Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week between Sunday worship services with updates from the Parish House.
From the Minister 

During this 'ordinary time' after Pentecost,  the scriptures often call us to move into action with our faith. What that looks like for each of us in every season of our lives will be different.  Sometimes our faith will call us to times of prayer and reflection and meditation. Other times it will draw us outward toward action and greater purpose. 

This reminds me of the quotes on the wall of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco (where I served before coming to King's Chapel in 2004 as your Assistant Minster).  They read the familiar, from Micah Chapter 6 verses 7b-8,  "What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with thy God.",   juxtaposed with a passage from Luke 17:20, "..behold the Kingdom of God is within you." I have always felt these two scriptures point to the essential faith struggle between our inner awareness and reflection and our outer need for action and walking together toward a better world. 

I hope you are using your summer to recharge in whatever way your spirit needs, and are able to walk with King's Chapel when you can to help those in need. If you would like to come in and see me I am usually at the Parish Hall on Thursdays and Fridays and able for appointments on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays as well. You can make an appointment by calling my cell phone at 617-459-5979 or by email

Coming up there are several opportunities to walk with others to work on issues in our world. 

Sunday, July 28, 2019 * 
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
South Bay House of Corrections, 20 Bradston Street, Boston
Please join us to GIVE HOPE to the detainees imprisoned in the ICE detention center in Boston. Show them that there are people who care about them and remember them. Detainees can see us from their prison windows and know they are not forgotten. Gather at 2:00 at ICE Detention Center - South Bay Correctional Facility 20 Bradston Street, Boston. Parking is available nearby. This is a monthly vigil sponsored by the Massachusetts Community Action Network (MCAN). This month UCC Needham and Church of the Epiphany, Winchester are leading. The vigil will include readings, songs and testimonials. Large signs showing solidarity in both English and Spanish are welcome.  

Saturday, August 3, 3019
12:00- 4 pm
Louis D Brown Peace Institute 
Fourth Annual Family Cookout 
with food, music and Games
See below for more information 

Shirley Place Historic Landscape Lecture and Tour | Sunday July 28th | 2 PM

Join KC member and docent Bill Kuttner on Sunday, July 28th, for a unique opportunity to learn more about the colonial and federalist inspired landscape of Shirley Place. Master Gardener Mary Lou O'Connor will provide context for the estate's current historical interpretation, including information about the 18th and 19th century residents and neighbors involved in horticultural and agricultural pursuits during Roxbury's heyday as a gardening community.
Weather permitting guests will enjoy a guided tour of the Madam Eustis perennial gardens, the parterre and the fruit orchards. Those wishing to remain in the Carriage House during the tour will be treated to a Federal Period floral arrangement demonstration by Estela Marina Rosario.
Horticulturally inspired refreshments and raffle of a"Madam Eustis" centerpiece will conclude the program.
Ingersoll-Gardner Carriage House at the Shirley-Eustis House
15 Rockford Street (directly across from the Rockford St. side of the Shirley-Eustis House)
Roxbury, MA 02119
Parking on Shirley Street
Lecture begins at 2:00 p.m.
$8 for SEHA members, $10 for non members.
Space is limited. To reserve, please call 617-442-2275 or email  Reference Garden lecture.
A 45 minute guided tour of the Mansion will be available beforehand at 12:45 p.m. No charge for members. $5.00 for non-members.
Summer Barbecue | August 14 | 6 PM| In the Parish House Garden 

Our second Parish BBQ will be held Wednesday, August 14, and is hosted by the ARE and CAC committees. 

Main dish and beverages are provided.  Guests are asked to bring side dish, salad or dessert. RSVP to if you can attend, and let us know what you will bring. 
Save the Dates

