Weekly news & updates

May 7, 2021
Dear SCBA Parents: 

-----Happy May! Can you believe that we made it to May without having to close the building down! We are so blessed. God is GOOD! Happy Mothers Day to all of our moms, grandmas, aunts, and friends who support our scholars! 

-----I have mentioned the strategic plan that is being created for our school in past newsletters. Later this month we will be sharing more information on the plan and the goals we have set for our school over the next five years.  

-----Going through this process this past year has been a true blessing for me. Coming to SCBA last May and being able to learn about the school and parish community and to see the Classical model in action has been beautiful. Hearing where the school was 5 springs ago and being able to see where we are today is inspiring. This past year has been challenging in many ways. The good news is I do believe SCBA needs to celebrate the fact that our school is ready to say we are moving into the next phase of implementation of the Classical model. Moving from introducing the model to where the Classical model is part of the culture here at SCBA. Knowing that we are lifelong learners, we all will continue to hone our techniques and continue to learn and explore the Classical model.  

-----The goal is for the Classical model to be ingrained in all that our school does and it isn’t dependent on one segment of the community. Every stakeholder, our parents, scholars, teachers, staff, parish staff, and parishioners, are an integral part of the process. As we continue to cultivate and grow in our Classical mindset, we will continue to see the benefits. I, for one, am excited to see the possibilities this model will bring our school and community. Each teacher and staff member is dedicated to the Classical model and using the techniques we have learned and will continue to learn in his/her classroom.  

-----This next week we will say goodbye to our 8th graders! I was fortunate enough to be with them during their retreat this week. We laughed together, cried together and shared some deep thoughts together. The 8th grade class are stellar young adults! They are excited about high school, but a little apprehensive with not knowing what to expect. Mrs. Wegeng, Mrs. Prewitt and I tried to assure them that it's natural to feel this way. They will each make a difference in our world in their own way. What a true gift it has been for us to be a part of their journey!    

-----Just a reminder that our All School Masses the next two weeks will be on Wednesdays! May 12th and May 19th will both be All School Mass days - so scholars need to wear their dress uniforms on Wednesdays the next two weeks.

God bless each of you this weekend,

Dr. Hopson

Looking Ahead:
  • May 7- Living Rosary @ 2 PM (parents are welcome to join); End of the Year celebration @ 5 PM
  • May 11- Volleyball game @ 2:15 PM (8th grade vs. teachers/parents)
  • May 12- All School Mass @ 9 AM- Passing of the Light; 8th Grade Awards Ceremony @ 10 AM (immediately following Mass)
  • May 13- 8th grade Graduation @ 5 PM
  • May 14- Field Day K-7 @ 12:30PM
  • May 19- Last day of school; All School Mass @ 11 AM; 12 PM Dismissal

Don't forget to pack a dinner and lawn chairs! A shaved ice dessert truck will be here for anyone wanting to purchase dessert. Outdoor games will be available for scholars and their families!
SCBA Scholars Present... Things That Make Me Squirm and The Emperor's New Clothes

Our first, second and third grade students have produced short, fun performances called, Things That Make Me Squirm and The Emperor’s New Clothes. Click below to watch the performances!
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

We are very proud to offer CGS as our Parish children's faith formation. Did you know CGS is offered to children ages 3-12? Do you want to learn more? Join us for our CGS informational session on Monday, May 24 at 6:30 PM in the Gathering Space of the Church.
If you are interested in becoming a trained CGS catechist, there will be training held at SCBA over the summer. Click below for more information!
Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser Survey
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Cinco de Mayo fundraiser for Camp Savio! It was a very successful fundraiser and we couldn't have done it without you. We would love your feedback so that we can improve the event for next year. Let us know your thoughts below. Thank you!
Yearbook Order Form
Yearbooks are on the way! Order your 2020-2021 yearbook by Friday, May 14, 2021. Yearbooks are $15 each. Money will be due at the time of pick-up (date is TBD). Cash or checks payable to St. Charles.
Kauffman Center Free Virtual Program

Join the Kauffman Center for a Performing Arts online program, the weekend of June 12 and 13! There are free compelling performance videos, engaging youth-friendly activities and on-of-a-kind livestreamed content. See below for more information!
Summer Theatre School at The Coterie

If your scholar is interested in taking theatre classes at The Coterie this summer, check out the different classes below! Both in-person and virtual classes are available.
Summer Reading 2021

Summer reading provides you with an opportunity to help your child develop a love of reading. This summer, we ask parents to encourage their child to read or to be read to every day.  It is helpful to have a set time each day that your child reads. You can make it fun by reading outdoors on the front steps, on the patio, at the park, or by the pool. 
This summer, your child can choose to read e-books, listen to audio-books, or read physical books. The Mid-Continent Library has a large resource of books that can be checked out. 
Kindergarteners through second graders (fall 2021), who read at least 20 books this summer, will earn a free book. Parents should keep a list of completed books that include the title of the book and the author.

Third through eighth grade (fall 2021) students who read at least 4 chapter books and write a 4-5 sentence summary of each book will earn a free book. The summary should include the title and the author of the book. 

Watch for more details in the coming weeks.
IT Volunteers Needed

The St. Charles Borromeo IT Department is creating a ministry of volunteers from parishioners and friends of the Parish who have experience or a background in IT. Responsibilities would include staffing a help desk during school hours, helping roll out new equipment from time to time, troubleshoot, etc. If you have an interest, please reach out to Troy Miller, Director of IT at [email protected].
Garage Sale
Garage Sale drop-offs are underway! Did you know the garage sale last year brought in $30,000 for SCBA and other parish activities?

For the 2021-2022 school year, the mandatory service obligation for school parents is 10 hours, 3 of which must be fulfilled at the garage sale. Parents must signup a minimum of three hours, but may fulfill up to seven hours of their obligation through the garage sale. Please sign-up for your first 3 hours by May 1! Parents are welcome to sign-up for more than 3 hours after May 1 to ensure all parents get a chance to sign-up.
Math Opportunity at SPX for Incoming 8th Graders

Dear 7th Grade Parents,
At St. Pius X High School we are excited to partner with your child’s grade school to provide an advanced eighth grade Algebra I class that your child may be eligible to attend next school year. The class is taught first hour four days a week here at St. Pius X High School. Although the schedule may vary a little, it is generally Mondays and Tuesdays from 7:50-8:40, Wednesdays from 8:30-9:45, and Fridays from 7:50-8:31. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from St. Pius X. 
You are receiving this information because your school may or may not also teach this class. If you are interested in having your student take part in this opportunity, we will offer a placement test at St. Pius X. We will offer the test on May 11th and May 13th at 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. If you cannot make either of those dates, we will also offer the test 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 3rd.

Please use the link to sign up for the testing:  https://spxkc.org/8thgradealgebra
For several years, students have enjoyed taking this class here at St. Pius X in order to become acclimated to the high school environment. This class is structured and taught in the same way our other math classes are taught. The teacher is Patti Pearson, who has been teaching Algebra at St. Pius X since 2005. Prior to that, Patti taught at St. Teresa’s Academy. She has her BA in Mathematics from Benedictine College and her MA in Secondary Education from Kansas State University.
Summer Camps at SPX!

St. Pius X High School is offering a variety of summer camps, many of which are new this summer! From sports to crafts there is something for everyone! Click below to learn more!
COVID-19 Updates and Resources