Fall 2020 Newsletter
President's Column
Kelli Timbrook, President
Happy fall everyone! I hope you are enjoying the change in the weather and all the natural beauty associated with this time of the year. I am gaining a whole new appreciation for the changing leaves as I watch my two year old point out every color he sees on the trees and then attempt to take all of those leaves home with him. 

NYSAR3, at its most basic level is an association of New Yorkers who work for sustainability, environmental or otherwise. We have traditionally focused on the environmental aspect, but the recently formed Diversity, Equality & Inclusion (DE&I) committee is digging into that "otherwise" category. The current unrest in the US has brought new awareness to the inequality and lack of inclusion often seen in the Sustainable Materials Management field, as well as Environmental Justice. I'd like to take this opportunity to share with you the solidarity statement developed by this new committee, in conjunction with the NYSAR Board:

In principle and in practice, NYSAR3 is committed to providing and promoting a welcoming and inclusive environment with equal opportunities for all within our R3 community.

We stand in solidarity with all in our diverse community regardless of an individual's functional diversity, age, appearance, ethnicity, gender identity, geographical location, national origin, spoken language, professional level, race, religious or political beliefs or other ideologies, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or any other legally-protected statuses.

NYSAR3 recognizes the urgent need to acknowledge how communities of color or of low socio-economic status are often affected by social and environmental injustices related to the solid waste and recycling industries. We also recognize that there are tangible ways to confront these inequities by listening, learning, and acting in ways that promote the rights, health, and well-being of all.
This statement is just the first of many steps that NYSAR3 will take to encourage and develop equality and inclusion in our association. The DE&I committee will have a growing role within NYSAR3, striving to build sustainability through understanding, kindness and a love of our planet. If you're interested in joining this group, or just want more details, keep an eye on the NYSAR3 website for the committee page or attend the DE&I session on the first day of the Annual Recycling conference.

Speaking of the Annual Recycling Conference - this year we are going virtual! NYSAR3 will host the conference November 17-19 on a virtual platform. But don't worry, we kept many the networking opportunities that you know and love (minus Ommegang!) to allow you to make those valuable contacts as a takeaway from the conference, in addition to the topic specific sessions. This year's virtual conference will consist of three days of traditional sessions with topics like EPR, Reusables during COVID and Organics Recycling Resiliency. To find more information and the full agenda, please visit the NYSAR website here.

NYSAR3 is currently accepting nominations for two vacant At-Large seats on the NYSAR Board that were previously filled by Debbie Jackson and Dan Lilkas-Rain. While we are losing Debbie to retirement, Dan is staying with the Board as the Chapter 4 Representative. So, if you or someone you know is interested in getting more involved and helping to steer the direction of NYSAR, nominations are being accepted now!

I wish all of you a safe and happy holiday season and hope to "see" you at the Annual Recycling Conference!
Join Us for NYSAR3's Annual 31st Virtual Conference!
We are excited to announce that our 31st Annual Conference will be moving forward on a virtual platform over three half-days this coming November 17-19, 2020.
NYSAR3 is pleased to offer our membership and networks the opportunity to continue expanding their knowledge and receive pertinent information with regards to our industry, through this virtual conference. We are doing our best to stay true to the spirit of the in-person conference and networking opportunities will also be provided. Learn More.
Highlights of this years agenda include: 
Plenary Sessions:
Built in Breaks | Featuring guided breathing and stretching with Melissa Young
Virtual Exhibit Hall | Connect with exhibitors by stopping by their virtual booths
Concurrent Sessions | Many topics available ranging from Building Resiliency for Organics Recycling, to Extended Producer Responsibility, Plastics Recycling and more!  
Virtual Annual Membership MeetingRecycling Leadership Awards Presentation & NY Recycles Calendar Winners
NYSAR3 At-Large Board of Directors Election
Two At-Large Board Member two-year appointments will expire on 12/31/2020. As per NYSAR3's guidelines and elections procedure, if you wish to submit a nomination, please send the name, a candidate statement (500 words or less) and professional headshot of an individual who is a member of NYSAR3 for one of these positions. 

An online election will take place to elect these two seats from November 12, 2020 at noon to November 19, 2020 at noon to fulfill the 1/1/2021 to 12/31/2023 terms.  