Saturday, August 10
 1-2 PM UUUM Roxbury History Tour 10 Putnam Street. (Tours are every Saturday in August.) CAC Chair Amanda Pickett is attending the August 10 1:00 PM Tour.
1-5 PM UUUM Makanda Jazz Project
Wednesday, August 14
6 PM  All Parish BBQ at the Parish House, hosted by the Adult Religious Education and Community Action Committees
Sunday, August 18
10-11 AM Sandwich making for  common cathedral
1 PM Worship on the common with  common cathedral
Saturday, September 14
1-5 PM UUUM Makanda Jazz Project
Sunday, September 15
9 AM |Morning Light service resumes
10 AM | Church School Kickoff
Wednesday, September 18
5:30 PM | Contemplative Communion service resumes
Sunday, September 22
2 PM | Piano Concert at the Parish House to benefit UUUM
Sunday, September 29
12:30 - 2 PM | Boston Athenaeum
Special tour for King's Chapel of the King's Chapel Library Exhibition 
From The Music Program
The upcoming season's concert series has been announced. If you are on the concert series mailing list, it should show up in your mailbox soon. Brochures will also be available at the church and Parish House. But here is Sylvia Soderberg's summer letter in case it's handier for you to read it this way:

Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable    --- Leonard Bernstein
Dear Friends,
During this past Season the King's Chapel Concert Series, under the leadership of director Heinrich Christensen, presented five memorable concerts, culminating in a performance of Handel's oratorio, Esther. The concerts were well-attended, enthusiastically received, and Esther was happily reviewed by The Musical Intelligencer. The Season was bracketed by two special services: Choral Evensong in September, given as the opening service of the American Guild of Organists, and Morning Prayer in July, given for the national convention of the Association of Anglican Musicians. 
We were excited and grateful for Louise Perkins's gift of her family's beautiful Steinway piano. In celebration of the gift, two "Piano Action" soirees were given at the Parish House in the spring to benefit King's Chapel community action partners.  We would love to share the piano with our concert audience, so on September 22, the marvelous violinist Zina Schiff will join Heinrich for a program to benefit the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry.  Another wonderful piano, a Mason and Hamlin, was given by former choir member Pamela Gore. This piano will be featured in our January event, The Big Chill.  
We are pleased to present the 2019-2020 Season, and you will find details in the enclosed brochure.  Note that our regular January Concert has been replaced by a piano-oriented Soiree at our Parish House, due to plans for painting the ceiling at King's Chapel.  The organ may be decorated in scaffolding!
September 22
Piano Action Special Event : King's Chapel Parish House,  64 Beacon Street , at 2 PM 
(Please note location and early start time. Free admission, all donations will go to UUUM) 
Zina Schiff, violin and Heinrich Christensen, piano - Copland, Still, and more
October 27
Mortal Musings   
King's Chapel Choir, Jeremy Bruns, organ
Desenclos: Requiem      
Parry: Songs of Farewell, 1-3      
Schuman: Carols of Death
December 1
Advent Baroque    
King's Chapel Choir, Soloists and Orchestra
J.S.   Bach   Church  Cantatas 62 and 140, and J.D. Zelenka: Magnificat in D

January 26   
The Big Chill , Winter Soiree celebrating our new pianos    
King's Chapel Choir
This concert will be held at the King's Chapel Parish House,  64 Beacon Street
Because space/seating is limited, we recommend that you reserve tickets in advance 

February 23      
The history of the organ sonata from Scarlatti to the Bach Family to Woodman
Heinrich Christensen plays the C.B. Fisk Organ
March 29, 
G.F. Handel:  Alexander's Feast   Presented in memory of Jay R. Schochet
After the end of the "official" concert season, on April 26 the choir will offer  Evensong at Eastertide  (4:30 PM organ recital, 5 PM service, admission free)
The music is made sweeter by the presence of our friends. We look forward to seeing you at all of our concerts; please save the dates in your calendars!     
And we remind you that the King's Chapel Concert Series depends entirely upon the financial support of its guarantors and donations from its audiences.   Donors who give $250 or more   receive 2 season passes for all concerts ; any amount is much appreciated.  We are  most  grateful for the continuing generosity of our  guarantors , and we hope that as you bask in the summer weather, you will think of us and renew your commitment  to keeping the music alive.
Sincerely, and with best wishes for a pleasant and healthful summer,
Sylvia Soderberg 
For the King's Chapel Concert Committee
From the Community Action Committee
Our social justice partner, the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, is sponsoring a barbecue on Aug 3rd at the Peace Institute in Dorchester. It is an opportunity to be with those served and the staff in an informal setting. Please respond to the Peace Institute and to Carol Genovese, who will coordinate attendees if you would like to attend.
The Community Action Committee invites you to engage with the UU Urban Ministry this summer:
  • The annual Makanda jazz concerts on the Roxbury Green are 1 to 5 pm, August 10, September 14 (Saturdays). They are seeking volunteers to offer children's games and other activities. If you are interested in helping, please contact Monique Marshall-Veale at  And also, please just come and enjoy the music under the trees!
  • Take a youth-led tour from the UUUM young Boston historians! Please look up the tour dates here. Summer tours will take place in August on Saturdays. (Join CAC Chair Amanda Pickett for the 8/10 tour!.) If you have questions about the tour program, please contact
The UU Urban Ministry is one of King's Chapels three Community Action Partners. Learn more about the UU Urban Ministry at
Member Corner
Are you traveling this summer? If so, we'd love to travel with you vicariously through photos!  Please send us pictures of where you're visiting and tell us of your adventures.  

