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Jacco Helps Crystal Clinic Orthopedic Center
with Air Quality Control
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Jacco provided a variety of equipment for the new Crystal Clinic Orthopedic Center in Fairlawn, including TSI Room Pressure Monitors, Ebtron Airflow Monitoring Stations and Tox Alert Gas Detection Monitors. This equipment will be used to ensure the clinic remains operating efficiently and safely for all occupants.
The Ebtron Airflow Monitoring Stations are used to measure and control outside airflow to the spaces served by each air handler. This monitoring of airflow allows Crystal Clinic to run their air handlers more efficiently while also offering better control of the amount of air ventilation brought into each space. 

Jacco utilizes the GTx116 Gold Airflow Stations that provide accurate measurements of ± 3% of reading, for precise control. Jacco offers onsite measuring and spotting, free of charge, to all their customers to make sure each Ebtron Airflow Station is installed per manufacturers recommendation.

The ToxAlert Gas Detection system uses an Oxygen Depletion Sensor for Crystal Clinic’s MRI Suite. ToxAlert can either be mounted in the duct or directly in the space. There is no worry with issues regarding the MRI machine as the Oxygen Depletion Sensor is non-ferrous.
The provided TSI RPM10 Room Pressure Monitors allow for pressure control in all of Crystal Clinic’s operating rooms and pharmacy, creating a safe environment for procedures. The touch screen is user friendly and provides quick affirmation that the room is either positive or negative, depending on the application. TSI offers two different versions of room pressure monitors – pressure transducer style and through the wall style – both with the capability to monitor three rooms at a time.
ToxAlert offers a wide range of gas detection ranging from oxygen depletion, automotive applications, battery charging applications and much more. Providing these services is just one aspect of the many services Jacco delivers in support of our mission to “provide an unparalleled owning experience, no matter who holds title to the project.”

Trivia Question : What % of Reading is an Ebtron
Air Flow Measuring Station accurate to?

  • A: +/- 1%
  • B: +/- 3%
  • C: +/- 5%
  • D: +/- 6%

Prize: $50 Top Golf Gift Card
Please send your answer to your Jacco Representative to be entered into the drawing!
Congratulations to last months winner! : John Sabo
61 Milford Drive
Hudson Ohio
Phone Number: 330.463.0100