March 2021
ATS Design Lab introduces strategic assessment model through iterative design
We’ve all heard about the importance of strategic planning: charting an intentional course forward based on a careful consideration of our missions, contexts, priorities, limits, and possibilities. Far less attention is given to strategic assessment—where we ask how well we are doing something, how we could do it better, or whether we should be doing the thing at all. Read more.
First ever handbook celebrates work of student personnel in graduate theological education
ATS is pleased to announce the publication of the first handbook focused on the work of student personnel in graduate theological education: Transforming Service: Reflections of Student Services Personnel in Theological Education. Read more.
Linda Giehll to retire from ATS staff after 23 years of work
Linda Giehll, leadership education coordinator, has announced her decision to retire after more than 20 years of work with ATS. Read more.
CBTE 2021 seeks speakers for upcoming conference
Northwest Seminary is pleased to announce the upcoming annual conference on competency-based theological education, CBTE 2021. As in past years, CBTE 2021 will run as a dedicated track at CBExchange 2021, a conference directed by the Competency-Based Education Network, world leaders in competency based education. Read more.
New communities added to Engage ATS
ATS is launching a new community in Engage ATS titled Strengthening the Ecology: A Conversation on Mission and Money. Building upon conversations started in the Economic Challenges Facing Future Ministers initiative, the Economic Equilibrium project, and the Educational Models and Practices in Theological Education project, this community will take an integrated approach to educational debt and other financial challenges facing theological schools by focusing on the broad financial ecology of theological education. Open to anyone interested in joining the conversation, it will launch in early April. Engaging Alums is another community that recently launched on Engage ATS. Also open for anyone to join, it is a space for those who would like to connect with others who work with alumni/ae at ATS member schools. Join the conversation!
Chaplaincy Innovation Lab to host free webinar
The Chaplaincy Innovation Lab will present Spiritual Care on the Border: Chaplaincy to Migrants and Asylum-Seekers at 2 p.m., ET on Monday, April 12. Speaker Cristina Rathbone will discuss her work on the US-Mexico border, serving migrants and asylum-seekers as they enter the United States. Find out more.
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The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) is a membership organization of graduate theological schools. ATS Programs and Services offers educational events and resources to assist member schools with best practices, development of peer networks, production of research, and exploration of data. The Commission on Accrediting of ATS accredits the schools and approves the degree programs.