November 2019 vol. 2
Brought to you by Dairy's Professional Development Organization ®
Introducing PDPW PRIME
HAVE YOU CHECKED INTO PRIME YET? The online catalog continues to grow. For the latest in resources and promotions from dairy's premier suppliers and access to their digital storefronts, PDPW Prime is your source to find a contact, learn about supplier products and services and catch up on newly announced farmer specials. Click here to check it out! 
Opportunities to learn
Dairy Insights Summit
December 5, 2019
BLOCKCHAIN, TUBERCULOSIS, WATER QUALITY AND DAIRY CHECKOFF are just a few of the topics on tap as part of the PDPW Dairy Insights Summit on Thu., Dec. 5, in Madison. This daylong collaborative event will help you connect the dots on how some of the most important topics in and out of the dairy industry may affect your business. Attendees will include innovative dairy farmers, industry and food-system professionals and policy makers. Click here for details and follow along digitally in advance of and during the event by following @dairyPDPW and using #PDPWDairyInsights on social media.
December 18, 2019
WILL THE YEARS OF FINANCIAL PAIN PRODUCE LASTING GAIN? Join Dan Basse, economist and president of Ag Resource Company, for a PDPW World Class Webinars™ session at 12 pm CT on Wed., Dec. 18, as he drills down to the bottom line on what you can expect in dairy markets in the seasons ahead. Basse will help you make sense of the complex and interrelated pieces of ag markets today and in the future. If you have a date or time conflict, a recorded version can be accessed to view the webinar at your leisure. Click here for more details and to register. 
Financial Literacy for Dairy
Winter/Spring 2019-20
FINANCIAL LITERACY TRAINING LEVELS TWO AND THREE will kick off new sessions in January (level two) and March (level three). Make plans today to attend this multi-session financial development program and give your dairy the solid financial footing successful businesses need. Upon registering attendees will complete an online placement test to determine the appropriate level for them. Sessions will be taught by dairy financial experts Gary Sipiorski, Dr. Kevin Bernhardt and Dick Wittman. Learn more and register here .
January 14-16, 2020
RENEW , REFINE AND RETHINK with dairy farmers and industry professionals during Managers Academy for Dairy Professionals™; t he three-day executive-level training will be held in Corpus Christi, Texas. Executive trainers Holly Green and Michael Hoffman will draw your attention to your patterns of thinking – the good habits and bad – to help you rewrite the thoughts that may be holding you down. Out-of-industry tours will reveal “ah-ha!” moments as leaders in the cotton and oil industries share insights you can apply to your business, including things they’ve learned the hard way.

In addition, the mayor of Corpus Christi, Joe McComb will impart exclusive insights about managing his dynamic city on the bay. Mary Ledman, global dairy strategist with Rabobank will round out the evening program with updates on market and global trends.

If you’ve neglected your professional development a little too long, this is the right program to kick off new habits that will make lifelong impacts. Register today and view the program flier here .  
Applications due January January 31, 2020
ENHANCE YOUR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT GOALS by applying for the 2020 PDPW Cornerstone Dairy Academy to be held March 17 and 18, 2020, in conjunction with the PDPW Business Conference. With three training pillars to choose from, this application-based professional development program equips dairy students, farmers and industry professionals with the tools to communicate, collaborate and lead more effectively. Learn more and complete applications here . Apply today - applications are due Jan. 31, 2020. 
CHECK OUT DAIRY ADVAN CE – Continuing education season is upon us! If you’ve been able to get out of the fields to attend a program, be sure to give yourself credit for it at . The site is easy to navigate from desktop
or mobile phone and subscriptions are free for active farmers.

Get tracking today! Learn more at .
A Thoughtful Christmas Gift
AVOID THE CROWDS AND GIVE A MEMORABLE GIFT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. The “Faithfully Feeding the Future” painting created by Larry Schultz to honor farmers and recognize PDPW’s 25 th anniversary is the perfect gift for farm families, industry professionals and the hard-to-buy-for dairy enthusiast. The painting is inspired by the generations of dairy farmers connected by a common thread of stewardship and partnership. Sustained by faith and by a sense of mission, each day is dedicated to caring for our land, our herds and our families, doing our part to feed our world.

PDPW has prints and canvases available for purchase. Call the office at 800-947-7379 or visit  our website  for details. 
For your dairy
DRY COWS FED SHORTER-LENGTH CHOPPED WHEAT STRAW had greater metabolic health and rumen stability in early lactation and saw improved intake and reduced sorting during the dry period, according to research published in the Journal of Dairy Science . Researchers studied how wheat-straw chop length in a high-straw dry-cow diet affected feeding behavior, health, and performance of Holstein dairy cows across the transition period. Forty cows were divided into two groups 45 days before calving, with one group receiving long straw chopped with a 10.16-cm screen and the other group receiving short straw chopped with a 2.54-cm screen. Click here to learn more. 
CAFFEINE MAY PROVIDE BOOST FOR CALVES, TOO . You may not be the only one on your dairy who appreciates a kick-start from caffeine. According to Sheila McGuirk, professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Veterinary Medicine, an oral dose of caffeine may provide needed intervention to calves challenged by respiratory issues or other health problems.

Scenarios where caffeine might be considered include:
·       Calves with slow development in the first few hours after birth – sluggish reflexes, delayed standing attempts, low heart rate
·       Calves that are cold, sluggish or unwilling to eat or drink after transport
·       Calves that seem to have recovered from disease challenge but still remain sluggish
·       Calves that are hypothermic – caffeine may temporarily elevate body temperature and stimulate the calf’s central nervous system.

