Easter Week

Facebook Live Link:
Holy Week Schedule
  • Holy Wednesday: Mass at Noon (Facebook Live) Leaflet
  • Maundy Thursday: Mass at 7:30 (Zoom and Facebook Live) Leaflet
  •                 The Watch ... 8:30 pm (Facebook Live)
  • Good Friday: Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified and Veneration of the Cross at Noon (Zoom and Facebook Live) Leaflet
  • Easter Vigil: 7:30 pm. In person by reservation only. (Zoom and Facebook Live) Leaflet
  • Easter Day:  Mass at 10:30 am. In person by reservation only. (Zoom and Facebook Live) Leaflet

Special Note: There will be no Wednesday Noon Healing Service next week.
In-Person Worship
A holy and blessed Holy Week to you all.

The Easter Vigil (abbreviated) will be celebrated on Saturday at 7:30 pm and The Easter Day Mass will be celebrated on Sunday at 10:30 am. Limited in person worship is available by reservation only. Using the following link, please sign up for EITHER the Easter Vigil or the Easter Day Mass- this will allow an opportunity for more people to attend a Eucharistic Celebration for Easter in person.

Reservations are first come, first served, and reservations are required to attend in person. Both liturgies will also be live-streamed on Zoom and Facebook Live.

Please remember, there are three steps necessary to make a reservation.

1) Please read the protocol for worshippers.
2) Please read and digitally sign the Covenant for Regathering
3) Please click the Sign Up Genius link for the service you wish to attend in person and reserve a pew as instructed.

If you simply sign the Covenant, you have not reserved a pew. Likewise, if you reserve a pew without signing the Covenant, your reservation is incomplete.

If you are unable to attend Mass in person for either the Vigil or Easter Day, and you would like to receive Communion on Easter, please email me to make arrangements to receive Communion.

Peace to you all.

Father Rob+
Congratulations, Aidan Haddad!
Aidan Haddad was promoted to the rank of Eagle Scout on March 10, 2021. He completed his Eagle Scout Patio Project at St. Martin's. We would like to thank all of the parishioners that donated to his GoFundMe for his paver patio project at the church and for supporting him. Aidan is a freshman at Bridgewater-Raritan High School!
Job Opportunities
Engineer I and II - Manufacturing Industry (Job Descriptions) Contact Howard Stamato for more info.
Bridgewater-Raritan School District: teaching positions, cafeteria aides, special education assistants, and secretarial positions. We are especially in need of substitute teachers (you need 60 college credits; does not have to be in teaching). Contact Alison for more information.
Instructions for Easter Vigil
If you are attending the Easter Vigil, please bring a small flashlight or your own candle and lighter, so that you can have light to read by during the first portion of the Liturgy when we sit in darkness. Unfortunately, because of Covid 19 safety precautions, we cannot provide candles this year.

Alternatively, you may wish to sit in the darkness and listen to the prayers and readings. It could open a new sensory experience for you.

Please also remember to bring a bell to ring as we shout "Alleluia, Christ is risen".
March Madness Squares
We have a lot of chances to win still up for grabs. It's only $10.00 a square. We have NCAA March Madness Squares as a small fundraiser for St. Martin's. The final game won't be played until April 5th. Here is the link to the spreadsheet:
Prayer Concerns
and Blessings
Continued Prayers For:
  • Jacob, Jane’s grandson
  • Jane Linn and family
  • Kristin: recovery and her trip back to NJ
  • Linda Virtue
  • Diane’s father Joe
  • Lorna in Hospice
  • Elsie Francis: she is getting used to her new rehab place and would love to hear from you. Her new contact information is in the church directory.
Lenten Study: Life Transformed the Way of Lent
The next Lenten Study will be after Easter on Thursday, April 15th. We look forward to seeing you then.

Click here for the Zoom link.
Meeting ID: 886 2555 7684
Passcode: Lent
Office Volunteer
Many thanks to Jane Maloney for volunteering to work in the parish office on Monday mornings. Barbara Butler will continue to volunteer on Friday mornings. Feel free to call, text, or email Father Rob directly as needed.
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or