DECEMBER 2019  Connections  
Monthly Newsletter
for UU Miami Members & Friends
Final Sunday Worship Service of the month:
November 24, 11:00 a.m.
Attending Beyond the Patriarchal Paradigm
by Reverend Tom Capo

The symbolic manifestations of a people's sex are found in the symbols of creative power, for there is a "congruence between the gender of a people's creator god(s), their orientation to the creative forces of nature, and the secular expressions of male and female power" (Women in the World's Religions edited by Arvind Sharma). How might we look at the world differently if we attended to it through a Feminist Theological view? What would change if we did? 
Religious Exploration (RE): Children & Families
The RE youth will continue exploring Mindful Eating and the UU Principle 2 Justice, Equity and Compassion with Lisa and Eduardo.

Thank you to all the youth and families that gave of their time and energy this past Saturday to help Bridge to Hope stock their food pantry and feed families in need.
The Nursery is available every Sunday. For more info on RE ,  email Barbara

For more details on  childcare , click

For more information on RE, contact our Director of Religious Exploration,

 Buddhism Class, Emerson Rm
with Rev. Tom Capo
November 24 ; 12:45-2:30 p.m.
Join us for the final session:
Exploring Buddhist Teachings
for Personal Spiritual Journey

For a quick introduction to Buddhism video, view

Childcare, contact in advance.
in our Sanctuary
Theme:   AWE
Sunday, DECEMBER 1, 11 a.m.
This lay-led service, with the Frost Music Theater Ensemble and two incredible HIV positive advocates, promises to touch our hearts as we celebrate the progress, and as we hold fast to our convictions to press for expanded access to treatment. With Mario Schauer and Luigi Ferrer, we honor WORLD AIDS DAY with soul and consciousness, poetry and story in a service designed by Chris Kirchner. A empty chair on the chancel holds space to acknowledge our friends and family we have lost but not forgotten. 
Special Weekday Service
6:00 p.m.
by Reverend Tom Capo
Many people approach this time of year with mixed feelings. With recognition that the holidays are sometimes "blue"; or filled with difficult feelings around painful life events such as the death of loved ones or other life losses and changes, we offer this service to give you a time of peace in the midst of the holidays and offer you time to honor the less joyful feelings you may be experiencing.
Sunday, DECEMBER 8, 11 a.m .
Science and Mysticism:
the Power of Awe
by Reverend Tom Capo
“Life is veiled and hidden, even as your greater self is hidden and veiled. Yet when Life speaks, all the winds become words; and when she speaks again, the smiles upon your lips and the tears in your eyes turn also into words. When she sings, the deaf hear and are held; and when she comes walking, the sightless behold her and are amazed and follow her in wonder and astonishment.” (by Kahil Gibran) The mysteries of life have called to scientist and to mystic. Both the scientist and the mystic offer us paths beyond the veil.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 11 a.m.
Children’s Pageant:
The Ghosts of Unitarian Christmas
by the Religious Exploration Council
and the children of UUCM
Solstice Service 6:30 p.m.
by Reverend Tom and Martha Capo
As the days have grown darker and colder, let us come together to embrace what there is to learn from this dark time of year. And let us look forward to the sun’s return with joy and celebration. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami invites one and all to this special earth-centered service.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22, 11 a.m.
Wonder Trumps Anxiety
by Reverend Tom Capo  
How might we approach the unknown? Does approaching the unknown make you anxious? “We cannot be filled with wonder and remain anxious at the same time. Wonder is the ability to feel amazement, admiration and curiosity about something.” (by Susan Beaumont)
Special Weekday Service
6:30 p.m.
Christmas Eve
by Reverend Tom Capo 
Join us for this candlelight Christmas Eve service to sing carols, share the ancient story of the rebirth of hope and reflect on the meanings of Christmas.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 11 a.m.
Our Sacred Fire
by Cassie Montenegro
For many of us, the coming of the New Year can bring mixed feelings: joy and regret; excitement and uncertainty; sorrow and hope. Rooted in a neo-pagan ritual of release and renewal that has modern day echoes in cultures all across the world, through our Unitarian Universalist Fire Communion we come together to honor the passing of this year so that we might open our hearts more fully for the year to come.

