Let's Get Virginia's Representatives on Board to Support 
The Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act 
VBCF is working to enact federal legislation, H.R. 6114, the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act, that would waive the 24-month waiting period for Medicare eligibility and the 5-month waiting period for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits for individuals with metastatic breast cancer. 

The median life expectancy for patients with metastatic breast cancer is just 26 months, so these waiting periods create an undue burden on the patient and their families trying to receive timely access to quality health care services.

No Virginia Representatives have yet signed on to support this bill.  
We need to change this! 

VBCF has continued to contact all members of our Virginia congressional delegation regarding this bill but hearing directly from constituents is even more important.  Please contact your Representative today to ask him/her to support this bill.  

Review the NBCC Action alert below for more details and a "list of actions" link to get more information. Thank you in advance!

*Please let me know if you have questions or hear feedback from your legislator: [email protected] or by filling out the 

55 cosponsors. NBCC's goal is to reach 100 cosponsors by September 30. 

To help us reach this goal, we have included an updated  list of actions you can take that includes social media posts. As part of our breast cancer awareness month campaign, NBCC will circulate a release thanking all of the cosponsors of the bill. 

Also, as part of our breast cancer awareness month campaign and as part of our outreach for the bill, we are collecting local stories about women and men who would directly benefit from this legislation. Stories from advocates will help to advance this important legislative priority. Please send your story to  MyStory@breastcancerdeadline2020.org.

  Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation | 800-345-VBCF |   w ww.vbcf.org