Dear friends,
Our current cases rates have plateaued at high level, and we must continue to StayCOVIDSafe by wearing a mask around people not in our households, avoiding gatherings of large groups, keeping our distance, and washing our hands. We can slow the spread once again by working together.
To date in Howard County we’ve had 18, 508 cases of COVID-19 and 237 deaths. We're keeping these families in our hearts. Our latest 7-day average positivity rate is 5.1% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 19.3. We continue to monitor the staffing capacity at Howard County General Hospital and today, there are 24 COVID-19 patients in both ICU and Acute Care unit.
Testing is still critical to our fight against COVID-10, please remember to get a COVID-19 test if you are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms or think you may have been exposed. For a list of testing locations in Howard County, including our new walk-up mobile testing sites throughout the county, please visit
Howard County leads the state with percent of residents who have received their first dose. To date, 150,902 or 46.3% of Howard County residents have received their first vaccine dose out of two doses, and 32.7% are fully vaccinated. Additionally, 88% of Howard County residents 65+ have been vaccinated with at least their first dose.
All residents 16+ are now eligible to receive a vaccine. To pre-register for a vaccine at a mass-vax site in Maryland. Please visit or call 1-855-634-6829 to pre-register. Residents may also pre-register with the Howard County Health Department at or by calling 410-313-6284.
Let’s keep working together, looking out for another, and end this pandemic.
MICH Vaccine Effort Update
It was an honor to welcome Governor Larry Hogan and First Lady Yumi Hogan to Columbia to tour one of our vaccine clinics through the Mobile Integrated Community Health (MICH) team at Bridgeway Community Church. Our MICH team, Howard County Health Department, Howard County Recreation and Parks, and Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services have been so effective in setting up these local vaccine clinics to reach more of our community.
Since vaccine became available, we have quickly been getting shots in arms, and nearly 47% of our residents have received their first dose. Now with expanded eligibility and increasing supply, we must continue the hard work of ensuring that communities of color, our more vulnerable residents, neighbors with limited English proficiency, residents of all abilities, and people who have limited access to online registration can get their vaccine.
The drive-through clinic administered 200 vaccines, and another 800 doses at Bethel Korean Church on Saturday. To date, the MICH team has held seven clinics at local churches, masjids, and community centers, vaccinating a total of 1756 residents. In Howard County, 78% of residents 65 and older are fully vaccinated, including 99% of our seniors 75 and older, but our job isn’t done until we reach everyone who wants a vaccine.
Bringing Vaccine to Our Community
We’re dedicated to ensuring our residents can receive the vaccine as safely, efficiently, and equitably. Because of our partnership with the Governor and First Lady, today we were able to provide 800 vaccine dosages to members of Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church, Bridgeway Community Church, and other residents. Our Mobile Integrated Community Health team, Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services, Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services, and Howard County Health Department are working tirelessly to deliver vaccinations to our community.
Since vaccine became available, nearly 47% of our residents have received their first dose. To date, our MICH team has held seven clinics at local churches, masjids, and community centers, vaccinating a total of 1756 residents. In Howard County, 89% of residents 65 and older are fully vaccinated, including 99% of our seniors 75 and older.
Still, our job will not be finished until we reach everyone who wants a vaccine.
Vaccinating Our Youth
Currently, residents as young as 16 are approved to receive the Pfizer vaccine. Pfizer is the only vaccine, at this time, that can be administered in the United States to people under 18. State Mass Vaccination Clinics are more than likely to administer the Pfizer vaccine. I strongly urge parents and guardians to ensure our youth ages 16 and 17 get vaccinated.
We need to do everything we can to keep our families and community safe. We encourage residents age 16, 17, 18, and older to register for a vaccine TODAY by calling 1 (855) MD-GOVAX or visiting Please note, you must specify your age when creating an appointment.
Environment Town Hall
Howard County is passionate about protecting our environment and spending time outdoors. We understand that it is up to each of us to take the lead on making our world cleaner and safer for our current and future generations. We only have one planet, we all must be dedicated to do our part to save it.
Join us on April 29th at 6:00 p.m. for an important Environment Town Hall where we will discuss how we can ensure a clean and sustainable environment for all.
