Dear SML Community,
Greetings from the porch of the Kingsbury House where I am watching a July thunderstorm roll along the mainland. The gulls always seem to enjoy these distant storms as much as I do, as evidenced by their increased chatter.

Taking a moment to reflect on the past month, the first thing that comes to mind is a resounding “wow”. We have navigated a lot. I must give a HUGE shout out to the SML staff for working with such purpose and drive during a time when it is challenging to stay focused. As a team, they took an innovative approach to transform our traditional 2020 season plans into a summer of accomplishments that will enhance SML for the years to come.

The equally dedicated SML faculty did the Herculean job of transitioning their island-based agenda online for six well-attended courses that will run through August 14th. In order to bring Appledore to our students, our small team of SML staff and faculty are working diligently to deliver customized lab and field-based videos. We are operating with deep care for the health of each other, our families, and our community.

The past month has brought into focus how much passion there is for the mission of SML. We have also come to realize how much we miss welcoming students, scientists, and the public to the island. We will again, and until then, we will continue to serve education, science, and sustainability as creatively and as thoughtfully as we can. I hope you can join us for one of the upcoming events listed below!