To start, here is a photo of the view from my deck after an afternoon summer storm.  Happy summer!

In This Issue
Sunday Services 
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • The Rev. Rali Weaver, Sabbatical Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership 
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director 
  • Bill Kuttner, Lay Reader
  • Dan Perry, Soloist
  • Michael Bergeron, Head Usher
  • Chris Allen, Usher in Charge
  • Amanda Pickett, Dorothy Waldron, Joan Hunt, Ushers
  • Clark Aitkins, Verger
The Readings:
  • Psalm 15
  • Genesis 18: 1-10a
  • Luke 10: 38-42
The flowers on the chancel are given in memory of Nelson Sargent Allan (1939 - 2017) and Patricia Doak Allan (1939 - 2016) from their daughter and son-in-law, Christopher and Jessica Schmidt.

At the communion rail following the service, Christopher LaRoche
will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.

After the service, please join us for punch on the bricks, hosted by Cathy Price.

Each Sunday, 10% of the plate collection will go to our Community Action strategic partners: common cathedral, the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, and the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministries, to do works of mercy, justice, and healing. All cash and checks not specially designated will be considered a plate offering.
From the Bench
Our featured composer this week is Ralph Vaughan Williams. Soloist Dan Perry has selected three of the beloved Five Mystical Songs: The Call, I Brought Me Flowers, and Love Bade Me Welcome, all with texts by George Herbert. The organ voluntaries are two of Vaughan Williams' Chorale Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes, Rhosymedre and Hyfrydol, so we shall sing those beautiful tunes as two of our hymns as well. 
Tuesday Recitals
12:15 PM,  58 Tremont St. 

July 23
Hiro Honshuku & Yuka Kido's
Love to Brasil Project
Cool jazz/ Brazilian fusion
Tuesday Morning Meditation | Tuesdays 7:30 AM| Little Chapel 

An early Tuesday Morning Meditation meets in our beautiful Little Chapel at 7:30 to 8:30 AM each Tuesday, including approximately a 20 minute meditation. We explore and experiment a bit, so if you have some ideas or are a little adventurous, this brief coming side by side with others in your church community may bring some welcome fun, joy and/or peace to your day. This is for "drop-in" participation - no long term obligations. Never meditated before?  Drop by and give it a try. Feel free to contact Gary Riccio at or Stephen Courtney at for more details.
Want to know 
what's going on at 
King's Chapel?

Click HERE  to view the King's
Chapel Schedule at our website:

Volunteer: Sign up for Hospitality

Anyone can help!
Enter your email address and select a spot to fill.  New volunteers may choose to co-host with a buddy. 
Questions? email
Chancel Flowers
We are grateful to those who provide for flowers each week, during our Morning Prayer service.  

If you would like to give flowers in honor of a loved one, please contact Anne Sexton, chair of our Chancel Committee at .  The cost for an arrangement is $85; a check can be mailed to the Parish House, indicating the date you have chosen and the inscription you would like. 

We have the following dates open for the remainder of the year:



DECEMBER 1ST, 8TH, 15, 22ND, 29TH
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.

We will not publish on Thursday July 4. We will resume publications on Thursday July 11.
Accessibility Assists

Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary was designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754.   To make our services and programs more accessible, one of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those wheelchair users to that pew.  Additionally, we have installed an accessible bathroom on our main floor. An usher can direct you to the vestry. 

A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.