Trade Venture to South America
The establishment of annual trade missions to emerging markets was one of the many strategies highlighted in the 2012 Northeast Wisconsin Global Strategy. Global New North, in collaboration with the Northeast Wisconsin Regional Economic Partnership (NEWREP) and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), has made arrangements for a September 2014 trade mission to the South American countries of Colombia, Chile, and Brazil. These are rapidly growing South American economies whose development needs align well with proven capabilities found among Wisconsin industry leaders. There are several informational sessions scheduled to discuss the logistics and contents of the trade mission in the coming weeks. If you are with a company that is seeking to do business in one of these countries or an economic development practitioner working with companies in the New North Region, please plan to attend one of these sessions or contact Dave Thiel or Mark Rhoda-Reis at the email addresses provided in this brochure for more information.
Manitowoc County Hazard Mitigation Plan available for review and comment
A draft of the Manitowoc County Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for public review and comment on our website. A public informational meeting to present the draft plan, maps, and materials will be held April 9, 2014, from 6:00 - 7:00 PM at the Manitowoc County Office Complex in Room 300 at 4319 Expo Drive in Manitowoc.
Please contact Angela Pierce for additional information.
Manitowoc County Farmland Preservation Plan Update
With assistance from the Commission, Manitowoc County has initiated the process to update its 2005 Farmland Preservation Plan. The plan process will involve updates to Farmland Preservation Plan mapping and include several meetings with Town representatives and various stakeholders to gather input and to answer any questions.
A kickoff meeting will occur in late April, with the planning process anticipated to be completed in December of 2014. For more information, please contact Brandon Robinson of the Commission or Manitowoc County Planning staff.
Sheboygan MPO Update
Commission staff completed preparing Chapter 2 of the Year 2045 Sheboygan Area Transportation Plan (Metropolitan Transportation Planning Process) in March. This chapter will be presented to the Sheboygan MPO Technical and Policy Advisory Committees at their joint meeting in late April. Commission staff also started preparing Chapter 5 of the Year 2045 SATP (Existing Condition of the Transportation Network) in March, beginning with the Transit Network section of Chapter 5; this chapter will take several months to prepare.
Commission staff transmitted several amendments to the Sheboygan Metropolitan Planning Area Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): Calendar Years 2013 - 2016 that were approved by the Commission at its March meeting to applicable state and Federal agencies in late March.
Commission staff prepared another major amendment to the Sheboygan Metropolitan Planning Area TIP: Calendar Years 2013 - 2016 in late March. Copies of the draft TIP major amendment were distributed for local public review, and the draft TIP major amendment was placed on the MPO webpage. The 30-day public comment period on the draft TIP amendment will run through April 25, 2014. Notices were mailed to over 180 recipients, and placed in the Sheboygan Press and other area news media, and posted to Facebook and Twitter.
For more information, please contact Jeff Agee-Aguayo.
Photo Submission Request
Algoma Lighthouse.
City of Algoma. 2013.
Help us build our photo library and feature your community. We are looking for photos taken within the counties of Brown, Door, Florence, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Oconto, or Sheboygan.
How to Submit Photos: Photos can be either digitally submitted or professionally developed pictures, not inkjet printouts. Email them to apierce@baylarkerpc.org, along with the following information: your name and e-mail address, a caption or short story about the photo, and the year the photo was taken (if known).
If you are not able to scan and email photos, feel free to mail them or drop them off at our office at 425 S Adams Street, Suite 201, Green Bay, WI 54301. For more information, please contact Angela Pierce.
By submitting your photo to Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission for any reason (to be used in on our website, our brochure, our newsletter, reports, or any other publication), you agree to all of the terms and conditions relating to photo submissions. You are responsible for understanding these rules.
EMSI Analyst County Summary Reports
Utilizing the EMSI Analyst software, the Commission has developed economic summary reports for each county in the Bay-Lake Region utilizing EMSI's first quarter of 2014 dataset. These quarterly summary reports will be developed for the remainder of the year and can be viewed on the Commission's website.
For more information regarding EMSI Analyst, please contact Brandon Robinson or Joshua Schedler at the Commission, or visit the EMSI website.
USDA Open House
Mark your Calendars! USDA Rural Development has scheduled an open house on April 23, 2014, at 6:00 PM at UW-Marinette. USDA staff invites you to participate in a regional public listening session to hear how USDA agencies and service centers coordinate program missions, and address the needs of rural communities in Northeast Wisconsin.
Share office space with us!
The Commission has 2-4 offices available for occupancy. The offices range in size from 108 sq. ft. to 143 sq. ft. Each office has a window with partial furnishings. The cost is $9.00 sf/year and includes utilities. There will be an additional monthly cost for phone and internet service, parking, and office cleaning. A conference room and small break room are included in the rental cost. If your organization is seeking temporary or long-term office space close to all the downtown amenities, please contact Richard Heath for more information. |
Available Grant Opportunities
The following is a list of upcoming grant opportunities and their due dates. Please contact the Commission if you have a project idea, or need assistance with preparing or administering a grant, or if you are interested in partnering with the Commission on a project.
Nonpoint Pollution Abatement - Targeted Runoff Management, April 15, 2014
Nonpoint Pollution Abatement - Urban Nonpoint Source and Stormwater, April 15, 2014
All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV) Trail Aids, April 15, 2014
Snowmobile Trail Aids, April 15, 2014
Every Day Capacity Building Grants, April 30, 2014
To submit information for consideration in future newsletters, send an email to apierce@baylakerpc.org. Include your name, community/organization, and contact information in the body of the message.
An Economic Development District & Metropolitan Planning Organization serving Northeast Wisconsin for over 40 years.
To submit a request for an EMSI Analyst Query, please complete and submit this form:
April 9, 2014
Manitowoc Co. Hazard Mitigation Plan Open House, Manitowoc
USDA Open House
Richard Heath
Executive Director
Jeff Agee-Aguayo
Richard Malone
Office Accounts
Angela Pierce
Natural Resources
Brandon Robinson
Community Assistance
Joshua Schedler
GIS Coordinator