Click here to read the full article from Dairy Herd Management
A COW’S HEALTH DURING GESTATION HAS LASTING IMPACTS on her daughter, according to research published in the Journal of Dairy Science. Researchers studied 1,811 Holstein heifers and categorized the health status of their dams as first-calf heifers, multiparous cows that did not have any clinical diseases in the previous lactation, and multiparous cows that had at least one clinical disease in the previous lactation. They found the health of the cow in her previous lactation was associated with their daughters’ morbidity, survival and performance from birth through 305 days in milk of the daughters’ first lactation. Read more here .
For your business mind
START WITH THE BIG PICTURE when tackling dairy herd problems, including feed management. According to an article from Penn State Extension, it can be easy to get lost in the minutia of managing individual nutrients or feed supplements in an attempt to solve feed intake, behavior or health problems in a herd. However, the author recommends taking a step back and looking at broader measures like dry matter intake efficiency and income over feed costs. By monitoring each on a regular basis, producers can track progress, benchmark against other operations and work with nutritionists to develop strategies to bring intake in line with production. Click here for more details and action plans. 
CHALLENGE YOURSELF TO BE MORE GRATEFUL. This week and throughout the holiday season, we are all taking time to be thankful, even during challenging times. In this article , several TED speakers have provided exercises that can help us be more thankful throughout the entire year. Some of the gratitude challenges include:
1.     Take a photo every day of something you’re grateful for.
2.     In your transactions with cashiers and others, take time to look them in the eye and really thank them.
3.     Put up gratitude “stop signs” in your daily life such as notes or alarms to remind you to take time to recognize things you appreciate.

Read the full article for more ideas on increasing gratefulness every day.
WHICH WAY DO YOU WORK BEST? We each have a productivity style that allows us to be the most efficient and productive in the workplace. The secret to success is identifying your style and being more intentional on how to schedule your days and workload. Five questions to help identify your style are:
1.     When do I work best?
2.     Do I need deadlines?
3.     What is my most productive environment?
4.     Do I need external accountability?
5.     What does success look like to me?

Read the full article here to learn more what each question means about your productivity style. 
Dairy currents
DRY BEVERAGE MIXES STRIVE TO MEET NUTRITION, SUSTAINABILITY NEEDS of today’s consumers. Powdered drink mixes have come a long way in taste, texture and nutrient profile from the early days of Tang and Ovaltine and has evolved into a value-added premium segment. The growing interest in protein-beverage mixes and more elaborate sport-drink mixes alongside less packaging and lower transportation costs are driving opportunity and innovation in this segment. Learn about the options and technology involved in developing new dry mixes in the full article .
IS YOUR CLOSET WINTER-WEATHER READY? Whether we like it or not, winter is just around the corner. Make sure you and your employees are ready with clothing that is appropriate and provides warmth and safety during cold winter temperatures. In especially cold weather, wear at least three layers of loose-fitting clothing, including an inner layer of wool, silk or synthetic; a middle layer to provide insulation even when wet; and an outer wind and rain protection layer. Keep in mind your blood needs to circulate to your extremities; tight clothing reduces blood circulation.

Here are some specific items to include in your winter closet:
·       Knit mask to cover your face and mouth
·       Hat that covers your ears
·       Insulated gloves
·       Insulated and waterproof boots

Read more winter safety tips on the OSHA website .
DATA ANALYSIS IS CHANGING HOW FOOD COMPANIES APPROACH NEW PRODUCT testing and development. Instead of relying on product testing and research to measure consumer interest in potential products and determine effectiveness of marketing campaigns, companies are turning to consumer data. Store loyalty-card data combined with market research about how and when people prepare and eat food represents only a fraction of information companies can tap into to identify trends and opportunities. Product and concept testing conducted via smartphone and video technologies enable companies to go direct to consumers instead of through formal market studies. Learn more in this article.  
Book Review
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s even more critical to take time for reflection, focus and staying connected to our families, friends and professional communities. Author G. Shawn Hunter shares examples and stories of leaders who adopted small, intentional behaviors and practiced them each day in order to be successful. Some of the 12 competencies he highlights are building confidence, fueling curiosity, inspiring others, and clarifying roles. Learn more here .
Words to live by
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." --- William Arthur Ward
PDPW Educational Calendar
December 5
Dairy Insights Summit (formerly Food & Policy Summit): Madison, Wis.

December 10
Madison, Wis

December 18

January 8, 2020
World Class Webinar - Strategies for Rising Labor Costs with Jason Karszes:

January 8 & 9, 2020: Level 2 Begins

January 14-16, 2020
Corpus Christi, Texas

February 5, 2020
World Class Webinar - What are the Top 20% Doing? with Jason Karszes:
February 12 & 13, 2020
Green Bay, Wis.

March 17-18, 2020
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.

March 18-19, 2020
Alliant Energy Center, Madison, Wis.

March 24-25, 2020: Level 3

April 4-5, 2020
Juneau, Wis.

April 14, 2020
Madison, Wis.
Thank you Vision and Mission Sponsors
Thank you to these agribusiness leaders that stand alongside our nation's dairy farmers supporting your professional development organization. Their support allows PDPW to execute best-in-class producer training and has enabled us to become the go-to resource for outreach initiatives. See the full list of generous sponsors here.