The Overlook
Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville 
3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810  
October 3, 2019
Vol. 19 Issue 40
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Thurs. 10/10
PFLAG Meeting
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 
Adult RE Room

Sun. 10/13
New UU Class
9:00 - 10:30 a.m.  
Adult RE Room
Social Justice Committee Meeting  
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Worship Committee Meeting 
9:30 - 10:30 a.m
Worship Service
Erin Reid, DRE 
10:45 a.m.
Music Committee Meeting 
1:00 p.m.

Tues. Oct. 15
Cottage Meeting
5:30 p.m. Offsite
Council Meeting
6:30 p.m.  

Wed. Oct. 16
Choir Rehearsal
7:00 - 8:45 p.m.

Sat. Oct. 19
Cottage Meeting
4:00 p.m. Offsite

Sun. 10/20
New UU Class
9:00 - 10:30 a.m. 
Adult RE Room
Soul Circle  
Group D
9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Board Room
Sunday Service  
Rev. Ed Brock
10:45 a.m. 
U Ukule le  
Fun Group
The UUkulele Fun Group is open to everyone, regardless of skill level.
The group meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 5:45 p.m.
Huntsville Assistance Program 
The Social Justice Committee has a goal to collect at least 100 items each month for the food pantry.

Please put your nonperishable food items or personal care products donations in the basket in the church foyer for the Huntsville Assistance Program. Please, no canned corn, beans, or peas! They are currently overloaded with those items.

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee
UUCH Free Food Pantry 
UUCH's Free Food Pantry is installed in the parking lot and is now stocked. The Social Justice Committee will restock the pantry with non-perishables, as needed, and you can, too.

See the Social Justice Committee for more information on what items are in need.

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee

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UUCH 2019-20
Board Members
John Schulz
 Vice President: 
Denise Runnels

Nick Wilbourn

David Bollinger 

Ed Bernstein
Jack Long
Bryan Walls

Interim Minister:
The Rev. Edward L. Brock

Do you have an agenda item for the Board?  
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President John Schulz  via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before)The next board meeting will be Tuesday, October 22 .  
The Overlook is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church, 3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810

Interim Minister:
The Rev. Edward L. Brock
Board President:   
John Schulz    
Nick Wilbourn 
Office Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 
7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Minister's Office Hours:
10 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Other times by appointment.  
Office Phone: 
Office Email:
Minister's E mail:
Sunday Services are held 10:45 a.m. to
 12:00 p.m. 
Children's Religious Education held concurrently. Nursery available for ages 3 years and under.
For more info on any event, contact the church office.
Upcoming Service

"Side with Love"
Erin Reid
UUCH Director of Religious Education
This year in Children and Youth Religious Education, our theme is "Side with Love," exploring what it means to ground our Unitarian Universalist identity in love and to put love into action through justice. Director of Religious Education (DRE) Erin Reid will discuss what is so special and distinctive about UU faith development, a space of both belonging and growth.

The low voices of the UUCH choir will sing "I Am with You" by Derek Fox with Sarah Korb on clarinet.
Future Services    
October 20 - Rev. Ed Brock
October 27 - Rev. Ed Brock
November 3 - Day of the Dead Service 
October Theme: Belonging  
This Sunday in Children and Youth Religious Education (CYRE)

CYRE groups will meet in their rooms to continue exploring the theme "Side with Love."

For more information on the CYRE program, please contact Erin Reid, Director of Religious Education; Harper Goodman, RE Assistant; or Steve Rittenberg, CYRE Chair.

Submitted by the Children and Youth Religious Education Committee
"New UU" Class  Starts 
THIS SUNDAY, October 13

What does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist? Guided by the Tapestry of Faith Curriculum, we will offer a three-part series that explores important themes in UU congregational life - our worship and theology, history, covenant and polity, faith development, social justice, and membership. This program is particularly focused on introducing newcomers to Unitarian Universalism, but those of us who have been here for a while will also be able to share and connect with others as we explore our own beliefs and how they intersect with the UU tradition. Everyone is welcome! 
Mark your calendars now for the Sunday mornings of October 13, 20, and 27 for this chance to learn and share. Meet for coffee or tea at 9:00 a.m. in the Adult RE classroom; discussion starts at 9:15.
Contact Adult RE chair Lynsie Lamitie for additional information. If you need childcare during this time, please contact Lynsie at least a week before the class session.

Sponsored by the Adult Religious Education and Membership Committees
 Congregational Meeting to Be Rescheduled  
Based on the questions and feedback we received at last Sunday's walkthrough of the proposed sanctuary renovations, we will be postponing our congregational meeting, which was previously scheduled for this Sunday, October 13.

This will allow us more time to verify some additional information regarding ADA compliance and incorporate that information into the final proposal before the congregation votes on it. Once the proposal is finalized, the congregational meeting will be rescheduled, and you will be informed of the new date. 

We appreciate the feedback provided thus far and look forward to sharing the updated proposal with you in the near future.
Submitted by the Board
Awareness Through Movement  

A 6-week Awareness Through Movement course will begin Friday, October 25, at 10 a.m
Awareness Through Movement® classes (ATM) are a learning process that invites a person to explore how they move and function in the world. The one-hour session consists of verbally directed movement sequences that encourage participants to explore motions within their own capacities and comfort range.