Keeping Howard County Drug-Free
This Saturday, April 24th, HC DrugFree is hosting their next drive-thru medication and sharps collection from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the Wilde Lake Village Center parking lot. Last year, they collected over 1,200 pounds of medication. Let's beat that amount this year, and dispose of any expired prescriptions and unneeded over-the-counter medication, along with needles, syringes, EpiPens and vaping devices.
For more information, please click here.
Unveiling Inclusive Boards
Howard County is constantly working towards creating a more inclusive community, for all. I was excited to join Howard County Recreation and Parks and Howard County Autism Society to unveil two innovative nonverbal communication boards at Blandair Regional Park’s new “Play for All” playground.
These communication boards are a welcome addition to this state-of-the-art park and will allow for more of our children of all abilities to have positive experience at our playground. Thank you to the Howard County Autism Society for this contribution, and to our Department of Recreation & Parks for working collaborating with our community to make this site truly a place for all.
The park’s Play for All playground is set to open this Spring.
HoCo Vaccine Progress
Since it has become available, our team has worked tirelessly to ensure residents receive COVID-19 vaccines quickly. In Howard County, 99% of our adults older than 75 and 89% of our adults between the ages of 65 and 74 have received a vaccine dose.
Total Residents 65+ Vaccinated
In Howard County, we are committed to ensuring our most vulnerable populations, including older adults, receive the COVID-19 vaccine as quickly, safely, and efficiently as possible. Howard County is currently leading the State with 78.2% of residents age 65 and older who are fully vaccinated, according to the Maryland Department of Health.
I’m so grateful for our team at the Howard County Health Department, Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services, Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services, and the Howard County Public School System for getting shots into arms as we receive them.
We will continue to StayCOVIDSafe by working together. To register with the State, please call 1 (855) MD-GOVAX. To register with the Howard County Health Department, please call (410) 313-6284.
Population Vaccinated by County - First Dose
According to the Maryland Department of Health, to date, 45.9% of Howard County residents have received their first dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine. This percentage includes those who may have received a first dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. the only way we can go back to normal is if we look out for one another and StayCOVIDSafe.
Mobile Testing Sites - NEW HOURS!
Our Mobile Testing sites are now open from noon through 7:00 p.m. These mobile sites are more accessible to our community, provide quick test results, and improve our ability to contain COVID-19. 15-minute rapid testing and 24-hour PCR testing is available to residents at no cost at each of these five locations:
- Long Reach Village Center
- North Laurel Community Center
- Recreation and Parks Headquarters
- The Elkridge 50+ Center
- Normandy Shopping Center
lease StayCOVIDSafe and get tested!
Ending the HCPSS Health Fund Deficit
Shortly after taking office, we were confronted with Health Fund Deficit exceeding $39 million and an adverse audit opinion. We have since worked collaboratively with the Howard County Public School System to address the Health Fund Deficit, creating a multi-year plan to reduce and ultimately eliminate the deficit by 2024.
Last spring, amid the fiscal uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, we were unsure we would still be able to meet our proposed timeline. Now, we are taking the next big step toward meeting this fiscal challenge head on, contributing an additional $10 million in my proposed FY2022 Operating Budget, and putting us on track toward eliminating this deficit once and for all.
Meet PFC Stella Dieu
We are so grateful to have an incredible team at the Howard County Police Department who are working on behalf of our entire community. An example is PFC Stella Dieu, our Asian Liaison whose primary role is to connect the county’s Asian population with the police department.
Learn more about our Community Outreach Division by calling (410) 313-2207 or emailing
NACo Calls with the White House
On bi-weekly calls with the White House, we're discussing and coordinating the quick distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine with all levels of government.
We're joined by three officials, Intergovernmental Affairs Senior Advisor Luke McGowan, COVID-19 Intergovernmental Affairs Director Eduardo Cisneros, and White House Vaccine Coordinator Dr. Bechara Choucair.
I encourage residents to send questions for the White House Vaccination Team to that I can direct to officials during these calls. Residents should put “Question for White House Vax Team” in the subject line of their emails. The next call is Thursday, April 15, at 2:00 p.m.
Maryland Vaccination Sites
While there continues to be limited vaccine allocated to County Health Departments, we encourage ALL residents 16+ to visit one of many available locations to receive their vaccines. The State has implemented several Mass Vaccine sites to administer vaccines to residents. Pre-registration is now available to residents in all phases and all residents 16+ are eligible to receive the vaccine.
