Stay up to date on what is happening in Baldwin County School District by reading March’s edition of the Baldwin Beat!
Wednesday, March 10th, 2021, will be a day that will never be forgotten for, on this day, the Baldwin Braves Basketball Team forever wrote their names in history by becoming the Georgia High School Association's State 4A Basketball Champions--a title that has not been held by Baldwin since 1981. The 40-year winning drought ended after William Freeman shot the winning basket with only seconds left on the clock. The Baldwin Braves won with a final score of 54-53 over Fayette County in one very intense basketball game. The Baldwin County School District, as well as the entire Baldwin County community, has been filled with so much pride for the team accomplishing this magnificent feat.
Congratulations to our student-athletes and boys basketball coaches: Head Coach Anthony Webb and assistant coaches - Nehemiah Ingram, Jayla Waller, and Larry Turner. for a great season. We are so proud of our Baldwin Braves.
It has been one wild and exciting ride for our Baldwin Braves Basketball Team this season. This triumphant history-making finish was the summation of an undefeated season fueled by true girt, perseverance, and hard work. Congratulations Baldwin Braves, for a job well done! You will go down in history as being truly the best!
BCSD Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Event
On Friday, March 12th, the Baldwin County School District, in conjunction with the Baldwin County Health Department and Community Health Care Systems, Inc., held a mass COVID-19 Vaccination Event at the Board of Education and the local health department. Close to 500 school district employees were vaccinated. These vaccines serve as another layer of preventative safeguards as we continue to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus in our schools and community. Our school district has been offering in-person instruction since August and has been able to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus with very strict safety protocols. Many thanks to the staff of Community Health Care Systems, Inc. and the Baldwin County Health Department for partnering with us in this innovative endeavor.
March is National Social Work Month
March is designated as National Social Work Month in which we take the time to learn more about the many positive contributions of the profession as well as show our appreciation for the wonderful work our local school and community social workers provide for Baldwin County children and families. The theme for 2021 is "Social Workers are Essential." The purpose of the theme is to highlight the invaluable contributions social workers make in our society, especially as this nation addresses the coronavirus pandemic.
As practitioners, social workers are trained to help people address personal and systemic barriers to optimal living. They are employed to effect positive change with individuals, families, groups, and entire communities. As a profession, social workers frequently use their collective power to pass laws and establish policies that give more people access to community services and benefits, improving the quality of life for everyone.
Within National Social Work Month, we also recognize the important work performed by school social workers during National School Social Work Week (March 7-13). This year's theme is titled "Beacon of Hope: School Social Workers - Lighting the Way."
During the March school board meeting, the BCSD honored and thanked our school social worker, Ola Scott-Little, for her time and commitment to cultivating a positive environment for students and families in the Baldwin County School District. We also thanked Donna James (not pictured) and Willie Mae Wright, who work very closely with our social worker to support our families. Together, they are able to light the way, emphasizing the whole child, collaborating with other professionals, linking students and families with needed services, and advocating for the needs of our students.
Baldwin County School District Celebrated Read Across America Week
National Read Across America Day was March 2nd, a day established by NEA in 1998 to help get kids excited about reading. The day occurs each year on the birthday of beloved children’s book author Dr. Seuss. Since the popularity and support of the literacy campaign has grown over the years, the celebration has been expanded to a week giving schools the opportunity to engage students in interactive activities involving books and to motivate children to read more.
Baldwin County's Early Learning Center, primary and elementary schools, celebrated Read Across America throughout the week by hosting a different fun-filled Dr. Seuss-themed activity for each day. To view pictures from our Read Across America Celebrations, click the button below.
March's Pursuit of Excellence Winners
Congratulations to the following employees who are the March 2021 recipients of the Pursuit of Excellence Award for the Baldwin County School District.
