Celebrate National HPE Day
on Wednesday September 5, 2018

National Health & Physical Education (HPE) Day  is a nationwide initiative that highlights the importance of HPE in the Australian Curriculum, and its influence on the learning and development of children.

The theme,  Good for Children, Good for Schools, Good for Communities , is being celebrated over a three year period, and this year's event - on  Wednesday September 5, 2018  - will focus on how HPE is 'good for schools'. 

Why National HPE Day?

An educated Nation, comprising active and healthy young people, is the best investment we can make in the future.

Learning in HPE makes an important, positive difference to students and their lifelong participation and health outcomes.  Parents and caregivers also play a central role in promoting, facilitating and modelling positive lifestyle behaviours.

Schools and HPE Day

It's no surprise that schools play a significant role in the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of children. Learning in Health and Physical Education makes an important and positive difference because it encourages lifelong participation and results in better health outcomes. 

The good news is that getting involved in HPE Day is easy! 

Parents and HPE Day

Parents and caregivers play an important role in promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for their children by encouraging good habits that can stay with them for the rest of their life. 

That is why parents and caregivers can commit to a ' parent pledge ' and show their intention to spend  30 minutes of physical or healthy activity with their children on HPE Day. 

Email: [email protected]  |  Ph: (08) 8352 3288