August 14, 2020

The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Scripture Readings for this Sunday:
Service of Holy Eucharist
In the Sanctuary
8:00 am
This service is spoken (no music)

Please make a reservation as we are allowed a limited number. Email Pastor Gae at: christmemorialkilauea@gmail.com.
Please wear a mask.

Service of Morning Prayer with Music, Only on Zoom
9:30 am

Here is the link to join us on Zoom:
Morning Coffee with Pastor Gae
Aloha friends, 

 I’ve been doing a lot of clean-out work lately. I’ve been making daily trips to our thrift shop with stuff I haven’t touched since I’ve been here. Today I decided to tackle a file cabinet.  My first instinct was to dump the whole thing since I haven’t looked at it in a long while. But fortunately I didn’t do that as there were many treasures I found. Among them were notes from retreats I’ve participated in; classes I’ve given and taken; and worship bulletins from meaningful church experiences I’ve had. I even ran across a worship bulletin from the 90’s when Matthew Fox was the guest preacher at All Saints’ Pasadena. 

Anyhow, one treasure I found was a bulletin/newsletter from St. Luke’s, Park City, Utah. I don’t remember ever being there but I’ve always loved it when church members bring me back a bulletin from a church they visited.  I saved this particular bulletin because of two pages that told me a lot about who they are. Here’s what it says: 

“St. Luke’s is a community that celebrates a progressive understanding of Christianity.”
By calling ourselves progressive, we mean we are Christians who:

  1. Have found an approach to God through the life and teachings of Jesus.
  2. Recognize the faithfulness of other people who have other names for the way to God’s realm, and acknowledge that their ways are true for them, as our ways are true for us.
  3. Understand the sharing of bread and wine in Jesus’ name to be a representation of an ancient vision of God’s feast for all peoples. 
  4. Invite all people to participate in our community and worship life without insisting that they become like us in order to be acceptable (including but not limited to): believers and agnostics, conventional Christians and questioning skeptics, women and men, those of all sexual orientations and gender identities, those of all races and cultures, those of all classes and abilities, those who hope for a better world and those who have lost hope. 
  5. Know that the way we behave toward one another and toward other people is the fullest express of what we believe. 
  6. Find more grace in the search for understanding than we do in dogmatic certainty - more value in questioning than in absolutes. 
  7. Form ourselves into communities dedicated to equipping one another for the work we feel called to do: striving for peace and justice among all people, protecting and restoring the integrity of all God’s creation, and brining hope to those Jesus called the least of his sisters and brother.
  8. Recognize that being followers of Jesus is costly, and entails selfless love, conscientious resistance to evil, and renunciation of privilege.
Our Principles of Community

I am an expression of God’s love as I participate with courage and honesty in the process of examining my own spiritual health and that of my spiritual community.

I am an expression of God’s love as I practice direct, honest, and gentle communication, especially with those with whom I disagree or who have injured me. Gossip, triangulation, and the forming of coalitions are never options I choose.

I am an expression of God’s love as I accept others as they are and defend their right to be and think differently than I.

I am an expression of God’s love as I respond to disagreements and misunderstanding with patience, humility, and by doing all I can to listen to, understand, and respect the one with whom I disagree.

I am an expression of God’s love as I use my speech to encourage, affirm, and build others up, and, when I have injured another, to seek forgiveness and reconciliation. 

I am an expression of God’s love as I seek to understand and respect the decisions of those in authority in my spiritual community and to cooperate with them in the building up of the Body of Christ. 

I am an expression of God’s love as I demonstrate openness, flexibility, and a willingness to adapt to the challenges and changes that I face.

I am an expression of God’s love as I practice gratitude, faith, hope and love in all circumstances, at all times. 

I share this with you for your thoughts. I would be very drawn to a church like this one. And I am so impressed that it is front and center in their literature. While I am in agreement with all of it, I am not the solo voice for our community. Would you be comfortable with something like this expressing who we are? 

Thank you for your continued love and commitment to our little church! We are blessed!

