This is the best resource for staying in the know.
Dear GLOBE Community, 

This week, GLOBE offered four parent sessions by the leadership team to provide insight for parents to better prepare for starting school in virtual mode. The sessions were presented for Kindergarten by themselves, 1st-3rd, 4th & 5th, and Middle School. If you weren't able to stream them live, find the recordings and slides from each here.

If you need to download GLOBE's Distance Learning Manual for Parents, find it here.
GLOBE Digital Learning Details
This Fall will be real school but digitally. We will continue to teach 50% of the time in English and 50% in the target language for grades K-5. Middle School will continue to have all their subjects and their language classes. There will be 4 days of live sessions. K-5 will look a little different by grade level but they will include a combination of live whole group lessons, recorded lessons, live small group instructions, live check ins, and live interactive lessons. Every day your child will be connecting with their teachers.  

There will not be classes outside of school hours. 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We will have synchronous and asynchronous lessons, instruction, small groups on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays. *Schedules for individual classrooms will be shared at orientation. 

Remember, this is school… Your students will be expected to be in class and participating in check-ins throughout the day. Attendance will be taken. 

Our school calendar has been updated and can be found here. We are proposing for the last day of school to be May 27, 2021

*We are unsure when we will be able to have school back in the building. When we do, whether it is hybrid or all in, we want to be more than ready. We are looking for some parents who would like to be a part of GLOBE's reopening plan review team. We are looking for parents with expertise in this area of opening spaces during this pandemic. (FORM)
Parent Sessions
This week, GLOBE offered four parent sessions by the leadership team to provide insight for parents to better prepare for starting school in virtual mode. The sessions were presented for Kindergarten by themselves, 1st-3rd, 4th & 5th, and Middle School. If you weren't able to stream them live, find the recordings and slides from each below (click bolded text to view video or download slides).

Device Deployment

Upper Campus
Device deployment and materials distribution will take place on Wednesday, August 12 and Thursday, August 13 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. All Upper Campus families will need to come by Upper Campus during these times to pick up school-issued Chromebooks and agendas. Teachers have set out instructional materials that students will need at home. Middle school students will pick up schedules. Those enrolled in Band and Orchestra will also need to stop by the auditorium to pick up school-rented instruments and music books. 

Please park in the main parking lot and enter the lobby between the cafeteria and the auditorium through the double red doors facing Briarcliff Road. Wherever possible, please limit to one adult/family. Students who must attend with their parents will be asked to wait outside. Supervision will be provided. Masks are required to enter the building.

Lower Campus
The device all Kindergarten and first-grade students will use for distance learning is an Apple iPad. We are offering families with Kindergarten and first-grade students the opportunity to check out a brand new, school-owned iPad (10.2”) for the duration of full distance learning. Rather than using the school-issued iPad, however, families may choose to use a personal iPad. In order to ensure compatibility with our Kindergarten and first-grade teachers' distance learning instructional model, it is not advised that Kindergarten and first-grade students use an Android tablet, a desktop computer, a laptop computer or a Chromebook for distance learning.
The device all second- and third-grade students will use for distance learning is a desktop computer (Mac or PC), laptop computer (Mac or PC), or Chromebook. Lower Campus families are welcome to provide one of those devices for their child(ren) to use. However, we are offering families with second- and third-grade students the opportunity to check out a school-owned Chromebook for the duration of full distance learning. In order to ensure compatibility with our second- and third-grade teachers' distance learning instructional model, it is not advised that second- and third-grade students use an Android tablet or Apple iPad for distance learning.

All students checking out a school-owned iPad or Chromebook for the duration of full distance learning are required to purchase insurance. Insurance is provided through School Device Coverage and can be acquired through their website: schooldevicecoverage.com/signup. Please select The GLOBE Academy as a stand-alone location; it is not listed under DeKalb County Schools. Insurance for the iPad is $33 (one-time fee). While insurance for the Chromebook is $20 (also a one-time fee). Both will cover ALL damage, wear and tear, etc. Click on this link to purchase online, or click here to print the form and mail a check or money order directly to School Device Coverage. You do not need to provide the unit serial number for the iPad or Chromebook. To check out a Chromebook or iPad, insurance must have been purchased on or before Tuesday, August 11, 2020. If you missed this deadline, but still need a device, please email Ms. Blunt at cblunt@theglobeacademy.net to make alternative arrangements. 
Lower Campus device deployment will take place on Wednesday, August 12 and Thursday, August 13 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Wherever possible, please limit to one adult/family. Students who must attend with their parents will be asked to wait outside. Supervision will be provided. Masks are required to enter the building.
Orientation will be virtual this year on August 17, 2020 (see details below in the Admissions section). Look for the links for where you log in that day to meet the teachers and receive class specifics for your grade and class. You do NOT need to register for Orientation on the school website. The first day of school is August 19, 2020. Take note that this will be the only Wednesday of live sessions. Going forward, Wednesdays will be independent work for all students.  
Summer Assignments - Friendly Reminder!

