January 13, 2021 Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church - St. Louis, Missouri
Just recently I learned from James Nestor’s book Breath that we breathe about 25,000 times each day. He argues that we have forgotten how to breathe properly, with grave consequences for our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. “No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, none of it matters if you're not breathing properly.” The pandemic has taught us how precious every breath is and can never be taken for granted. Breath is life.

That is also what our scriptures teach. God’s breath hovers over everything at the beginning of creation. God breathes life into Adam to make him a “living soul.” Jesus breathes God’s Holy Spirit into the disciples after his resurrection. The Holy Spirit is God’s breath living in us.

So, since we inhale infinite goodness from God, how come our exhalations are often toxic? How come we cannot seem to breathe on others the blessings we have received from God? How come we inhale unconditional love but exhale chaos and division?

The urgent question before us is this: If we breathe in abundant life, how might our exhalations—our words and deeds—affirm God’s goodness in our selves, as well as in our relationships, leadership, and governance? Anything less cheapens this great gift we have received.

Perhaps, the hymn writer says it best:

Breathe on me breath of God / fill me with life anew / that I may love the way you love / and do what you would do.


Recently hospitalized or recovering at home
Justin Williamson, Bob Lucy, Mary White Lucy, Martha Ruiz, Jan Miller, Jeff Drew

If you or someone you know is not receiving the Chapel Bell or other emails from the church, please let us know! Also, be sure to follow our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to stay connected.
In this tumultuous time it is important for us as a community of faith to gather in prayer for the welfare of our country. Please join us for worship Wed. January 13 at 6 p.m. on Zoom for a service of Healing and Wholeness for the Nation.

As part of worship we will observe communion. We invite you to prepare bread and juice prior to the service so we can partake of the elements together as the body of Christ.

There's no need to have a zoom account in order to participate, simply click on the link below to join the service:


Music for Sunday, January 17
Chamber Choir will sing “Thou Wilt Keep Them in Perfect Peace”
by Samuel Sebastian Wesley.

Email Schedule: Below is a schedule of when you can expect to hear from us throughout the week. There may be additional emails if need be. We hope this is an easy way to stay connected.
  • Tuesday: Midday Prayer Reminder
  • Wednesday: Chapel Bell
  • Thursday: Special Emails
  • Friday: Worship Reminder

Sunday Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m., on Facebook (no need to have a Facebook account - just go to www.laduechapel.org, click on Worship on the top and then find the link). Worship will also be available on our YouTube channel. Share our services with your friends on social media! We love meeting new people and growing our online community.

Sunday Morning Zoom Coffee Half Hour - Join us after worship, at 11:30 a.m., for a Zoom Coffee Half Hour. Click here to join the Zoom Coffee hour (the link to join will also be provided in the Facebook worship post and the worship information email on Friday.)