How to Register:
- Visit and click on “Pre-register for a vaccination at a mass vaccination site” tab
- Answer the required questions and enter the necessary information
- Fill out the health screening
- Select your preferred mass vaccination site
- Certify your information is true by checking the final box.
For more information and to register at any mass vaccination sites or pharmacy, please visit or call 1 (855) 634-6829.
Confirming your Vaccine Registration with HCHD
Our Howard County Health Department is working to ensure every resident can receive the vaccine as soon as possible. Once you register, the Health Department will reach out to you within seven days to confirm your registration. If you have received your vaccine elsewhere, you may unsubscribe using the link in your confirmation email.
For more information, please visit or call (410) 313-6284.
Rental Relief and Utility Assistance
Our residents still have significant needs as they manage utility bills, rent payments and mortgage payments during this challenging time. Rental delinquency data from the Maryland Multi-Housing Association and the Housing Commission estimates that 1 in 4 of the 23,000 renter households in Howard County are past due on rent.
Residents can apply to one of our four nonprofit partners to receive assistance to pay past due rent and utility expenses for up to 12 months. Residents who have applied for previous assistance are also able to apply. For more information, please click here.
Mortgage Relief for Residents
We are proud to announce a new foreclosure prevention program with $1.4 million supported through pandemic assistance funding. Residents impacted by COVID and not able to pay their mortgage payments should contact the Department of Housing and Community Development to complete an application for mortgage assistance. Applications are available here.
Residents with pending or approved forbearance plans with their mortgage lender are eligible to apply for assistance. Please note, the moratorium on filing of Notices of Intent to Foreclose also ends on 3/31.
Tax Resources
Applications for the Aging in Place and Senior Tax Credits are now available! These tax credits provide financial incentives to allow residents to stay in their homes while offering more affordable aging in place.
Homeowners can use the county's Credit Eligibility Calculator to explore all available tax credits and relevant information regarding the application and screening processes. The Credit Eligibility Calculator can be found here.
Please, share this information with an older adult in your life. For more information, you can also call the Department of Finance at (410) 313-2195.
Department of Community Resources and Services
Beware Fake COVID-19 Vaccination Cards
DRCS’ Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) is WARNING residents of scammers who are selling fake COVID-19 vaccination cards online. To avoid getting the vaccine, individuals are buying these fake vaccination cards as a card may be required by the travel industry in the future as proof of vaccination in order to travel. This false and deceptive marketing practice threatens the health of others.
Additionally, remember to NEVER post pictures of your vaccination card on social media as it contains your name and date of birth. This information can be used to commit identity theft and other frauds against you. For more helpful consumer protection tips from OCP, click HERE.
Best Buy Geek Squad Phishing Email Scam
In addition to the fake COVID-19 vaccination card scam, OCP is also alerting residents to a phishing email scam making its rounds. The email appears, which appears to be from Best Buy’s Geek Squad, although it is not, is regarding an automatic membership renewal. The email asks the recipient to call if they do not want to renew; HOWEVER, calling the number sets the scam in motion, potentially allowing the scammer access to your computer and your bank account. NEVER allow access to your computer or accounts to anyone that you do not know and NEVER buy gift cards for a business to cover a debt. If you get an email from a business or organization asking about a transaction you did not initiate, contact the business directly using a phone number you find on their website, NOT the number in the email.
Veterans Employment Information Session
DCRS’ Office of Veterans and Military Families has partnered with the County’s Office of Workforce Development and the Maryland Department of Labor to host a virtual recruitment event this Thursday, April 22nd from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. While the event targets veterans, it is open to the public. There will be participating businesses from Howard County, including Ecology Services; Traffic Engineering Services; Centimark; Coffman Engineering; Keystone Quality Transport/LifeStar Response; 2nd Avenue Stores; High's; the County’s Department of Public Works; Mosaic Technologies Group; Seko Logistics and more. To register for this virtual event, click HERE.
