Register for the MHCI info session. 
April 15, 6:30 p.m.: Explore SC&I’s ALA-accredited Master of Information (MI) program, one of the top-ranked programs in the countryRegister for the MI info session   
Visit SC&I Events for the most current information on programs.
Scarlet Promise Grants Program
Student Spotlight
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” 
                                      – Amelia Earhart 
Meet Anna Masciandaro JMS’22
Journalism and Media Studies (JMS) student Anna Masciandaro ’22 is a Scarlet Promise Grant recipient and first-generation college student. She is part of the Honors College and Douglass Residential College and is active in various clubs and organizations, including the Daily Targum and Rutgers Women’s Ultimate Frisbee. 
Anna was born in Cambodia and adopted when she was a year old. She grew up in Westfield, NJ, about 20 miles away from Rutgers–New Brunswick, and was eager to attend a school with a healthy diversity of people and programs. Receiving a Scarlet Promise Grant helped alleviate the financial burden on Anna and her family. Anna shared her thoughts with us on education and her future: 
“With the cost of higher education rising, college is inaccessible to a lot of deserving students. The Scarlet Promise Grants program opens up an opportunity for students who might have otherwise not been able to attend college. The rising cost of attendance can jeopardize a family’s financial situation, and I don’t think anyone should have to encounter this scenario. When people get an education, they’re gaining tools and skills to empower themselves. It’s an investment in your future.  
“I feel grateful that I have the opportunity to go to Rutgers, where I meet people from many different backgrounds. Sometimes, the school’s size can be overwhelming, but at SC&I, I’m part of a smaller community. I have the chance to develop relationships with my professors and staff members. SC&I’s majors and programs are a good match for my skill set and help me build on my love and appreciation for journalism. 
“I applied to the Master of Communication and Media dual degree program that SC&I offers because I thought it was a great opportunity. I know there’s still much I want to learn about journalism, communication, and media. If I’m accepted, I’ll receive my undergraduate degree in May 2022 and my master’s degree in August or December 2023, depending on how my classes play out. I plan to work in the media and communication field with an overlap in public policy and perhaps the law.” 
Scarlet Promise Grants provide need-based aid and emergency support to more than 10,000 students every year. They are of such importance that Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway kick-started a $10 million focused campaign for the Scarlet Promise Grants program on his first day in office, July 1, 2020. To launch the campaign, the president personally donated $75,000.  
To join our other donors in helping make a world-class Rutgers education attainable and affordable for deserving students like Anna, visit SC&I Giving or call Rob Eccles. Go to Scarlet Promise Grants to learn more about this monumental program. 
Share your story and support our students—a gift of any size can make an enormous difference. 
FreeWill, a resource to help you get peace of mind
Rutgers wants to help our community plan for the future and protect what they love. Estate planning is an easy way to get peace of mind and support the things you care about. To help you get started, we want to offer a free, online tool to write your legal will. Get started on your free will here.

For more information about this opportunity or other ways to support the School of Communication and Information, call Rob Eccles, Assistant Dean for Development.  

Be in the Know with SC&I News
Keep current with all the latest stories—check SC&I News regularly!
Assistant Dean for Development
Phone: 848-932-8905
Cell: 732-540-3529

Development Specialist
Phone: 848-932-7568

Gifts to SC&I support our students, drive
research discoveries, and bring ideas to life.
Let’s stay in touch.
Do you have a new address, phone number, or email address?
Please contact Jodi Marcou and let us know. 
4 Huntington Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901