Provincial House, Wayne NJ
12 Helene Court
Wayne, NJ 07470
(973) 942- 2975
The late Cardinal Francis Xavier Van Thuan writes:
"When I was arrested, I had to leave immediately with empty hands.
The faithful...sent me a small bottle of wine for Mass with a label that read, 'medicine for stomach-aches.' They also sent me some hosts, which they hid in a flashlight for protection against the humidity. The pĆ³lice asked me, 'You have stomach-aches?' 'Yes' 'Here is some medicine for you.'
I will never be able to express my great joy! Every day with three drops of wine and a drop of water in the palm of my hand, I would celebrate Mass. This was my altar, and this was my cathedral! It was true medicine for soul and body, 'Medicine of immortality, remedy so as not to die but to have life always in Jesus' as St. Ignatius of Antioch says.
Each time I celebrated Mass, I had the opportunity to extend my hands and nail myself to the cross with Jesus, to drink with him the bitter chalice. Each day in reciting the words of consecration, I confirmed with all my heart and soul a new pact, an eternal pact between Jesus and me through his blood mixed with mine. Those were the most beautiful Masses of my life!"
What a difference with the latest information we hear from newspapers and media these days!
Yet, we cannot forget the many thousands of priests, religious, and consecrated people throughout the world who will never make it to the papers... because we don't make news, but we are good news!
Even though, as disciples of the Risen Lord, we are meant not to cause pain, suffering, scandal and death to anyone, something negative may happen along the way... when we allow the human element to take over while losing sight of the fact that we are meant to be the presence of the Risen and Living Lord in our world today, because for a number of people we may be the only gospel they will be able to read...
We have a long way to go... along the journey of conversion, humility, service, love, and unity... The Spirit of the Risen Lord is still present and at work in hearts that are open to grace and conversion.
~ Fr. Mark Marangone SX, US Provincial Superior
The World Needs Interfaith Cooperation |
Parliament of the World's Religions
Fr. Carl Chudy SX, Fr. Michael Davitti SX and Fr. Adolph Menendez SX will join thousands of interfaith activists from around the world in Toronto Canada November 1 - 7, 2018 working for a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.
Learn more.
Fr. Carl will participate in a panel presentation on outreach to secular society and dialogue with non-believers.
The Clash of Objectivism
and the Common Good in America
September Mission Appeals
Sept. 8/9: Sacred Heart + OL of
Pompeii, Dobbs Ferry, NY - Fr.
Mark Marangone SX
St. Anthony Padua, Belleville, NJ - Fr. Michael Davitti SX
OL Mt. Carmel, Lyndhurst, NJ - Fr. Frank Grappoli SX
Sept. 15/16: St. Nicholas, Wilkes-barre, PA - Fr. Mark
St. Faustina K., Nanticoke, PA - Fr. Michael
Our Lady of Hope, Wilkes-Barre, PA - Fr. Frank
Sept. 22/23: St. Patrick, Norristown, PA - Fr. Mark
St. Gabriel, Philadelphia, PA - Fr. Frank
Fatima Shrine, Holliston, MA
101 Summer Street
Holliston, MA 01746 (508) 429-2144
Passing on Faith When Our Kids Don't Want It!
September 15, 2018
11 a.m to 5 p.m.
Large numbers of young people are leaving the Church, many are disconnecting from any form of institutional religion, and in some cases, in belief in God. Young and older are seeking meaning, community, and inspiration in a society where religious affiliation is declining and new forms of social engagement are rising. How can we as Catholics understand more deeply what is going on, and how do we respond? How do we pass on our faith tradition to a new generation?
Register here.
Butterfly Garden in Remembrance of those who Died of Drug Overdose
A number of people who have lost loved ones to the current opioid crisis approached the shrine to create a Butterfly Garden of Remembrance
. There will be the opportunity to honor your loved one who died with a memorial brick which would have the loved one's name and be placed in the garden permanently. Learn more.
A local family raising funds for the butterfly garden in honor of lives lost to addiction.