Stay Active, Try Something New this April with OAI
Howard County older residents, if you are looking for something to keep you active and engaged, check out OAI’s monthly Virtual Offering Guides! Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, OAI has been working hard to provide older residents with various activities, from exercise and cooking classes to social engagement and lifelong learning classes, to help keep you moving, cooking and staying social while at home. To learn about the virtual offerings OAI has going on this month, check out its the April Virtual Offering Guide, available online now. for a list of this month’s offerings. For questions, contact OAI at
Office of Community Sustainability
Celebrating Earth Day
Be the difference this Earth Day (and really, all year long), by participating in one of two projects (or why not both!) that our Office of Community Sustainability encourages residents to partake in this month. The first project, planting native plants, can help provide essential habitat for bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, hummingbirds and other pollinators, helping increase the number of pollinators in our area. Pollinators are vital to our farms and ecosystems and are essential to a healthy environment and ensuring a sustainable food supply. To learn more about planting a native pollinator garden in your yard, click HERE.
Also, there is the County’s annual 20 Minute Cleanup initiative, which invites residents, businesses, families and so on, to step outside for just 20 minutes in the month of April to pick up litter around their neighborhood, place of business and so on. You’d be surprised what a difference just 20 minutes makes! To learn more about this year’s 20 Minute Cleanup event, click HERE.
If you are interested in finding out other ways you can “green” your life and be a good steward to the environment, check out our Office of Community Sustainability’s LiveGreenHoward website at or follow the Office on social media (Facebook and Twitter).
Department of Fire and Rescue Services
Ellipsis Jetpack Mobile Hotspots Verizon Recall
Please help HCDFRS share this large recall notice, Verizon has recalled 2.5 million Ellipsis Jetpack Mobile Hotspots imported by Franklin Wireless due to fire and burn hazards. The recalled Jetpacks are dark navy plastic oval devices that are about 3.5 inches wide and 2.25 inches tall and “verizon” is printed below the digital display window on the front of the device. The charger provided with the recalled Jetpacks has a sticker on the wire that states: Compatible: FWC MHS900L, Model: FWCR900TVL, DC151030. Consumers can reduce the risk of hazard by powering the unit off, unplugging it from its power source and storing it in a place away from children, on top a hard surface with adequate ventilation around the unit and away from combustibles until it can be properly returned to Verizon.
Vote Sowell for 2021 American Hero Dog
Now through May 6th, help us share our love and appreciation for HCDFRS’ accelerant detection canine Sowell, by voting for him for American Humane's 2021 American Hero Dog award. This is the highest honor in all the canine world, and we’d love to be able to recognize Sowell for a job well done. In case you need a little convincing on why Sowell deserves this awesome honor, here's a little background information on our four-legged co-worker.
In 2019, K-9 Sowell met HCDFRS Captain Craig Matthews and they bonded instantly. Since then, Sowell has been hard at work, responding to more than 70 fire scenes (including fatal fires, homicides involving fire and building and vehicle fires) a year across Maryland. With his keen sense of smell (one might say he has the nose for the job), Sowell is able to sniff out a wide variety of ignitable liquids often used to accelerate a fire. Thanks to his scent discrimination abilities, Sowell is able to quickly identify evidence within a few minutes compared to the countless hours his human fire investigator friends would spend digging through fire debris to locate evidence at a fire scene. When not working a fire scene, you can find Sowell training, making public appearances to raise awareness of fire safety deterring the crime of arson, playing ball or enjoying a good old belly rub.
Howard County Health Department
Update: Johnson & Johnson/Janssen Vaccine Distribution
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have issued a recommendation that vaccine sites immediately stop administering the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen (J&J) vaccine after six US recipients, of nearly seven million doses given nationally, developed a rare disorder involving blood clots within two weeks of vaccination. While no definite connection between the vaccine and these rare cases has been established, we are pausing administration of the J&J vaccine out of an abundance of caution. Of note, all six cases occurred in women age 18 to 48 with low levels of blood platelets, who reported symptoms six to 13 days after vaccination.
To date, the Howard County Health Department (HCHD) has administered 400 J&J vaccine doses here in Howard County. HCHD is not aware of any reports of blood clots or other serious side effects from J&J or any other vaccine that it has administered. If you received the J&J vaccine and develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain or shortness of breath within three weeks after vaccination, please contact your healthcare provider immediately as this is a treatable condition. Healthcare providers should report adverse events to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
The CDC and FDA continually monitor reports of vaccine side effects for concerning trends to ensure the public’s safety. To date, neither the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines have reported any similar or other serious side effects.