Charlene Dunn
Teacher at Lakeview Academy
Ms. Dunn began her career with the Baldwin County School District in 1996. Over the past twenty-five-plus years, Ms. Dunn has not only served as a classroom teacher but also coaches for the district athletic program. Ms. Dunn was nominated by Ms. Stephanie Wright, parent. Ms. Wright had the following to say about Ms. Dunn:
“I wanted to commend and recognize Charlene Dunn. Charlene has a wonderful spirit and gets the kids in the mindset for learning. Upon driving through the car rider line, I can always count on her to be bouncing, dancing and singing to the music even in the frigid weather! Did I mention she manages to stay on beat while taking the child's temperature? I'm excited and ready to start my day just feeling her vibe! As a child, I can only imagine how they feel to see their teacher excited about seeing them and having a fun productive day! Charlene is definitely a true example of changing lives one child at a time."
Ms. Dunn, thank you for your example of excellence!
Kristi Blizzard
Teacher at Lakeview Primary
Ms. Blizzard received two separate nominations from two different colleagues. The first nomination was received from Ms. Catheryn Meighan. Ms. Meighan had the following to say about Ms. Blizzard:
“Miss Blizzard has been a dedicated Baldwin County teacher for more than 25 years. She has been a second-grade team leader for many of those years and works tirelessly to help provide our team with what we need to do the best job we can educating second graders. She is always willing to listen to our concerns and try to find the best solutions to them. Miss Blizzard is a beloved teacher. Her students from over the years still remember Miss Blizzard and the wonderful times they have had in her class. I know this because one of those is my own son, and he will still tell you that Miss Blizzard is his all-time favorite teacher. But not only has Miss Blizzard taught her students, but she has also nurtured and taught so many young teachers by her mentoring and leading by example. Kristi Blizzard is a great asset to our team, our school, and our district."
Joshua Fields
Paraprofessional at Baldwin High School
Mr. Fields has over 6 years of experience working with students of diverse backgrounds. He rejoined the Baldwin County School District team in August 2020 and has wasted no time stepping up to meet the needs of the students at Baldwin High School. He was nominated by Ms. Pamela Tinday, Special Education Lead Teacher at BHS. Ms. Tindal had the following to say about Mr. Fields:
"Mr. Fields works with students in our Program for Exceptional Children. He is always there for our students. He is patient, kind, and caring. He needs no prompting to make sure the needs of his students are met daily. Just by watching him interact with his students, you can see his care and compassion for them. He recently returned to us and jumped right back in doing his part to help our students have a great educational experience. We are in a situation of being short-handed. but as long as he is here you'd never know it from the outside looking in."
Mr. Fields, you are a shining example of excellence!
MShyvonna Jones
Cafeteria Manager at Oak Hill Middle School
Ms. Shyvonna Jones has been working with the Baldwin County School District since 2007. She accepted her position as a cafeteria manager in 2015 and continues to make a positive impression throughout the district. She was nominated by Dr. Shawne Holder, Principal of Lakeview Academy for her dedication and hard work filling in as the cafeteria manager at Lakeview Academy. Dr. Holder had the following to say about Shyvonna: “Shyvonna has not only managed the cafeteria at Oak Hill Middle School for the past several weeks but has also served at Lakeview Academy as interim Cafeteria Manager. She has rolled up her sleeves and modeled what true leaders do. She has served on the line greeting children as they picked up their lunch, worked side by side in the kitchen with the staff all while managing the other operations of the cafeteria. Shyvonna is a team player who deserves recognition”.
Shyvonna Jones, thank you for modeling excellence!
The Baldwin County School District joined in a statewide celebration to salute the efforts of local school board members. The week of March 15-19 was proclaimed School Board Appreciation Week in Georgia. The week-long observance calls attention to the contributions of local boards of education. As constitutional officers of Georgia, school board members are responsible for setting educational policies, employing school personnel, providing buildings and equipment, operating a transportation system, and disbursing school funds. As community leaders, school board members serve as advocates for the children in local public schools. They must study, evaluate, and decide what actions are in the best interest of students.
School Board members were recognized during the March 9th Board Meeting. They have also has been recognized by the Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) as a 2020 Exemplary Board. This is the fourth year in a row that the Board has received this recognition for exceeding the criteria set forth by GSBA and showcasing best practices in school governance and leadership. Baldwin County was one of 56 school boards in Georgia to earn this prestigious award.
Please join us in thanking our school board members for their dedication and commitment to the Baldwin County School District.
