November 27, 2019
A Reconciling in Christ synod
Colorado State Advocacy: Tips for your engagement
Through baptism, we are called to serve our neighbors and steward God’s good creation. As Lutherans, our attention turns to the policies that make a broader difference in our lives and the lives of our vulnerable neighbors. It is important that we add our voice into the process. Learn about six tips to engage your elected officials through the ministry of advocacy.
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Loveland Lutheran Thanksgiving and Fundraiser!
Fun was had by all at the Loveland Lutheran Thanksgiving worship and pie auction! They raised over $2800 for Habitat for Humanity. The pastor whose congregation raised the least was supposed to get a pie in the face, but if over $2,500 they all would get a pie!
RMS-ELCA News and Events
Rocky Mountain Synod Middle and High School Youth Gathering
Saturday, January 18 - Monday, January 20, 2020

The registration deadline has been extended to December 1 and it will remain open as long as there is space available!
YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO

Get ready for a fun and faith-filled weekend as we delve into the transforming love of God and what it means to take that love into our everyday lives.

Get more information and register  here!
Office of the Bishop Eucharist, Wednesday, December 11
Our monthly Eucharist will be held at the Lutheran Center on Wednesday, December 11 at 11:30 a.m.

All are invited to join in this 30 minute worship.
New Resources from Portico
  • ELCA Benefit Coverage in Times of Transition
  • Understanding ELCA Benefits
Meet our Missionaries!
Global Mission Update
Every year the ELCA's Young Adults in Global Missions (YAGM) program sends out dozens of young adults, ages 21-29, into a year-long journey of international service. This experience of global service invites young adults to serve as Jesus’ hands and feet in the world, as they form global friendships, provide critical support to communities in need, and reflect on how their identity connects with God’s work in the world.

For the next few months the Rocky Mountain Synod Global Mission Committee will be highlighting one of the eight current YAGM's hailing from the Rocky Mountain Synod with the hope that you as individuals and congregations will consider supporting them through prayer, communication and financial support.

This week's featured YAGM is Macy Kennedy, who is currently serving in Australia. Joe's home congregation is Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp in Ft. Collins, CO. If you would like to support Macy this year, please go here .

Over the years, Young Adults in Global Mission has proven to be one of the great pipelines for developing faith-filled leaders, both inside and outside of the church. If you would like to support or learn more about this exciting ministry, visit:
Young Adults in Global Mission - Apply Now!
Applications for the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program are now open, and you can invite young adults on this yearlong journey abroad.

If you know young adults age 21 to 29, this is the time to reach out. Encourage them to apply for YAGM by the priority deadline of Jan. 15, 2020. Talk to them personally about what this opportunity will mean for their faith, identity, career and understanding of God’s work in the world. You can also print out  this poster  to display in your congregation or ministry space.

Through YAGM, young adults will learn what it means to serve in a spirit of accompaniment as they walk alongside global church companions. They’ll become immersed in a new community and form deep relationships. And they’ll confront issues of wealth and poverty, racial privilege, gender privilege, economic disparity and globalization, all through the lens of faith.  Learn more at .

Don’t wait — spread the word now! The priority deadline is Jan. 15, 2020. Applications will be open until Feb. 15, 2020.
For Your Bulletin

Rev. Courtney Steitz
Holy Shepherd, Lakewood, CO
4:00pm, Saturday, December 7
Color of the day:  Blue
RMS Prayer Cycle


- Week of December 1 -

Ascension - Ogden, UT
Rick Brenton

Ascension St. Matthew’s - Price, UT
Jim Locke

Join us in daily prayer:
Download  ELCA Prayer Ventures  for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world. 
Sunday, December 1
First Sunday of Advent
Prayer of the Day

Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come. By your merciful protection save us from the threatening dangers of our sins, and enlighten our walk in the way of your salvation, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

In God's Hands: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches

01 - 07 December: Myanmar, Thailand - Intercessions and Prayers
Around the Synod
Join in for Bethany's Christmas Bazaar!
Sunday, December 1, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Bethany Lutheran
4500 East Hampden Avenue
Cherry Hills Village, CO ( map )

Here is a great opportunity to double your gifts, by purchasing items for loved ones on your Christmas list, and at the same time helping those around the world who made the gifts, or whom Bethany supports through the Global Mission Team.