To view Rev. Tom's latest sermons, visit : 
Save the Date!
December 8, 2019, 3 PM
Jim Scott in Concert
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami
Longest Night - Solstice and
Midwinter Celebrations Around the World
In this time of the shortest days and long, dark nights, the human family has always turned to story and song. Jim Scott and friends bring an exciting multimedia program of music, words and pictures of many faiths and cultures.

With Jim’s own music and songs of many
ethnicities, we’ll travel the world, sing and rejoice in many ways. From ancient times,
welcoming back the sun and the rebirth of spring made for celebrations of the spirit in every society. Including Pagan gods and goddesses, heavenly signs and heralded births from Zoroaster to Jesus, deities from Inti Rami to Yemaya, heroes and saviors both fabled and true from St. Lucia to Saint Nicholas, these songs are sung and the stories retold to help us remember our
place in the human chain.
Jim Scott has made it his business to create music celebrating the earth. With a warmth and authenticity he invites all to get involved through lyrical melodies and memorable verses. Jim played with the Paul Winter Consort for years and was co-composer of their Missa Gaia/Earth Mass. His guitar skill and enchanting manner led Pete Seeger to call him, " Some kind of a magician". He's gone on to record 9 albums, and his choral music and guitar method are published by Hal Leonard Corp.
A tireless activist, Jim often lends his talents to benefit concerts for progressive causes. A life long UU, Jim’s played at over 700 UU Churches and his songs are in our hymnbooks (Gather the Spirit). He helped develop the Green Sanctuary program and created the Earth and Spirit Songbook, 110 songs of Earth by many contemporary composers.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 after Service
In lieu of our first Saturday meeting, we will be offering a Complimentary luncheon to the Congregation after Service on December 15th. 
Congregants, Friends & Family Welcome!  

TaiChi in the Memorial Garden with Cam
weekly Sundays 8:30 - 9:30 am.
thrice weekly
Gentle, Hatha, & Prana Yoga
plus brief Meditations with
our in-house Yoga Instructor, Luz 
in the Sanctuary
Luz has been a yoga instructor for 7 years and specializes in yoga for children and families.
Mon. ( 10-11 a.m.) , Wed., Sat. (10-11:30 a.m.)
Class fees:
Mondays: Drop-in $12; more than 2 classes paid in advance $10 each; Wed/Sat : Drop- in $15; more than 2 classes paid in advance $12 each
Please continue to submit your personal Joys and Concerns every Sunday, and note that they will be read to the Congregation every first and third Sunday of every month. Please be reminded to keep your Joys and Concerns personal in nature. 
UU Miami is committed to promoting a culture of inclusivity & anti-discrimination as noted in our bylaws: “The Congregation declares & affirms its special responsibility to promote the full participation of persons of any race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, ability, affectional or sexual orientation, age, language, citizenship status, economic status, or national origin in all of its activities, without requiring adherence to any particular interpretation of religion or to any particular religious belief or creed. As a Welcoming Congregation, we dedicate ourselves to intentional practices of Right Relationship- in language and in action- that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion for all.”
Submissions for both the WEEKLY UPDATE and for the ORDER OF SERVICE
are due to by noon on Monday.  
Submissions for the MONTHLY CONNECTIONS are due on the 15th of the prior month. Edits may be necessary for concision, clarity, or style.
Minister: Reverend Tom Capo: 630-917-7766
Minister's Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
If you need to speak to Reverend Tom in the evenings outside of his office hours, please contact him .

Office phone: (305) 667-3697

Administrator's Office Hours
Most Mondays: 1:00 - 8:00 p.m.; Most Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 
Most Fridays: 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m ; Most Sundays: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Sexton's Office Hours
Monday, Thursday-Saturday: 8:00 a.m. till 1:00 p.m.; Sunday: 8:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m.
Check our calendar for events

7701 SW 76th Avenue, Miami, FL 33143
UU Miami: A Spiritual Hub for Progressive
Thinkers & Doers in Greater Miami!