If you have questions or concerns about possible blood clotting or other side effects following any vaccine, please contact your healthcare provider. For the latest on HCHD’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts, visit
Request COVID-19 Vaccination Records
Misplaced your COVID-19 Vaccination Card? Never fear! You can easily request your vaccination records on the Maryland Department of Health’s “Maryland MyIR” website. Maryland MyIR is a free website service that allows residents to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet, Maryland's immunization information system. ImmuNet is used by healthcare providers to securely maintain vaccination records for Maryland residents of all ages.
Free COVID-19 Testing in Columbia
FREE COVID-19 testing is now available every Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at HCHD’s headquarters at 8930 Stanford Boulevard in Columbia. Testing is performed using the FDA-approved Azova saliva test kit … yes, it is far more comfortable than traditional nasal swab PCR testing, but similarly effective. Once swabbed, results are available within two to the four days.
If you or a loved one believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19, please get tested today. to book your appointment for this location, visit
Howard County Sources of Strength Community Sharing Session: What Helps Me
Howard County teens and adults, I invite you to join HCHD and Howard County Sources of Strength Peer Leaders this Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. for an intergenerational opportunity to share stories of resilience, strength, and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this Community Sharing Session, participants will have the opportunity to share the unique challenges they’ve faced over the last year. During the session, participants will also stories of strength and coping, with the aim of reducing stigma and opening a dialogue about mental health in our community.
This event is open to Howard County middle and high school students, parents, teachers and community members. Register today and join us to learn ways that you can promote connection with neighbors, family and friends.
Department of Housing and Community Development
Housing’s April MIHU Open Enrollment Period Accepting Applications
Just two weeks left to submit your application for our Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program April open enrollment period. Held quarterly throughout the year, this inclusionary zoning program provides individuals and families the opportunity to purchase quality new homes at reduced sale prices and rents to those eligible. Applications will be available online and completed applications can be submitted either online, mailed to 9820 Patuxent Woods Drive, Suite 224, Columbia, MD, 21046, or dropped off at DHCD’s Patuxent Woods Drive office by appointment only. The DEADLINE to apply is 5:00 p.m. next Friday, April 30th.
If you missed DHCD’s MIHU Homeownership informational workshop earlier this month and are interested in learning more about this program, check out DHCD’s “Open Enrollment” website for presentations from previous homeownership and rental informational workshops and frequently asked questions and answers explaining the program’s eligibility requirements and application process.
Keep in mind, if you are interested in DHCD’s MIHU rental program, prospective renters may apply directly to a participating rental community at any time during the year. For more information on the MIHU rental program, including a list of participating communities, visit DHCD’s MIHU rental website.
HoCo By Design
Our Department of Planning and Zoning’s (DPZ) HoCo By Design is compiling the survey responses and adding your input to a running comment log that has grown to nearly 3,000 comments. Your feedback will help inform the planning process as we advance to the final plan adoption stage this winter.
Next in the HoCo By Design process is the planning and analysis phase, where DPZ will test big ideas for the county's future through a series of meetings with its Planning Advisory Committee and soon-to-be-formed Strategic Advisory Groups. This important phase will conclude with a Draft Plan Workshop Series with the broader community.
If you have not had a chance to participate in DPZ’s HoCo By Design process, there will be plenty of opportunities coming up this spring, including the New Town/Columbia Design Sessions. To learn more, visit
Applications Now Being Accepted for HCPD Youth Programs
The HCPD is now accepting applications for its 2021 Youth Police Academy (YPA) and P.L.E.D.G.E Summer Leadership Camp.
Geared towards 15- to 18-year-old who are looking for a one-of-a-kind experience, YPA is a FREE, one-week day-camp that gives participants an introduction into what it’s like to be a police officer. Campers train and learn like those in the police academy while exploring career and leadership opportunities and building life skills. This year’s camp will fun from June 27th through July 2nd and applications are due by no later than May 1st. To apply, click HERE.
HCPD’s P.L.E.D.G.E (Pride, Leadership, Education, Diversity, Growth, Evaluation) Summer Leadership Camp is a FREE, one-week day-camp that helps rising 9th graders develop leadership skills prior to entering high school. Lessons and activities challenge campers’ ability to make critical decisions, focus on core beliefs and values, recognize diversity and work toward a common goal. This year’s P.L.E.D.G.E. Leadership Camp will run July 19th through July 23rd and July 26th through July 30th. To apply, click HERE; applications are due by June 1st.