There will be items from Dream Stream from all over the world. Also items from the Women's Development Association, which supports the Pakistan Christian Women Development Association, & Votive Candles from Zimbabwe. Rick Steves videos will be available for sale. Our Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolate table will also be there. And the Bethany Children's Music Program will have wreaths for sale.

Please come to the Fellowship Hall to get in the spirit of Christmas by getting some of your Christmas shopping done and helping God's people around the world. Visit for more information.
Alternative Gift Fair
Sunday, December 1, from 10:00 a.m. to noon
Glory of God Lutheran Church
12200 W 38th Ave.
Wheat Ridge, CO ( map )

You are invited to our Alternative Gift Fair on Sunday, December 1 from 10:00 am to noon. Products sold will include handmade crafts, clothing, greeting cards, jewelry, bags and wallets, jams, natural cosmetic products and more! The Alternative Gift Fair supports various non-profits who help those in need both locally and globally.
For more info, write to
Grace Talks - A safe place to listen, learn, and discuss
Saturday, December 3 at 7:00 p.m.
Refugees. You've heard the word in the media and in political jargon, you have seen images, but who are they? How does someone become a refugee and how do they enter into the U.S.? Join Rebecca Burris, refugee mentor and former Communications Manager of a refugee resettlement agency, for an evening of exploration into the systems of refugees, the people behind that title, and what the future holds for them.
Sing Boldly, A Beer and Carols Sing-A-Long
Monday, December 9, 6:00 p.m. at Kokopelli Beer Company
Come join the members of Advent Lutheran in Westminster for a fun evening of good food, fellowship, and singing Christmas and Advent carols with the band Tangled Blue at the Kokopelli Beer Company, 8931 North Harlan Street, Westminster, CO ( map ) .
What a great way to get out into the community, support a local business, and have some fun fellowship while proclaiming the Good News in song. The Carol singing will start at 6:00 p.m. Come out early to get a good seat and order your food and beverages.
For more info contact Aimee or
Auraria Campus Ministry Community Awareness Jazz Event
Saturday, December 14 at 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
"Razzle Dazzle Christmas" is a community awareness event for Auraria Campus Ministries . Check out this inspiring ecumenical campus ministry and their great work in supporting and developing faithful followers of Christ.

Hosted at the legendary Dazzle Jazz Club at 1512 Curtis St. ( map), and featuring the return of the Barry Sames Jazz Ensemble, we will celebrate with the students the end of semester with Christmas music, sing alongs and jazz standards. Tickets are $20 and are available on Dazzle's Website. Questions, send email to
Christ Lutheran Annual Fair Trade Artisan Market
Saturday, December 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Christ Lutheran
8997 So. Broadway
Highlands Ranch, CO ( map )

Christ Lutheran invites you to come shop with us at our annual Fair Trade Artisan Market! There will be a variety of handmade crafts, books, jewelry, carved olive wood, and other fine goods. Proceeds from the sale benefit various charities locally & globally. This is a great opportunity to shop for Christmas gifts and benefit many great causes. Questions? Email See you there!
21st Annual Living Nativity
Saturday, December 14, 2019 from 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Shepherd of the Hills
801 North Sheridan
Canon City, CO ( map )

Visiting the Living Nativity has become a tradition for many viewers from Fremont County and other areas of the State. New visitors are invited to join in the tradition to help celebrate the Christmas season. The cast, consisting of church members and other volunteers from the community, includes the Holy Family, angels, shepherds, wise men and animals participating outdoors. Many others are involved as support staff behind the scenes. Donations of non-perishable food items and cash will be accepted on behalf of Loaves & Fishes Ministries of Canon City. For more information visit
Save the Date: Carols & Cheer with Luther House
Sunday, December 15, 2019 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Join Luther House , 1805 Las Lomas Road NE, Albuqurque ( map ) for our second annual Carols & Cheer event!
We will follow Martin Luther's tradition of gathering in pubs to enjoy local beverages from Broken Trail Brewery & Distillery to share the songs of the season. A percentage of the beverage sales made will benefit the ministry and programming of Lutheran Campus Ministry.

