Avondale E-Worship
Maundy Thursday
April 1, 2021
A Taizé Service
7:00 PM
Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter, is the day Christians commemorate the last supper that Jesus ate with his disciples. “Maundy” comes from the Latin “mandatum”, meaning mandate or command. In John 13:34-35, the Apostle records that at this last meal, Jesus gave his disciples the following mandate, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciple, if you have love for one another.”

On this day, Jesus the Lamb of God gave himself into the hands of those who would slay him. On this day, Jesus gathered with his disciples in the upper room. On this day, Jesus gave us this holy feast, that we who eat this bread and drink this cup may here proclaim his holy sacrifice, find forgiveness and be partakers of his abundant life.
One of Taizé's trademarks is the singing of distinctive and much-repeated prayer chants during candlelit prayer services. Taizé music highlights simple phrases, usually lines from the Psalms or other pieces of scripture, repeated or sung in canon. The repetition is designed to help with meditation and prayer. We hope you are able to participate and find this service meaningful and reflective during this time of Holy week.

Avondale's Taizé service will be in traditional formatting with moments of silence lasting five minutes or less. The chants will be printed on the screen for your participation. You may also find it helpful to locate a calm and quiet spot with dim lighting.
Drop-in for a Stations of the Cross event, held today in the Sacred Garden. Journey to the cross with Christ, using scripture readings, confessions and prayer.
The stations will be available from
10 AM - 7 PM.

Communion will be served from
12-1 PM and 6-7 PM.
Good Friday
Take a walk, Receive the bread of life and Give life!

Our Stations of the Cross event will continue on Friday from 10 AM - 7 PM. In addition, you are invited to, give the gift of life! On the day of Christ's crucifixion, Avondale will host a life giving event- a blood bank! The American Red Cross will set up a socially distanced blood donation bank from 10 AM - 2:30 PM in the FLC. Communion will be served during the time of the drive. View this link for sign-up and information! Volunteers are needed to help check-in donors. If you are interested, please contact Ann Sanders.
Holy Saturday
"The Labyrinth is a space set aside for you to reflect, pray, and worship God. The rhythm of walking empties the mind, relaxes the body and refreshes the spirit." 

Avondale's labyrinth is a sacred path. A path that holds the spiritual and prayerful steps of many in our community. Drop in this Saturday from 2 PM - 4 PM. A guide will be available to teach you more about our labyrinth and the traditional ways in which to walk it.

Come! Be a "Pilgrim," a religious traveler on a journey, spending time reflecting on Jesus' journey and your own.
Followed by our 9:30 AM Worship broadcast on YouTube, we hope you will join us for an in-person, outdoor Easter Meditation Service and flowering of the Cross in the Sacred Garden. The services are offered at 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM! An outdoor Easter Brunch will be served at 12 PM. Please bring a chair or blanket for seating. In compliance with state and county recommendations, we continue to require the use of face coverings, social distancing and limited seating. Please use this link to sign-up and find further information.

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