As awareness and  movement improve, the means to change patterns of thinking, sensing, feeling, and interacting with others improves, as well.  
Submitted by the Adult Religious Education Committee 
Two Cottage Meeting Opportunities
Still Available
Your Ministerial Search Committee is sponsoring cottage meetings to have group conversations about the search for a new settled minister. We will discuss some of the results from our congregational survey, as well as gather new input to guide us in our search process. Don't miss this opportunity to hear what others have to say and to discuss the future of UUCH.  
All members and friends are encouraged to attend.
We still have two opportunities for your convenience:
* Appetizers at the home of Betsy Applegate and Alice Dilbeck, 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15 (childcare available)  
* Happy Hour at the home of Barbara and Gary Hitt, 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 19
Please sign up in the fellowship hall on the poster so we can plan on numbers of people at each meeting. Or you may contact the MSC to let us know which meeting you would like to attend.

Submitted by the Ministerial Search Committee
UUCH All-Church, All-Ages
Halloween Party
Ghosts & Goblins, Creatures & Critters, Kids & Adults--come one, come all to our all-church Halloween party, which will be  Saturday, October 26, from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
The Halloween Party is an all-ages party, for children and adults alike, sponsored by the Children and Youth RE Program. We'll have dancing, a cakewalk, and other surprises. Favorite dance tunes for all generations will be provided by DJ Ted Cannon. It's fun for everyone! 
A sign-up poster for the party can be found in the Fellowship Hall after the church service. 
For more information contact CYRE Assistant  Harper Goodman or CYRE Chair  Steve Rittenberg.  

Submitted by the Children and Youth Religious Education Committee   
  Last Call for Directory Photo Sessions 
We hope you've already signed up for your FREE 8x10 portrait! Phone and email reminders will be sent to you a day or two before your appointment.  
Each family who brings non-perishable food items to their photo session will receive $5 off their photo order (if they choose to buy photos). Huntsville Assistance Program (HAP) will reap the benefits of those food donations.  
There are still appointment times available. 
Schedule your appointment today. There is no sitting fee, and you receive one beautiful professional portrait to keep.  
We also need volunteers on the photography days to greet and register our families. Shift sign-ups will be available in the Fellowship Hall after church.
Submitted by the Membership Committee    
 Office Volunteers Needed   
The Church Office is seeking a few volunteers to help out 1-2 hours a week. This is a low-key volunteer position, with no experience necessary!
If you have an hour or two to spare during the week, please contact Amanda Schuber for more information.  
Submitted by the Church Office  
 Service Auction 2019  
The UUCH Service Auction will be Saturday, November 2, at 6PM. We need your DONATIONS to make it a success.  The donation deadline is Monday, October 28. Jump the lines, man! It's outta-sight! Be groovy!Eat, drink & place your bids! Childcare will be provided. 
Members of the Establishment are needed to help set-up and clean-up, and we'll need auction table monitors, spotters, and runners. If you want to help, please send an email to  
Remember, there are three (3) ways to donate:  
  • Fill out the forms available in the Fellowship Hall
  • Send an email with details about your contribution
  • Fill in the online form
We will once again offer you an opportunity to win a lovely quilt (donated by Susan Coddington) during a raffle. The lucky winner will be able to select from those on display in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $5 each, or 3 for $10, and sold after Sunday services.  

Your forms and emails pre-register you as a bidder. REGISTER EARLY. Auction night checkouts will be in order of registrations.  DOOR PRIZES will be given throughout the evening, and you must be present to win.
Submitted by the Finance Committee    
 Alabama NAACP Convention  
Join us at the 67th Annual Convention of the Alabama NAACP October 10 - 13 at the Embassy Suites in Huntsville.  
Sen. Doug Jones will speak on Friday, October 11, at 6:30 pm. This meeting is free. 

Rev. Dr. William Barber II, NAACP Board member, president of Repairers of the Breach, and chief architect of the Forward Together Moral Monday Movement, will speak at the Freedom Awards Banquet on Saturday, October 12, at 6:30 pm.  The cost for this will be $55.

Please contact Ken Sandin if you would like to join the UUCH Social Justice Committee at the banquet.
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee    
Care List
This Sunday, October 6, 2019,  at our Circle of Candles:
Tim Miller lit a candle of  sorrow: In memory of former UUCH member, Bill Lapenta, who lost his life this past week while swimming off the North Carolina coast. Bill was Director of the National Weather Service's modeling and predication center.  
Caroline Strickland  lit a candle of sorrow: Sadly, I have Osgood-Schlatter, which means I must wear a brace that immobilizes my leg. But, today is also my birthday!  I am turning 11 years old. I have gotten used to walking with the brace, so it's not that bad.  
Andy Durbin lit a candle of sorrow: My great-uncle, Kenneth, in California is dying from stage-4 colon cancer and is not expected to last the month. Please send light and love to him and his family. 
Heather Kyemba lit candle of joy: Sophia drove on the the highway for the first time yesterday.  Exciting, but nerve-wracking.Torin left today for a solo flight to New Hampshire to visit my parents. Bon voyage! 

Jack Long lit a candle of joy: I recently turned 69 years old. Woohoo!