CVMA Members Give Testimony to Support New MA Child Eye Health Bill
On Monday May 3rd, Children's Vision Massachusetts member Shanyn Toulouse MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN, and coalition Co-Chairs Paulette Tattersall and Dr. Jean Ramsey, provided oral testimony to the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health in support of H2231: "An Act Improving Child Eye Health" presented by Representative Christine Barber and Representative Sean Garballey.
This bill follows from the work of the Special Commission on Children’s Vision and Eye Health whose recommendations are due to be released this year. Senator Michael Moore has also filed a children's vision bill S136 "An Act Improving Child Eye Care" which will be heard at a future date (more news to follow). We are grateful to these legislators for their leadership and commitment to improving children's vision.
Enactment of H2231 would:
Establish a Children’s Vision and Eye Health Advisory Council within the Department of Public Health.
Establish mandated reporting within DPH, to which licensed providers of vision screening and eye care would have access.
Expand the vision screening mandate of 2004 to preschool and private school children.
You can support this bill by:
Calling YOUR local Representative's office to ask for your Representative's support of H2231. Legislators rely on us to inform them, and discussion about children's vision is no exception. To find your legislator, click here.
Submitting your written testimony: give your perspective to The Joint Committee of Public Health. Submit your testimony by the end of May to the Joint Committee at this link.
To receive further information about H2231 from CVMA, or to share your testimony with us, please email us. Your action now will make a difference! Thank you.
Research Shows High Rates of Preschooler Eyeglass-wear Compliance
According to a recent study in JAMA-Ophthalmology a majority of preschool students comply easily with wearing prescription eyeglasses provided by school-based vision programs. The See Well to Learn program delivered school-based vision screenings, on-site eye exams, free eyeglasses, and referrals to pediatric ophthalmologists as needed, in low-income neighborhoods in San Francisco and Oakland, CA.
Nearly 3 out of 4 students wore their glasses consistently at school during their first year of use, which supports the continued implementation of preschool-based vision screening programs.
May is UV Eye Safety Month
Summer is quickly approaching and we all want to be outside! According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), many factors determine the amount of ultraviolet (UV) exposure. Here are some tips to think about so our child's eyes are protected from UV rays:
- Time of day - UV rays are most intense at noon when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. In summer, it is a good idea to be indoors during the peak sun hours of 10am to 4pm.
- Weather conditions - Even under cloud cover we can damage our skin and eyes. Wear a hat!
- Reflection - Surfaces such as snow, sand, pavement, grass, or water can reflect much of the UV radiation that reaches them.
Children's Vision Massachusetts recommends that everyone, including children, protect their eyes from the sun by wearing sunglasses. Be sure to shop for sunglasses that block 99% to 100% UV rays, ensure the lenses have no scratches or bubbles, and check sunglasses periodically to be sure they fit well. Want to know more? Take our UV quiz!
A.S.P.E.C.T. Program - be an advocate for your child's vision - or yours!
Would you like to learn how to be an advocate for your child's vision, or your own vision disorder? Applications are now open for patients and allies (loved ones, non-profit representatives, clinicians, researchers) to participate in the free A.S.P.E.C.T. Program – Advocacy, Support, Perspective, Empowerment, Communication, and Training. People of all ages and all eye diseases and conditions are welcome.
A.S.P.E.C.T. participants will:
Participate in an 8-week educational, collaborative, advocacy-focused skills and knowledge-building series. The sessions are 90 minutes each and held over Zoom, from June to July 2021.
- Learn the components of storytelling and use of storytelling as an advocacy tool.
- Learn about avenues for patient-engagement and its importance.
- Enjoy a sense of community. Hear the stories of peers, share and receive feedback.
This program is very popular! To find out what the buzz is about: click here.
Children's Vision Digital Screen Tips
Look after your child's vision when using digital screens. CVMA's Children's Vision Digital Screen Tips are good reminders for parents, and for our children. Display in your home office, health office, preschool or school homeroom.
Click HERE to learn more.
Open Enrollment Extended Through May 23
Massachusetts individuals and families! Now is the time to apply and enroll in health coverage. Check if you qualify for free or lower cost coverage like MassHealth, ConnectorCare plans, or a tax credit.
Registration is Open! "Our Changing Vision"
Sign up for the virtual Prevent Blindness 10th annual Focus on Eye Health National Summit this July 14th and 15th, 2021. All are welcome to attend.
Keynote Presentation: Michael F. Chiang, MD, Director, National Eye Institute
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