Please nominate by Monday, November 9, 2020 to
NYSAR3 Green School Grant Program
The Fall 2020 grant cycle is now Available! Submit a completed application with supporting documents by close of business Tuesday, November 10, 2020. Learn More.
Support Recycling Markets - Learn about the Government Recycling Demand Champion Program
Taking action to support the recycling industry is essential - especially these days.  NYSAR3 is the newest participant in the NERC-APR Government Recycling Demand Champion Program, a free program that provides simple strategies and support for buying products with post-consumer plastic recycled content. 

Learn more on a free webinar, November 5, 2pm eastern
Register Here

Webinar presenters will be:
Ali Briggs-Ungerer, Association of Plastic Recyclers, will discuss the long-standing APR Demand Champions Program that drives the use of post-consumer plastic resin in the private sector.
Lynn Rubinstein, Program Manager of the Government Recycling Demand Champion Program, will introduce this new opportunity for state, regional and local governments, schools, colleges and universities to take action to drive the value of recycling markets by buying recycled.

For more information, contact Lynn Rubinstein, Government Recycling Demand Champions program manager.
Teaching Practical Strategies for Reducing Wasted Food through Community Events
On August 5th, 2020, NEWMOA and NERC hosted a webinar titled "Teaching Practical Strategies for Reducing Wasted Food through Community Events" that featured Gary Feinland of the New York State DEC, Anne Bijur of the Vermont DEC, and Jesse Kerns of the Syracuse University Center for Sustainable Community Solutions. The three presenters shared their experiences and lessons learned with coordinating wasted food reduction educational opportunities such as conference sessions, cooking demonstrations, zero-waste dinners, and other events.

The trio discussed important event planning considerations including venue options, synergistic partnerships, mixed-funding methods, attracting audiences, informational focuses, engagement strategies, and much more. Continue reading about the event and view the webinar recording here.

Online SMM Funding Database - Updated!
Syracuse University Center for Sustainable Community Solutions
Are you in search of funding to support a sustainable materials management (SMM) project or initiative? If so, check out SU-CSCS's recently updated Online SMM Funding Database. Through this easily accessible and navigable tool, SU-CSCS has assembled federal, state, and private funding opportunities specifically for SMM projects and activities in one centralized, digital resource. Whether you are affiliated with a municipality, nonprofit organization, K-12 school, college or university, or business, the intent of this online database is to connect you with the financial assistance you need to help achieve your waste reduction, reuse, and recycling goals. Learn More.

Click here to view the database and explore current funding opportunities. 
Awareness and Gratitude for Recycling this November
Learn more about the #RecycleRight resources available to you! The month of November brings two opportunities for promotion and celebration of proper recycling practices throughout New York State - America Recycles Day and Thanksgiving.
November 15 is  America Recycles Day (ARD), a nationally recognized day, dedicated to bringing awareness to and energizing recycling across the United States. During this celebration, we are encouraged to recognize the importance and impact of recycling and to take steps towards solutions that help to address the challenges of recycling today and protect the environment. Get involved by taking the pledge and joining the celebration!

America Recycles Day is the perfect time to be extra conscious about recycling right. Check with your local program about the materials acceptable in your recycling bin to avoid contamination of the recycling stream and get involved in local ARD events. No matter if you are at home, on the go, in the office or at school, you can reduce, reuse and recycle in honor of America Recycles Day.
Later this month, as we prepare to feast for Thanksgiving, a great way to show gratitude for the resources we have is to do our best to keep waste at a minimum. A little advance planning goes a long way and you can get a head start by 
estimating the amount of food you need for the number of guests you will have. Try to avoid single-use items such as disposable utensils, plates and bowls and make sure that you have receptacles properly labeled and accessible for your guests to recycle any beverage containers with ease. 

