May 7th, 2021
Eagle Commencement
Eagle Commencement will be held virtually on Sunday, May 16th at 3 p.m. for all Scouts who earned Eagle between January 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.Connectivity information will be made available upon registration. If you have registered an Eagle Scout or have registered for a Congratulatory Video/Message, please email photos, videos and messages to
Heart of Virginia Council Leadership Center
The move is complete! The Heart of Virginia Council Leadership Center and Scout Shop are now open at 8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228. The phone numbers and hours of operation remain the same as before.
The Friends of Scouting Dinner is just around the corner! To RSVP for the May 11 dinner please email Whether you are attending in person or not you can still help Support the Heart of Virginia Council by purchasing Door Prize Tickets in our Friends of Scouting Dinner Door Prize Drawing. There are over 60 prizes with a $50+ value that you can win. You can also enter to place a bid on one of the auction items still available. Purchasing/bidding will close Tuesday, May 11th at 9 p.m. 
Cardinal Annual Recognition Dinner
Cardinal District is invited its members to join together for an evening of fellowship and fun to celebrate the successes and hard work of our volunteers and 2020 Eagle Scouts! The dinner will be at Camp T. Brady Saunders STEM Center starting at 5p.m. Please bring your favorite dinner side for the Pot Luck Style dinner.
  • Adults cost $5
  • Youth cost $2
  • Cub and Eagle Scouts are free
Camp T. Brady Saunders Welcome Home Event
Be sure to get outdoors this Spring and if you are looking for a fun and easy way to do that check out the Welcome Home Event at Camp T. Brady Saunders. On May 22 at 9:15 a.m. Scouts will have the chance to work outdoors to earn one of the following merit badges:
  • Archery
  • Geocaching
  • Rifle
  • Shotgun
Registration closes on May 20th, so register soon to save your spot.
“Go out and try something unique. If you’ve never danced dance. If you’ve never run…run. You never know…you’ll surprise yourself.”-Willie Banks
Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Mon-Tues 9:00am-5:30pm
Wednesday 12n-6pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am- 12pm

Prepared.For Life.