School nutrition employees were recognized by the school board for becoming ServSafe certified. The ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Examination Course meets the new Certified Food Safety Manager (CFSM) state requirements and is designed to provide participants with viable information on potentially hazardous foods and safe food handling practices, the HAACP system of food safety; establishing, purchasing, and receiving standards and procedures; designing facilities and selecting appropriate equipment and guidelines for working with regulatory agencies. Participants are trained, tested, and certified with the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Examination. To view a photo gallery of all our ServSafe Certified School Nutrition Staff click the button below.
United Way representative Brandi Rozier came to recognize the Baldwin County School District United Way coordinators for raising a grand total of $21,018.20 for the 2020-2021 school year as well as being one of the top 50 Most Generous Workplaces in Georgia for United Way in 2019 with a grand total of $19,647.54 in the 2019-2020 school year.
Baldwin County School District and the district's School & Community Relations Coordinator, Felicia Cummings, were recognized at the March Board Meeting for awards won in the Georgia School Public Relations Association's (GSPRA) Annual Publications, Photography, & Electronic Media Contest. The GSPRA Publications, Photography, & Electronic Media Contest acknowledges school public relations professionals in Georgia who demonstrate exceptional communications skills by producing outstanding publications, photography, and electronic media. This evaluation program is designed to provide recognition and professional support for those who do great work in communicating with parents, staff, the media, community members, business partners, and other specialized public. The BCSD secured a total of 8 awards. For a complete list of awards click the button below.
The Board recognized the school district's maintenance department in honor of National Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day. Each employee in the maintenance department received a certificate of appreciation along with a gift card to Longhorns restaurant. The BCSD maintenance department is under the direction of Bruce Knighton, Director of Maintenance & Facilities. The following employees are part of our wonderful maintenance department: James Boyer Jr., Carter Webb, Henry Simmons, Tommy Reeves, James Gardner, Charles Wright, John Davis, Robert Duggans, Jerry Clark, Edward Cox, John Taylor, Kentavious Anderson, Richard Cox, Jared Sheley, Jonathan Sheley, and Warehouse Manager Lola Solomon. Please join us in thanking these dedicated employees, To view, a photo gallery of maintenance department recognitions, click the button below.
For more than 30 years, March has been officially designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) for the observance of Music In Our Schools Month (MIOSM), the time of year when music education becomes the focus of schools across the nation.
The purpose of MIOSM is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children – and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music. Our music educators consist of the following instructors:
- Midway Hills Primary-Brad Bell-General Music
- Midway Hills Academy-Cameron Hamby-General Music, Lyndsey Hamby-Band
- Lakeview Primary-Leanne Hallmark-General Music
- Lakeview Academy Elizabeth Yorker-General Music, Lyndsey Hamby-Band
- Oak Hill MS, Ben Gibson-Chorus, Christie Edwards-Band, Trent Henderson-Band
- Baldwin HS-Ben Gibson-Chorus, James McMillan-Band, Christopher Ryles-Band
To view individual National Music in Our Schools photos click the button below.
Two of our very own Baldwin High School students were recognized for making history in the world of high school wrestling. Catherine Mullis, a senior at Baldwin High School, brought home the Georgia High School Association's State Championship title. Not only is she the first Girls State Champion in Baldwin High School history, but she is also our first wrestling champion of the 21st century. Chavis Watson, a junior at Baldwin High School, finished in 3rd place in the state competition, making him the highest Baldwin High School male placer in the last 15 years. These history-making accomplishments are truly amazing and outstanding feat. The board also recognized Coach Lindsay and Coach Canty for all their hard work and dedication to the wrestling team.
The board also recognized March as National Social Work Month and our Pursuit of Excellence Winners.
Georgia College Early College
GCEC Student Tabitha Lemmonds in Top 3 Spot in Oratorical Contest
Congratulations to Georgia College Early College student Tabitha Lemmonds for her amazing speech at the annual Rotary Club Oratorical Contest! Tabitha placed 3rd in the competition and gained some great experience by participating in the event.! Awesome job, Tabitha!