The traditional Thanksgiving feast includes many commonly recycled items, such as aluminum cans for cranberry sauce and tin baking pans (commonly used for pies or turkeys). Find out if your local recycling program accepts these materials and make sure to recycle right with gratitude in your heart this Thanksgiving.
AF&PA Study Results: Pizza Boxes Are Recyclable
American Forest & Paper Association 
released new industry guidance that aims to clear up consumer confusion regarding the recyclability of pizza boxes, noting that grease is not an issue. AF&PA members representing 93.6 percent of the total amount of Old Corrugated Containers consumed by member companies, said they accept corrugated pizza boxes for recycling. Continue Reading.
Webinar Recording Available: Updates on the NYS Food Donation & Food Scraps Recycling Law
DEC recently held a webinar on updates to the NYS Food Donation & Food Scraps Recycling law. They were joined by NYS Pollution Prevention Institute who provided an overview of their services and the Food Waste Reduction and Diversion Reimbursement program. View the webinar recording.

Effective January 1, 2022, businesses that generate more than two tons of wasted food and food scraps per week must donate their excess edible food and recycle all remaining food scraps if they are within 25 miles of a food scraps recycler (composter, anaerobic digester, etc.). This law excludes businesses in New York City (who already has a local law in place), hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities and K-12 schools. 

Sign up to receive the latest announcements on the NYS Food Donation & Food Scraps Recycling law. Please contact with any questions.
Join the "I Compost NYC Mapping Project"
alling all New Yorkers to sign-up and add their name to the tens of thousands of people standing up for curbside composting in New York City! It has become more challenging than ever to find accessible and efficient ways to compost the items we use every day. With the help of our incredibly talented summer interns  we were able to develop our first geo mapping project, I Compost NYC! It was designed to show those in power that responsibly disposing of our waste matters to the people of New York. Continue reading and learn how to join the effort here.
Ballston Spa Compost Initiative
The Ballston Spa Compost Initiative (BSCI) is an umbrella volunteer organization providing a free community service which pairs restaurants, businesses, and not for profits that generate food scraps with local home composters, offering a management option when food waste can't be avoided. Individual composters make their own pickup arrangements with their paired food scrap providers, compost in the comfort of their own yards, and use the compost for their home gardens. Restaurants and food pantries/soup kitchens are given standard 5-gallon buckets (as many as they need, no charge) and they call or text when the buckets are full and ready for pick up and exchange with cleaned, odor-free empty buckets, or regularly scheduled pick up times are arranged. Continue Reading.
2020 South Campus Composting Program Update
Syracuse University
Syracuse University South Campus Composting Program has had to recently reform the entire program due to Covid-19. This has brought forth some exciting changes to the program and a more hands on experience for our students, while scaling back what is accepted. Continue Reading.
Clothing Reuse and Recycling during COVID-19
The pandemic has been very difficult for the used clothing collection industry. Extended closings of second-hand stores, sortation facilities, and international trade routes have caused prices to collapse in the past few months. Like every other business, Helpsy has been struggling to keep our workers safe and our customers happy. 
Despite these difficulties, there is much good news to share. Most other used clothing collectors have shut down for months, but Helpsy has been able to keep collecting continuously thanks to the ingenuity and tireless efforts of our staff. Based on the volume of used goods we have been collecting, it is clear that New Yorkers are spending a good chunk of their lockdown time cleaning out their closets. Continue Reading.
Bag Waste Reduction Law
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
The plastic bag ban, which went into effect on March 1, 2020, was not enforced per an agreement between the parties in a lawsuit. The Court issued a decision on August 20, 2020, upholding the law and most of the Part 351 regulations. 

DEC began enforcing the law and the regulations, in accordance with the Court's decision, on October 19, 2020. As of October 19, 2020, any "person required to collect tax" must not distribute any plastic carryout bags to its customers unless such bags are exempt bags as provided for in the Bag Waste Reduction Law. 

Stay Updated and Learn More here.

Upcoming Events
NYSAR3 Annual Conference (Virtual | November 17-19, 2020 | Learn More
US Composting Council - Annual Compost Conference (Virtual) | January 26 and 27, 2021 | Learn More
Sign Up for DEC Notices
Are you interested in receiving recycling and sustainability news, updates, and related events in NYS? Or maybe you're interested in receiving solid waste regulatory updates, funding opportunities, and solid waste related events? Sign up for the DEC Delivers Solid Waste and Recycling listserv.
If there is a public event or workshop related to recycling (organics, textiles, electronics, traditional recyclables, etc.) you'd like the greater community to know about, please email Kristine Ellsworth at and she can include it in upcoming DEC Delivers publications.
New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse & Recycling
518-482-7395 | |