Start with an Under Painting, Using Goof-Proof Color Combinations.

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The universal color wheel can be a useful tool and reference guide when determining your painting concept. As every painter knows, the universal color wheel has twelve colors. Historically established are specific color combinations within this color wheel (such as complementary, triadic etc.) that have esthetically pleasing effects. 

When I first started painting, I relied on these specific twelve colors and resulting color combinations for my paintings. But now... having said all that, ten years ago I "jumped ship" and embraced a new color wheel with only ten colors. I then limited my paintings to using only four colors in combination. The results were thrilling for me! 

In this week's demo, my goal is to create an under painting - using one of my goof-proof color combinations. Red is my dominant color, covering approximately 80% of the surface. The next color - the focal point - is a beautiful blue and covers approximately 10% of the surface. The last two remaining colors are the spice colors - because they are accents, painted near the focal point and are only about 5% (each) to the painting surface. Just enough to draw your eye to the focal point!

This under painting is very abstract and now I have the choice of developing it into a finished abstract painting or a more representational painting of a landscape, floral, still life, etc.  When all four pure colors are placed on the painting surface, I can begin painting more vigorously toward my theme and intentions! 

Just another way to play with color!
Works for me!

Thanks again for watching and telling your friends! We strive for short, substantial, informative bits to help jumpstart your time in your studio. 
We appreciate your interest, questions, comments and support!

Here's a quick reminder about some upcoming workshops and dates. 
If interested, sign up now!

Featured Workshops :

Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting 
September 11-15, 2017
Utah Watercolor Society
Cache Valley Chapter, Logan, UT
Contact Laura Hawley, 
or call (435) 764-7325

Loosen Up with Aquamedia Painting
September 25-29, 2017
Vancouver Island Art Workshops
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Contact Mary, (250) 714-8080 

Artist Retreat: Playing with Polyptychs 
October 23-27, 2017
Sedona Arts Center, Sedona, AZ
Contact (888) 954-4442 or (928) 282-3809

Art of the Carolinas - Workshops & Art Materials Exhibition
November 9-12, 2017
Sponsored by Jerry's Artarama
Raleigh, North Carolina
Contact Sharon DiGiulio (800) 827-8478 ext 156

Loose, Impressionistic Sketching & Painting Workshop
International Trip to France!
April 13-24, 2018
Contact Dillman's (715) 588-3143

View Bob's Workshop Schedule, click here.

Hope you have enjoyed these short, weekly blasts! Sign up on my website and keep watching. There are lots of them! 

Click  HERE  to view BobBlast Issue 162
" Start with an Under Painting, 
Using Goof-Proof Color Combinations" video.

Love, Peace & Happiness,
Robert Burridge

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