Our musicians will again be Pauleta Hendrickson, director of music at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, and Clara Byom, director of music at St Tim's Lutheran Church. Come and celebrate Luther House with us!
Register for the event here or at
Our Life Together
Remember to support Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp on Colorado Gives Day - Tuesday, December 10 !!!
Colorado Gives Day is an annual day of giving to non-profit organizations all across Colorado. Whether you live in Colorado or not, you can donate to Rainbow Trail on December 10.  Your contributions make a huge difference to their ministry.   The gifts received on this day help RTLC to provide great staff, excellent facilities, and life-changing experiences for their campers.   Each donation helps Rainbow Trail receive additional funds as part of $1.5 million from Community First Foundation that is divided among all participating non-profit organizations.
You can even pre-schedule your  CO Gives Day gift NOW  so you won't forget to donate! Support non-profits like Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp on Colorado Gives Day! Give at !
Sky Ranch Advent Retreat
Friday, December 6 through Sunday, December 8, 2019
Are you seeking peace for your family during a whirlwind pre-Christmas season? We invite you to take advantage of this important season and grow closer to God with your family through reflection, fellowship, activities and music.

Begin this Advent Season at Sky Ranch in a time of reflection and preparation for the birth of our Savior. Activities for all ages include worship, advent-themed projects, and cozy campfires.

Gustavus Academy for Faith, Science, and Ethics
June 20 - 26, 2020
Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, Minnesota is offering an important opportunity for high school students in your congregations. Four years ago, we founded the Gustavus Academy for Faith, Science, and Ethics in order to encourage and develop youth who are passionate about addressing the world's pressing problems by bringing faith and science together. Each summer, they bring together outstanding high school students for a week-long experience in Christian community with peers, mentors, and scholars who share the belief that theological reflection and vocational discernment are enhanced by a deep engagement with science. 
High school students from across the country and Canada have joined in past summers, and we are again hoping to recruit a geographically and racially diverse group of students to our program in 2020.  Next summer's program will take place June 20 - 26, and will center on the ethics of cancer and its  treatment .

Applications will open on December 1, 2019.  Please help us recruit an outstanding group of students by spreading the word about this great opportunity to pastors, youth ministers, and other congregational leaders in your synod. We welcome nominations of students who are currently in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade:
Due to generous support from the Lilly Endowment, we are able to offer tuition and travel scholarships to any student who needs financial assistance to participate in this program. 
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Your Stewardship Toolkit for Congregations - December 2019
Here's the December 2019 "Stewardship Toolkit" brought to you by Rev. Rob Blezard, Assistant to the Bishop Lower Susquehanna Synod. It has an original newsletter article, RCL-based "stewardship snippets" for your Sunday bulletins, and links to explore the monthly theme. This month's theme is "Your perfect Christmas gift," get it here!
How will you welcome your friends and neighbors to worship this holiday season? To support your communication needs, we offer  several invitational tools  specifically for congregations.

Add your congregation’s location and service times to customizable posters, social media images, postcards and more.

These tools include:

Visit  and find links to a variety of communications support solutions. Thank you for the work you do to help engage your congregation, share the good news of Jesus Christ and welcome your community.
Employment Opportunities
New Listing
Development Volunteers ! 
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, Denver, CO
Do you have a passion for our mission and have familiarity with Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and Data Entry? Can you commit to 3-4 Hours/week with flexibility to choose Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 9AM – 3 PM? Are you detail oriented?
We need database entry volunteers who are friendly and reliable who can keep confidential information just that, confidential. Work at our Harlan St. office location and enter data into Raiser’s Edge, help with special event prep, development research, occasional donor phone calls, copying, proof-reading, prepare mailings and help with various other administrative tasks.