Joy, joy, joy,

Pastor Gae ✝️
Previously Announced Reminders:
Newsletter Help Needed!
This weekly e-newsletter plays an important role in keeping folks informed and connected, especially during these times. It was launched in January 2019, with the Wright family stepping up to publish it each week. In June, with the re-opening of the Thrift Shop, Susan Wright decided to focus on that ministry, and Sybil Nishioka temporarily took over responsibility. She will continue to do so through August, but is seeking to train someone to take it over on a more permanent basis. The Constant Contact platform we use is very user-friendly and easy to learn. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Gae, and she will put you in touch with Sybil for training.
Join the Remembering Reception Team
Currently Melody is gathering photos and any information about priests who served, events, challenges, and accomplishments.  Even if you can’t join the Team, can you take a bit of time and send her a note about when you came into the church and what you remember.  Maybe it’s just something little like, “There was a big storm that year” or “There were a lot of baptisms” or “We had big dance”. Anything you can remember is helpful. And we’d love pictures. Send them over and we’ll scan them and send them back!  Here’s how to connect with Melody: mellomack@gmail.com
~Marcos E. Carver, 1917 – 1925 Founder and Priest-in-Charge of missions on the Island of Kauaʻi
~Henry A. Willey, 1924 – 1945
~Harold Wilmot-Smith, 1945 – 1948
~Paul R. Savanack, 1949 – 1950
~Norman R. Alter, 1950 – 1952
~E. Lani Hanchett Layman-in-Charge, 1951 – 1952, Deacon at CMEC in 1952, ordained Priest in 1953, later became the 1st Hawaiian Bishop, and 1st Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi
~Keith Kreitner, 1952 – 1953
~Samuel N. McCain, Jr., 1953 – 1958
~Thomas D. Hughes, 1958 – 1960
~Charles T. Crane, 1960 – 1962
~Thomas K. Yoshida, 1962 – 1966
~Charles G. Hopkins, Jr., 1966 – 1969
~Elsberry W. Reynolds, 1969 – 1970
~George T. Eppley, 1972 – 1973
~Richard S. O. Chang, 1973 – 1979 later became the 4th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi
~Robert E. Walden, 1979 – 1981
~Jan C. Rudinoff, 1982 – 1984
~James P. Eron, 1984 – 1992
~A. Donor Macneice, 1993 – 2005
~Shirley Ellingboe, 2009 – 2010
~Roberta R. Taylor, 2011 – 2016
Every little cell in my body is healthy!
Marcie Sweet shared a tune she sings with her grandchildren as they are washing their hands. “Every little cell in my body is healthy, every little cell in my body is well.” Here’s the tune:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JOTK-6Jb0M
Catchy! What if not just little kids were singing it but us big kids as well? Energy flows where attention goes, right? What if it went viral and the whole world was singing it? COVID wouldn’t stand a chance!
CONNECT - A Note to Our Zoom Family
One blessing that has come out of the virus is the connection we have on Zoom. We now have two Zoom Bible studies and a Zoom Centering Prayer service. Since we are unable to have singing in the sanctuary, we chose to go back to Zoom for our 9:30 service. It will be a service of Morning Prayer with Chanterelle leading the music. The 8:00 service will continue to be a service of Holy Eucharist, but without music. For Sunday Zoom worship attendees:

  1. Please try to connect at least 10 minutes before the service or the meeting to make sure everything is working correctly.  
  2. If possible, keep your video on so it feels more like being together in church.  
  3. Have your audio always on mute unless advised by the facilitator.
  4. Be present. Try not to multi-task. Having your water or coffee nearby is fine but since your video is on, probably best not to be moving around.
  5. Try your best not to leave early. If your computer drops you out, come back on but make sure your video is on and your audio is muted.  
  6. If anyone would like to share any thoughts about the message or the Scripture readings, let’s get a discussion going following the service.  

Vicarage Project
Some of you have asked about the VICARAGE PROJECT. We want to reassure you that we haven’t given up the ghost. The virus slowed our momentum for the past couple of months but we are back on track.

Having a vicarage for a priest is essential for the future of our little church. When Pastor Gae arrived, full-time rental housing was very scarce on our side of the island. We didn’t know if she was going to have to live in Kapa’a or Lihue and commute. In the time that she has been here she has already had to move once.

We are currently looking at some architectural drawings. Stay tuned!
Ongoing Activities:
Our Thrift Shop is Open!
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Saturday 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

For a safe shopping experience, we can only allow 5 shoppers in the store at any time. All must wear masks and use hand sanitizer.

