November 25, 2019 E-News
The Homestead Neighborhood Association normally meets the First Tuesday of every month, 7 p m at the OHSU Child Development and Rehabilitation Center; 707 SW Gaines, Third Floor. 

Upcoming Events

Monday, November 2 Oregon Humanities Conversation Project*
7:00-8:00 pm
Multnomah Arts Center
Room 30
Wednesday, December 11 RIP-Council Briefing - No public testimony*
1;30 pm Council Chambers
1221 SW 4th
Tuesday, January 7

Homestead NA Meeting
7;00 - 9:00 pm
707 SW Gaines, 3rd floor
January 15 and 16 RIP-Public Hearings 2:00 pm  Council Chambers
There will be NO December meeting of the Homestead NA    

From the November meeting - New Development in the homestead area spurs discussion regarding parking issues.

The Homestead NA met with developers at the November meeting. Development on the SW 12th property north of Gibbs is planned for a 34-unit apartment building and will include parking for all units. However, the street grade presents difficulties in providing any on-street parking for guests. The property adjacent and to the south is beginning construction on a 72-unit building. Off-street parking will also be provided for this project.

The developers for a property at 1325 SW Gibbs had previously met with Homestead and they continue to include as much off-street parking as possible for this project, but it will not be possible to provide off-street parking for all units. At the same time, the City is not requiring street improvements to provide sidewalks but only requiring an enlarged ROW that will remove on-street parking near the development.

Homestead is not opposed to these new developments, but is struggling with overwhelming parking issues that result from sharing our neighborhood with OHSU facilities and new development. City staff attended the November Homestead meeting to review the Homestead Area Parking Permit Program (APPP -Zones C, D, and F) and discussed options for improvement.

The obvious solution is to implement a requirement for new development to provide off-street parking for all residents, but absent that, Homestead will need to find other solutions to resolve the parking issues on the hill. 

Is parking a problem in your area? Is it getting worse? 

As a result of the recent large developments in the Homestead area, many not required to provide off-street parking, it is inevitable that parking difficulties will get worse. The neighborhood association is looking to review the regulations found in the Area Permit Parking Program (APPP) to possibly ease parking issues. For example, under current regulations, a proposed 100+ room hotel with limited off-street parking might be able to obtain guest and employee business parking permits that would exceed the number of on-street parking spaces available.

The Homestead area contains three parking zones within its boundaries. Zone C is in the upper homestead area encompassing OHSU up to Fairmont. Zone D is a small zone that encompasses 6th Avenue Drive down to Terwilliger Boulevard, and Zone E is below Terwilliger down to Barbur Boulevard. Most of the parking difficulties occur in the upper homestead area in parking Zone C where on-street parking is limited.

The Homestead APPP Committee has met to discuss possible changes with the intent of improving parking availability, increasing enforcement and considering changes for future implementation that might decrease the effect of development on current resident parking. Considerations are:
  1. Limit the number of business permits issued
  2. Reduce allowed Visitor Parking time on signs to one hour in Zone C (with the intent of improving enforcement)
  3. Consider replacing guest permits with daily "scratch-off" permits
  4. Reviewing possible changes in specific zones where undeveloped commercial or densely zoned properties (with little or no off-street parking requirements) will exacerbate parking issues in the future
We want to hear from you!
  Do you have comments or other ideas?

What are your views on parking in the homestead area?

Contact us at [email protected]


Homestead Emergency Preparedness

The Homestead Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) continues to develop a system of "block" units of ~35 connected households, each with a block coordinator. You can help by including your household in the initial home interview of ~ 15 minutes with your block coordinator when they visit your home.  So far close to 100 Homestead households have completed the initial survey interview.  The results of our initial preparedness survey will guide our household and neighborhood emergency preparedness plans and activities.  It is our first step towards building a Homestead community better prepared for managing disasters and many smaller neighbor problems.  

At Terwilliger Plaza retirement complex, Lyn Maben is developing a very strong team of NET certified residents (20 to date) and a detailed 2020 program of preparedness activities. 

