The production of our Easter service was unexpectedly cut short due to a health emergency with one of our contractors.

As we continue to finalize this momentous celebration,
we invite you to enjoy
our Chancel Choir
and Scott Bosscher in
Vaughan William's anthem "Easter"
We are hoping to welcome you back for
IN-PERSON WORSHIP beginning April 11th!
(Limited attendance will be offered with Covid protocols)
Wednesday, April 14 - 12:15pm

Mayflower Needlepoint Guild (MNG)

Meet in the Atrium from
12:15 - 2:15pm for afternoon
tea and stitching

April 14 | April 28
May 12 | May 26

 Work on the Christmas angel project,
or feel free to join us to stitch any other projects you may be working on. 

To be sure we are COVID
compliant, please RSVP to Andrea Koster
Friday, April 16 - 7:00pm
View and invite others to this FREE CONCERT at
Saturday, April 18 - Noon
Confirmation Class of 2021!
Beginning on Sunday, April 18 at 12:00pm, our 8th graders will
participate in confirmation classes (April 25, May 2, May 9, May 16).
On Pentecost Sunday, May 23, we will celebrate the confirmation
of these students during our morning worship service!
Contact Allison Houlihan for more information:
The Christian Education Team is excited to be sending Paper Flowers
to all grade school children for them to write what they would request as an 11th Commandment if God asked them.

These will then be collected and hung on the trees around the church to welcome spring.

Please return them by April 23!
Saturday, April 24 - 5:30-7:00 p.m.

Mayflower 49UP/69UP
"Party under the Portico" Event

Bring your own snacks, beverages, and folding chairs under the church portico.

Sunday, April 25 - 10:30am

The Lost Boy
Young Jesus in the Temple

The children and youth have been busy recording the
musical in the atrium. 
What fun to hear them sing
and watch them act! 

Don't miss this fun
streamed virtual event during
Sunday Worship!
Check Facebook for Updates - You must wear a mask to attend all group events -
If you, or a family member, have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, 
or you exhibit any of the symptoms associated, or have recently tested positive for COVID-19, please
refrain from attending any Mayflower event until you have been through the proper time of quarantine. 
Look to your email and Facebook for updates
We will have our last hurrah of the year on April 18th!
After navigating an extraordinary year, we are excited to bring back
a beloved Mayflower tradition recognizing our high school seniors with the
Harold Grill Award (named after the first Sunday school superintendent.)

Originally, the award was given to the senior who demonstrated leadership
in youth activities. Our hope this year is to recognize the contributions
of all our seniors as they boldly pursue their future.

With this award, we express our appreciation for their participation in church
activities, encourage them to be active church members wherever they may go,
and remind them they will always have a home here at Mayflower.
Please respond by May 1 if your senior would like to participate. 
Begin your week with
a peaceful blessing
Monday Mornings
at 7:00am
Enjoy a new music video each week, along with a devotional
which expands and deepens the meaning of the music and poetry.

View and share the virtual presentation and devotional at
How are you finding
gratitude this season?

(Share your thoughts to lift and give hope to others while we are all looking for ways to cope and engage in this trying time.)
Inspire Us!
Would you like to provide a meal
for a member of our congregation?
Mayflower is also looking for someone to coordinate a meal sign-up/schedule for those interested in providing meals.

Money donations are also encouraged to provide safely prepared meals through our catering team.
Inspire Us!
Family Fun Run at Mayflower!
Sunday, May 23rd at Noon
All the children of the church will be encouraged to participate to raise money for their favorite Mayflower Outreach ministry. Music, food, and fun will abound while the children run their laps. Come and cheer them on!

Sunday School Home Editions
During the season of Lent, the Home Edition packets will include games, crafts, and children’s bulletins that will walk them through Jesus’ journey.

Home Edition is our bi-monthly Sunday School newsletter mailed to 4yr old - 3rd-grade students.

If you are interested in receiving our Sunday School Home Edition please contact Susan Orban at or
Andrea Koster at
In case you missed it! Here are some great lessons to engage our little friends.

Given the current infection rate, we are in a phased reopening
with small groups in the Chapel, Narthex, and Sanctuary.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
During your visit, please abide by
these rules to keep everyone safe
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Wear mask for the entire visit
  • Practice social distancing
  • Sanitize hands upon entry
  • Sign-in on the register for contact tracing
CHAPEL: Enter through the north side exterior chapel door
  • Wipe down tables and chairs
NARTHEX: Enter through the front door only
SANCTUARY: Limit seating to 2 people or 1 single family per pew
  • Sit in a designated pew only (the back 10 pews are marked for seating)
  • Refrain from socializing or talking while inside the church
  • The worship experience is designed for silent prayer and meditation.
WORSHIP: The last ten rows of the sanctuary will be open for silent prayer and meditation throughout Lent each Tuesday from 12–1 pm and Friday from 10-11am. Capacity is limited to 25 worshipers.

We are hoping to have in-person worship beginning April 11th. Stay tuned to make your reservation.

The church will continue phased reopening as long as the COVID infection rate in Kent County is below a seven-day average of 10 infections per 100,000 people.
You can monitor the
infection rate here:
NOTE: On the left side of the screen:
Set the Geolocation for the US.
Set the Level at County, then scroll down to Michigan. Roll your cursor over the Michigan map to
Kent County and the infection
rate will appear.
The Mayflower Church Council and Executive Committee continues to weigh risk and seek viable means to safely allow
small groups to use the building during the pandemic.
Available in the office - just call to have it mailed to you
Please call for appointment to meet with staff.
Check Facebook for Updates - You must wear a mask to attend all group events -
If you, or a family member, have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, 
or you exhibit any of the symptoms associated, or have recently tested positive for COVID-19, please
refrain from attending any Mayflower event until you have been through the proper time of quarantine.