Read more.
The September 13th of the Month Marian Devotions will be presented by Sr. Ann Fox of the Paraclete Center in South Boston. This center has a relationship with a Rwandan community of Sisters who came to Boston for studies and Sr. Ann spends six months each year teaching in Rwanda with the Sisters there. Their center is in the town, Kibeho (Rwanda), where Our Lady appeared in the late 1980's, just a few years before the genocide. She asked the seers to pray for renewal and peace.
Kibeho is the only approved Apparition of Mary in Africa. Praise Songs at 6:30 p.m., Mass at 7:00 p.m. and Candle Light Rosary at 8:00 p.m.
September Mission Appeals
September 1/2: Our Lady of Czestochowa, South Boston MA - Fr. Rocco Puopolo SX
September 8/09: St. Mary of the Immaculate/Sacred Heart/ St. Mark N. Attleboro MA - Fr. Rocco
September 22/23: Sacred Hearts Parish, Haverhill MA - Fr Carl Chudy SX (preaching on behalf of the Boston Propagation of the Faith Office, not the Xaverian Missionaries)
Xavier Knoll, Franklin WI
Xaverian Missionaries - Midwest Mission Center
4500 Xavier Drive - Franklin, WI 53132
(414) 421-0831
The Xaverians at Xavier Knoll in Franklin are busy preparing for the Annual Mission Banquet to be held on Saturday, October 20, at the Crowne Plaza Airport - Milwaukee Center. Because our event is on a Saturday for the first time, we will begin with Mass at 4:30 p.m., followed by the Silent Auction, Games, Drinks and Dinner, Grand Raffle, and Vander Heyden Award.
We are also very happy to welcome back Fr. Dharmawan Adharius SX to Franklin. Fr. Wawan is beginning a Master's program of studies. He was here 11 years ago to study English before completing his program at CTU in Chicago, and was a classmate of our Fr. Alex.
We are also pleased to welcome Fr. Edgar Ruiz SX. Fr. Edgar is here for a year to study English with a view toward his upcoming missionary work in Indonesia. The whole Franklin House is happy to have so many Xaverians in residence.
~ Linda Gonia
Mission Appeals
Sept. 1/2: St Gabriel Church, Hubertus, WI - Fr. Alex Rodriguez SX
We invite you to keep up with all the news of the Xaverian Missionaries by visiting the individual houses on the "Contact Us" pages of
Missionary Institutes Born in Italy: Pray and Reflect on the Mission ad Gentes
Our superiors, Fr. Fernando Garcia and Mario Mula joined superiors of other missionary religious orders in order to reflect on the contemporary challenges of the global mission of the Catholic Church today.
Learn more.
Many Rohingya refugees from Myanmar are still living in Bangladesh. The U.N. is calling for an investigation into Myanmar's violent crackdown last year against the Rohingya, a Muslim minority group. But Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are finally receiving aid, and despite repatriation discussions, many are reluctant to return to the people who brutalized them.
Learn more.
Scroll down from the Italian to the English on the Xaverian General Direction website and read the Archbishop of Dhaka, Cardinal Patrick D'Rozario's letter
From September 1 to October 4, Christians around the world unite to pray and act for our common home. The Season of Creation begins on 1st September with the Day of Prayer for Creation, and ends on 4th October, the feast day of St. Francis, the patron saint of ecology in many traditions.
Learn more.
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Witness the Global Outreach of the Catholic Church. Celebrate a little's girl's evangelization in the DRC and new Church building in Thailand. See the fruits of dialogue with secular culture. Enjoy the magic of Franklin's Mission Festival and learn more about the Mission Spirituality of St. Guido Conforti. Read it
St. Guido Maria Conforti, founder of the Xaverian Missionaries. Our "missionary to the world" became a saint on World Mission Sunday, October 23, 2011. Now there is a mobile friendly version of our website dedicated to him. Learn all about him
Mother Celestina Bottego, founder of the Xaverian Missionary Sisters of Mary. Read about her