Interest in NET training?  Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) will hold NET certification classes in Homestead at Terwilliger Plaza on 5 successive Tuesdays from Jan 14 to Feb 11 from 12:30 to 5PM.  If you are interested in getting NET certified and becoming a Homestead NET Team member this is a great opportunity. 

Professor  Lucy Jones (Cal Tech earthquake expert)  gave a great talk at City Club on earthquake preparedness .  At the end, she mentions that Climate Change may pose an even greater and varied threat to our cities and state (e.g., fire, huge rainfall, drought, windstorms...). There are many threats in our future that will require us to become more resilient now.

City Club Friday Forum: Learning from the Big One

For more information about the Homestead NET, contact Bob Bonner, Homestead NET Team Leader,  [email protected]


City Council does NOT hear City Code T3.96 resolution, but refers it to future date (TBD) - Council welcomes comments 

On November 14, 2019, Portland City Council met to vote on a Resolution related to changes to City Code Title 3.96. This resolution was submitted by the Office of City Life. However, the resolution was NOT voted. Commissioners instead listened to public testimony and Civic Life will bring the resolution and amendments (not available at this time) to council at a later date.


Some of the pertinent action items in the resolution are:

1. A multi-bureau work group will be convened and no later than November 2020, Civic Life will coordinate and prepare a Stakeholder engagement plan that will be presented to council in a public hearing.

2. At that time, Civic Life will include recommendation for timing and additional public processes required for updating Title 3.96.

3. Civic Life will release quarterly status reports on the work group progress to be shared with the public (through online updates from Civic Life) and council.

4. Civic Life will prepare an ordinance to authorize a three-year extension for Neighborhood District Coalitions.

5. And, along with this extension, "Civic Life will submit a report for Council vote that includes the outreach plans by Civic Life to ensure continued meaningful engagement with neighborhood associations, coalitions, community and other stakeholders about how current civic engagement structures within the bureau can be updated to better serve all Portlanders.

Residential Infill Project

The first public hearing on the City's controversial proposed Residential Infill Project is scheduled for January. 15, 2020.  If adopted, the project's proposed regulations will allow multi-family development projects to be built in areas that are now zoned for single family houses.  

Written testimony to the City Commissioners will be accepted beginning at least 30 days before the hearing.  

  • December 11, 2019 - City Council briefing (no public testimony)
  • January 15, 2020 - First City Council hearing; written testimony will be open at least 30 days prior to the hearing


Oregon Humanities Conversation Project

Exploring Power & Privilege with Courage, Creativity & Compassion

Monday, December 2nd - 7:00 - 8:00 pm - Multnomah Arts Center, Room 30

As individuals and groups, we experience varying levels of privilege and power. Recognizing our relationship to institutionalized oppression can bring feelings of defensiveness, guilt, shame, rage, terror, and grief, among other emotions. 

How can we craft transformative pathways for these feelings to unfold in ways that deepen our collective healing, rather than taking away from it? What do we, as individuals and communities, need in order to heal and thrive in a beautiful and broken world? 


  Make your voice heard.........

The year ahead will be a busy one filled with discussions and important decisions that affect the Homestead area.  If you want to be part of the conversation you can become a member using the membership form found on our website. 

Homestead also contributes to the monthly "Southwest Neighborhoods SW News".  You can subscribe online at

Homestead is   a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Neighborhood Association.  Your donation funds efforts to  fulfill Homestead Neighborhood Association's mission and purpose.



Comments relating to the Homestead NA, the Homestead Enews or the website can be made at  [email protected] 

Jackie Phillips 
Vice-President, Homestead Neighborhood Association 

NOTICE: If you no longer live or own property in the Homestead neighborhood and do not want to receive these emails, please reply accordingly and we will remove your email address from our list-serve.  Thank-you. 

You're invited!                               

Neighborhood meetings are held at 7:00pm, the first Tuesday of each month during the school year at the OHSU CDRC, 3rd Floor, SW 6th and SW Gaines Street.




Your Homestead Neighborhood Association Board