This is a gentle reminder that all Upper Campus rising 5th-8th grade students were assigned Summer Assignments. Check for your respective assignments and due dates here: https://theglobeacademy.org/Summer-Assignments 

If you have any questions, please contact the respective teacher. See you soon!
In-Person Virtual Learning Assistance for Kindergarten-5th Grade

The ECP Program is offering childcare beginning August 19, 2020 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This care is intended for elementary age children whose parents must leave the home to work. The Aftercare workers will be providing a safe space using strict COVID-19 guidelines.
The GLOBE's In-Person Virtual Learning Care (IVLC) is designed to provide students a comfortable and safe environment to accomplish their virtual learning/digital assignments, grow and play in a safe space. Kindergarten thru 3rd grade will meet at Lower Campus and 4th and 5th grade will meet at Upper Campus.

Space will be extremely limited. There will only be 12 openings for each grade level. If demand for the program exceeds the classroom capacity there will be a weighted lottery to determine acceptance.

Click HERE for more information.
Upper Campus - Distance Learning Details

  • 4th & 5th grade
  • 4/5 classes will be synchronous on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. One day will be completely in English and the other day will be completely in the language. Mondays and Thursdays will be asynchronous, and will be used for office hours, small group tutoring, language practice, book clubs, and other individualized content. Students will see BOTH teachers on these days, for ½ day each. Specifics for each class will be posted in the teacher’s Google Classroom by Friday afternoon.
  • ⅘ Connections classes will be synchronous on Monday and Thursday mornings during Connections times (5th - 8:10-9:00 a.m., 4th - 9:10-10:00 a.m.).
  • Middle School:
  • Middle School classes will be synchronous on Mondays and Thursdays beginning with HR (7:30-8:10 a.m.) and continuing through the final bell at 3:10 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays will be primarily asynchronous, but teachers may also schedule synchronous classes on these days. Students will receive copies of their schedules when they pick up devices on August 12 & 13, and can also access them in Infinite Campus.

All students will be required to check in with teachers each day (M/T/Th/F) in order to be counted present for school. 

Students will not have live sessions on Wednesdays. Teachers will provide independent work, videos, or other assignments to be completed, either in preparation for the next synchronous class or as a part of a long-term project.
MAP Testing

GLOBE decided when we opened that we would use the MAP test from NWEA to monitor growth for our students over the school year and then from year to year. We have been working with MAP this summer to use their new remote testing so that we can have data as we move forward this year with our students. See below our testing window and the parent session. You will receive exact dates and times from your child's teacher as we get closer to the testing window. 

MAP testing Weeks of August 21 through September 11, 2020

*A Zoom Parent Session will be held August 25, 2020. Look for a link to this session in a future update.
Need to meet with an administrator?

Please send an email to schedule an appointment. We will be using Google to facilitate face-to-face meetings during the building closure.

A Friendly Communications Reminder
The GLOBE Academy Facebook pages provide a fantastic platform for parents to get to know one another and share information. However, please be reminded that official information regarding school events will be posted by school staff. If you need information about school activities, calendar dates, etc. please use email as your primary method for reaching out to teachers and school administrators in order to make sure all information is accurate and up-to-date. If you're not following GLOBE's official Facebook, please find us here.

Due to the Coronavirus, The GLOBE Academy campuses are closed and all events are canceled until further notice.
Visit our website for our virtual offerings

Lunch Bag Icon

What's on the Menu?
The DeKalb County School District has released details on where to pick up lunch for your children Monday, Wednesday and Friday courtesy of DCSD. Click the link below for more details.
Meal Pickups

School Nutrition Services during Virtual Learning will be available through the DeKalb County School District. Find out the details about Meal Distributions here.