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Friday Morning Edition
September 14, 2018

When a hurricane is bearing down on you it is handy that the previous owners of our new house left behind a sand box.  My kids are a bit too old to enjoy it so this morning we turned that into a sand bagging pit and made 20+ bags that I could use to shore up the warehouse.  I can say that my kids did get to play in the sand box one time at least.  They were both a big help.
Vintage eBay Scout Auctions This Weekend
The roll up door on my patch warehouse is the one I was most concerned about.  I guess to be helpful in loading it's very level with parking lot.  However when the weatherman is saying we may get 10+ inches of rain over the next three days that is a liability.  The parking lot is sloped down from my space but I don't want to take any chances. After all the old motto is "Be Prepared" so I got everything up off the floor and sandbagged the doors just to be safe.

Click To See My 2018 NOAC Issues On Sale
Auctions Ending Friday & Saturday on eBay
In Charlotte we are going to get a lot of rain but it's the folks in the eastern part of the state including my old home of Lumberton, NC that I'm worried about.  They may get as much as 2 feet of rain which would be as catastrophic as the flooding from Hurricane Matthew two years ago.  We still own a house there so I'm not out of the woods either.

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Boy Scout Memorabilia Auctions on eBay
It looks like the flip side of this weather is my family will be unpacking boxes all weekend.  We have a birthday party that we still intend to make tomorrow morning but after that the weather will have us all inside.  The garage is full of moving boxes so perhaps I can lay down the law and get the kids to help.  In this case losing power might actually help my cause as their gadgets will run out of batter juice. Santeeswapper Store
Unintentionally over the years of Scouting I have ended up with over thirty water bottles.  Some were left by people at the Jamboree or NOAC when I was the last person to leave.  Others we got for various activities along the way including some from this summer at Barstow.  Now I've got them and a pair of 5 gallon coolers filled just in case we should need them in the coming days.
I've heard from several people asking if I was prepared and safe from the storm.  It looks like the Carolinas are going to have an epic rain event.  I think our new house being on a hill we are going to be ok.  Ironically our rental that we just left backs up to a creek.  I hate to say it but if we get the expected rain I really believe that house will get the basement flooded.  The same basement where until four months ago I stored all my inventory and ran my business out of.  Yes I'll count my blessings tonight.
Have a great weekend,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC


Kotso Lodge

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