Help Identify Destruction of Property/Hate-Bias Suspect from Glenwood Middle School Incident
HCPD is seeking public help to identify the suspect in the destruction of property/hate-bias incident that occurred on March 12th around 7:49 p.m. at Glenwood Middle School. The suspect spray painted over the word “Black” on the school marquee that read “Black Lives Matter at GMS.” The suspect vehicle, seen in this video, is believed to be a gray SUV. Anyone with information is asked to contact HCPD at 410-313-STOP or email
Office of Procurement and Contract Administration
Expression of Interest Issued for Ellicott City Safe and Sound North Tunnel Final Design
My team and I are seeking responses from qualified firms with experience and successful completion of a rock tunnel, as our Office of Procurement and Contract Administration issues Expression of Interest (EOI) for the final design of the Ellicott City Safe and Sound plan's North Tunnel. The extended North Tunnel is one of the most impactful projects in our Ellicott City Safe and Sound plan, keeping floodwater off the street and preserving the history of our town. Even as we deal with the challenges of a global pandemic, we continue to make progress to protect Ellicott City from flooding for generations to come.
Of note, firms will also be required to demonstrate success in construction cost estimating and scheduling. To view the EOI and/or more information, click HERE.
Department of Public Works
Repurposing Leftover Concrete to Help Grow Our Reefs
This Thursday, April 8th, our Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a virtual public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m., to discuss plans to stabilize an eroding stream bank located on Howard County open space west of Bonnie Branch Road (just opposite 4615 Bonnie Branch Road) and south of College Avenue. The informal meeting will include an overview of the design, followed by an open discussion. County staff and the project’s design consultant will be on hand to answer any questions and gather public comments. The project is expected to begin in July 2022.
To participate in the meeting by computer, go to and click “join;” the meeting number is 160 280 4509 and “Stormwater” is the password. To participate by phone, call 1-650-479-3207 (note, fees may apply) and enter the access code 160 280 4509.
Those unable to participate in the virtual meeting who would like to view the plans and/or have questions, should contact Ms. Christine Lowe with DPW’s Stormwater Management Division at 410-313-0522 or email
Department of Public Works Construction Report
Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance project(s) that have been announced.
Anderson Avenue Water Main Replacement (Capital Project W-8303) – Project to replace a water main along a portion of Anderson Avenue between Mound Street and Hanover Road. Signs will be posted and flagging operations will be in place as temporary lane shifts can be expected along Anderson Avenue, Mound Street and Hanover Road during construction hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late June.
Past Project Updates – Completed
Ellicott City
Greenway Drive Drainage (Capital Project D-1175) – Project to improve stormwater drainage along a portion of Greenway Drive. The storm drain system near 3009, 3010, 3013 and 3014 Greenway Drive was be repaired and upgraded and the eroded stream channel downstream of the storm drainpipe located between 3009 and 3013 Greenway Drive was stabilized.
New Cut Road Slope, Water and Sewer (Capital Project D-1165) – Project to construct two retaining walls and regrade to stabilize and strengthen the area between New Cut Road and the New Cut tributary.
Past Project Updates - Completion Date Change
Cedar Lane Pumping Station (Capital Project W-8328) – Project to construct a water pumping station at 10793 Hilltop Lane. Originally expected to be completed by late November 2020, weather permitting, the project is now expected to be completed by late April.
Ellicott City
Old Frederick Road Sewer Extension (Capital Project S-6699) – Project to connect 8379 and 8369 Old Frederick Road to the County’s public sewer main. Originally expected to be completed by late March, weather permitting, the project is now expected to be completed by late April.
Mount Hebron/Patapsco Park Pump Stations (Capital Project S-6600) – Project to upgrade components of the existing Mount Hebron sewer pumping station at 9260 Furrow Avenue and the Patapsco Park sewer pumping station at 2041 Eliza Dorsey Lane. Originally expected to be completed by mid-February, weather permitting, the project is now expected to be completed by late April.
Sucker Branch Stream Restoration (Capital Project D-1176) – Project to restore and stabilize approximately 1,200 linear feet of stream channel near the 3300 block of Rogers Avenue. Originally expected to be completed by late March, weather permitting, the project is now expected to be completed by late April.
Mount Airy
Beetz Road Drainage (Capital Project J4240-01) – Project to improve a stormwater infrastructure near 860 Beetz Road. Originally expected to be completed by late October 2020, weather permitting, the project is now expected to be completed by late July.