We offer free parking, free admission to any events worked on and we will always provide you with a safe and enjoyable working environment, including your own desk and laptop to use while here, along with a folder containing weekly assigned tasks.

Full job description here . Contact Lisa Ricci for more info at or 303-217-5859.
Choral Director
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Augustana Lutheran Church, a large ELCA Lutheran church with a thriving music program in Denver Colorado, is seeking a part-time choral director for their adult choir. The position is open January 1, 2020. The Augustana Chancel Choir, an adult volunteer choir with four professional section leaders, has an established reputation of excellence in the Denver community, singing for the majority of worship services throughout their 9 month season and presenting 3-4 concerts in collaboration with Stratus Chamber Orchestra, an in-residence orchestra, throughout the year.

Time commitment: weekly Wednesday evening rehearsals and Sunday morning worship (August/September-May/June), special worship services and festivals, 3 retreats, 3-4 concerts per season, planning, contracting musicians, some meetings. This position is considered. time at 12-15 per week. Compensation is commensurate with experience and professional salary guidelines.

Download this employment opportunity here. For more information or to apply, please e-mail a cover letter and resume by December 16 to: Dr.Cindy Lindeen-Martin, Minister of Music and Organist at
Director of Youth Ministries
Glory of God Lutheran Church - Wheat Ridge, CO
We are seeking a part- time Director of Youth Ministries who will build and implement youth programs and activities for 6-12th grade youth.

Responsibilities include:

  • Be a visible and consistent presence in the congregation and develop meaningful personal relationships with a wide circle of youth and families in the congregation.
  • Direct Youth events focusing on spiritual growth, learning, Christian fellowship and service
  • Plan, implement and promote synod and ELCA youth gathering, outdoor ministers, servant events and mission trips.
  • Develop programming and relationships with middle school and high school students and families.
  • Recruit, train, and support parents and other interested adults, gaining their support of congregation’s youth ministry program.

Please send resume and letter of interest to: Glory of God Lutheran Church, Attn: Pastor Emily Cardin, 12200 W 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Non-Rostered Listings 
Development Volunteers
LFS Rocky Mountains - Denver, co

Choral Director
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO

Director of Youth Ministries
Glory of God Lutheran Church - Wheat Ridge, CO

Director of Music (part-time)
Messiah Community Church - Denver, CO

Administrative Assistant-Communications
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO

High School Program Director
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp - Fort Collins, CO

Director of Economic Justice
Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, Denver, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
  Bishop Jim Gonia
  • Vacation Nov 25-29
  • Nativity, Commerce City, CO
  • New Mexico Conference of Churches Leadership Retreat
  • Region 2 Consultation, Sacramento, CA

Pastor Dana Peterson (Interim, 1/2 time)
  • New and Renewing Ministries
  • Westview, Boulder, CO
  • Lilly Grant Conference, Indianapolis, IN

Ruth Hoffman
  • Transition tasks

Peter Severson
  • Vacation Nov. 27-Dec. 1
  • In-office projects

Tina Kvitek
  • Vacation Nov. 25-29
  • 1-1 Meetings
Pastor Sarah Moening
  • Off/Vacation Nov. 23-Dec. 1
  • Region 2 Consultation, Sacramento, CA

Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)

Deacon Erin Power
  • Off/Vacation Nov. 26-30
  • St. Paul's, Cheyenne, WY
  • Region 2 Consultation, Sacramento, CA

Pastor Leslie Welton
  • Off/Vacation Nov. 27-30
  • Region 2 Consultation, Sacramento, CA
Quick Links
Share the News
Erin Power ,   Assistant to the Bishop
Feel free to contact Andrew Nakatan i , Communications Assistant, with your questions and comments about eConnection and our website!

Rocky Mountain Synod  
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax  303-733-0750

Submissions are due noon Monday each week's issue.
Past issues of eConnection may be found here.