See our newly renovated Thrift Shop! Click here

Online Study:
Monday 10:00 am-11:15 am:
Spiritual Lessons from the Book of Genesis

Wednesday 2:00 pm-3:15 pm:
NEW!!! Letters of John

Email Pastor Gae if you are interested in attending at christmemorialkilauea@gmail.com
Connect via Zoom for both study sessions:

THANK YOU! Joy! Joy! Joy!
Carolyn, Noe, Mikala, Marilyn, Josie, Matt, Elaine, Mark, Marcie, and Pastor Gae just finished studying the gospel of John. The study began in January in the church office and when the virus required going on ZOOM, our mainlanders were able to join. (There is always blessing to be found!). The group decided to continue to study with the Letters of John, beginning on Wednesday, August 19.  Want to join? Email Pastor Gae.
Online Centering Prayer & Scripture Reflection
Tuesdays, 9:00 - 9:45 am (HST)
Join Zoom Meeting

Centering Prayer is every Tuesday morning on Zoom, 9:00 - 9:45 am. We begin with a Scripture reading for the day followed by 12 minutes of meditation. Then a reflection is read and anyone who would like to share an insight is invited to do so. We finish with prayer time for those in need of healing.
Labyrinth Walk - A Sacred Journey of Prayer
Walking the labyrinth is a sacred journey of prayer. Unlike a maze, the labyrinth has a single winding path that leads to and from the center with no obstacles or dead-ends. As you walk, there may be times when you’ll want to stop, rest, and listen. Journey at your own pace.

While there is no set way to walk the labyrinth, some people find it helpful to picture the journey in three stages: the trip inward, the time at the center, and the trip outward. Just as pilgrims deliberately leave behind the cares of the world to travel freely and lightly, so God invites us to let go of the things that clutter our lives. As you begin the journey, notice what distracts and hinders you. Notice what competes for your affection and attachment to Jesus. The journey to the center is an opportunity to release burdens, identify fears, and confess sins.

The center of the labyrinth is a resting place where you are held in God’s loving embrace. Linger as long as you wish, receiving whatever gifts of scripture, insight, presence, peace, or revelation God gives. Simply enjoy being with God.

Then, whenever you are ready, begin the outward journey. Allow the Spirit to strengthen and empower you are you take God’s presence and gifts out into the world. (From Sharon Garlough Brown’s Sensible Shoes)
Meets in the Parish Hall:
Monday 6:15 - 7:15 pm & 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Tuesday 10:00 am & 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Go to www.kauaiaa.org for more info.
Our giving is important, especially now.

Although we aren’t gathering in the sanctuary for worship, our church bills are still the same. We’ve had questions from our Sunday worshippers and now our Zoom worshippers about how to give. Your continued gifts really matter, especially in this time of uncertainty.  
If you like to give by check, please send to:
Christ Memorial Episcopal Church,
P.O. Box 293, Kilauea, HI 96754

Or consider changing to Automated Giving. It makes life easy. Just click on the button below to make a one-time or recurring donation. 

Thank you for your love and care for our Christ Memorial community!

Stay Informed...
Keep up-to-date with messages from the Bishop. Click on the buttons below to view the Bishop's weekly Monday & Wednesday messages, and find links to online worship in the Diocese.

Newsletter Mission: Our weekly newsletter was launched to inform our island community, as well as connect with our broader community of old and new friends, near and far. Whether you live on Kaua'i, visit seasonally or joined Christ Memorial for the first time during vacation, we welcome you into our global family. We endeavor to include inspiration, new ideas, practical advice and updates on news and events of Christ Memorial. Let us know how we can serve you best in 2020 by replying to this newsletter or emailing us at ChristMemorialKilauea@gmail.com

Have you met Pastor Gae? Pastor Gae wants to get to know you all – phone chats, home visits, morning coffees, afternoon teas or walks on the beach. Near or far, reach out to meet or share your thoughts at gdchalker@gmail.com or (623) 208-9436.
Christ Memorial Episcopal Church
2509 Kolo Road, Kilauea, HI 96754
Mailing: PO Box 293, Kilauea, HI 96754
Phone: (808) 482-4824