To learn about DPW projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) “Project Portal” website.
Department of Recreation and Parks
Enter Recreation & Parks’ Spring Festive Photo Contest
This spring, our Department of Recreation & Parks’ is launching its first-ever Spring Festive Photo Contest. Send the department your favorite photos of you, your family and friends and even your pets enjoying the spring sunshine at one of our parks and/or facilities. Extra consideration given for creativity and demonstrating environmental sustainability. All entries are due by April 23rd and winners will be featured on Recreation & Parks’ social media channels and will receive a gift certificate. To enter, visit
Catch Roaming Gnomes in Howard County Parks
Have you found the roaming gnome? This April, Recreation & Parks’ has launched its Roaming Gnomes scavenger hunt. Each week, residents can find clues on Recreation & Parks’ Facebook page that will guide them to one of four Roaming Gnomes. Find the gnome, scan the special QR code and submit your entry form to be entered in a weekly prize drawing. Prizes are awarded each week with a special grand prize to be awarded to the person or team who finds all four gnomes by the end of the month!
Howard’s Hunt Team Scavenger Hunt
If you enjoy Recreation & Parks’ scavenger hunts, but sure to join the department of its first-ever HCRP digital scavenger hunt April 23rd through April 25th. Gather a team of two to six adults for this fun, sustainable adventure that relies on teamwork, planning and problem-solving skills. Each team will receive instructions by 7:00 p.m. on April 23 and have until midnight the following Sunday to submit their entry. To register and for contest rules, visit
Mother’s Day Family Fun Kits
Recreation & Parks is here to help you make Mother’s Day special this year with its take-home Family Fun Kit. Fun for all ages, this kit is perfect for a fun day at home with mom, grandma or another special lady in your child’s life. Each kit includes supplies for a tea party for two, sugar cookies and decorating supplies from Goodies Sweets & Treats, a teapot planter craft and more. Kits will be available for pick up from the North Laurel, Roger Carter or the Gary J. Arthur Community Centers on May 7th between noon and 2:00 p.m. or 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. To register, visit
Office of Transportation
Proposed Bike Lanes to Centre Park Drive and Columbia 100 Parkway Public Meeting
During the current road resurfacing effort along Centre Park Drive and Columbia 100 Parkway, our Office of Transportation is proposing to implement the recommendations of the County’s Bicycle Master Plan, Bike Howard, for bike lanes on segments of these roadways. Transportation is proposing adding newly painted bike lanes on Centre Park Drive from MD 108 to Columbia 100 Parkway and along Columbia 100 Parkway from Centre Park Drive to Executive Park Drive. As part of its effort, Transportation invites the public to join them on April 21st at 7:00 p.m. for a virtual public meeting to learn more about and provide feedback regarding these proposed roadway additions. To register for the meeting, click HERE. In addition to the meeting, residents can also submit feedback to the Office of Transportation, now through May 5th,
Public Meeting Regarding Proposed Bike Lanes on Warwick Way and Birmingham Way
In addition to the proposed bike lanes along Centre Park Drive and Columbia 100 Parkway, our Office of Transportation is also proposing to implement the recommendations of BikeHoward, for bike lanes on segments of Warwick Way and Birmingham Way in Marriottsville during current road resurfacing efforts. Transportation is proposing adding newly painted bike lanes on Warwick Way from Marriottsville Road to Birmingham Way and along Birmingham Way from Warwick Way to Dorchester Way. As part of its effort, Transportation invites the public to join them next Wednesday, April 28th at 7:00 p.m. for a virtual public meeting to learn more about and provide feedback regarding these proposed roadway additions. To register for the meeting,
Bikeshare Survey
Our Office of Transportation is looking for ways to improve Howard County’s Bikeshare system and is seeking to gather public feedback through a short survey. Your feedback will help Transportation improve its system now and in the future. To learn more about Howard County Bikeshare, visit
Work in Downtown Columbia? Take This Survey
As part of the development of its Transportation Demand Management Plan for Downtown Columbia (DTC), Transportation is working with the Downtown Columbia Partnership to survey those who work in DTC to better understand their transportation needs and assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their travel patterns. To complete the survey, click HERE. Your responses will help us design new transportation options and strategies to address current needs, as well as serve commuters to Downtown Columbia into the post-COVID period.