Midway Hills Academy Third Grade Students Become Paleontologists
Mrs. Sills’ 3rd-grade science class at Midway Hills Academy became paleontologists and participated in a fossil dig. The rocks were cookies and the fossils were chocolate chips! By unanimous vote, the best part was getting to eat the fossils at the end of their dig!
Baldwin High School Students Become Emergency Response Trained Through CNA Pathway
The CNA Pathway at Baldwin High School is creating future live savers! There are now 4 young ladies who are trained to respond in various emergencies: Alyana Foston, Markayla Freeman, Daijah Skinner, and Miyonna Smith are in the dual enrollment nurse aide class with Ms. Ashley Hastings, an instructor from Central Georgia Technical College. Along with Mr. Rabon Hewell from Central Georgia Technical College, the students took part in the American Heart Association Basic Life Support training. They are now able to recognize an emergency and respond accordingly.
The Early Learning Center
Early Learning Center Students Share
Their Favorite Books
In honor of Read Across America, students at the Early Learning Center were encouraged to bring their favorite book to school to share with their peers.
Midway Hills Primary Students Creatively Demonstrate Point of View
Mrs. Hopkins class worked on point of view of who is telling the story. Students worked on readers theatre of the story Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Lakeview Primary Students Learn the Art of Recycling
Lakeview Primary students learned that anything can be used to create a work of art. Thanks to a donation of 18 bags of recyclables from the GFWC Civic Woman's Club of Milledgeville, Ms. Norton, and her students were able to turn egg cartons in to paint holders. Ms. Nichols helped her students use the other materials to make new toys that push and pull for their unit on motion.
Oak Hill Middle School Math Department Celebrates National Pi Day
At Oak Hill Middle School everyone loves Pi--that is National Pi Day. Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π. Pi Day is observed on March 14 since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π. It was founded in 1988 by Larry Shaw, an employee of the Exploratorium. Celebrations often involve eating pie or holding pi recitation competitions.
A great time was had by all at Oak Hill Middle School's Pi Day celebration, hosted by the Oak Hill Math Department. The seventh grade was declared the overall winner in the competition, followed by 6th grade and finally 8th grade. This resulted in math teachers Mrs. Gantt (6th), Mrs. Hurt (7th), Ms. Smith (7th), Mrs. Adams (6th & 7th SAGE), Dr. Davis (6th Grade AP), and Dr. Epps (7th Grade AP) all being pied in the face. Principal Mr. Daymond Ray, escaped the pie this time. But there's always next year!
Lakeview Academy Receives Mask Donations
Lakeview Academy received a generous donation of face masks from the Baldwin Chapter #486, Order of Eastern Star on March 11th. The group donated 200 masks to the elementary school. Baldwin Chapter's mission is to help meet the needs of the community through community service. This organization has served the community for over 25 years. Dr. Shawne Holder, principal, thanked the group for their thoughtful donation of PPE for staff and students.
The Baldwin Success Academy
Baldwin Success Academy Students
Learn About Work Ethics
Students at the Baldwin Success Academy studied what it means to have a good work ethic--using moral principles to complete work in a timely manner. Students also were able to view "The Heart of A Hall of Famer" featuring former Miami Dolphins running back Larry Csonka via a live broadcast on YouTube. He talked about his hard work to get to the NFL, the importance of working as a team, and his role on the Miami Dolphins, and how it helped other players on his team.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year officially began February 1, 2021. This year, the registration process is available online. Parents of children who will be 5 years of age by September 1, 2021, are able to register their upcoming Kindergarten student online one of two ways. To access the online registration portal, either scan the QR code located in the image above or enter the URL: into your internet browser. You will need to upload specific documents to your application as part of the registration process. For a list of all documents needed for the application, please refer to the Kindergarten Registration Flyer above.
If there are parents/guardians who are interested in having their child participate in our Kindergarten Montessori program, please make sure to fill out the Montessori Interest Form section when completing the online registration. Completion of the interest form does not guarantee acceptance into the Montessori Program. For additional questions regarding Online Kindergarten Registration, please call 478-453-4176.
Georgia College Early College Application Deadline
Georgia College Early College (GCEC) is 7th grade through the 12th-grade public educational institution that is located on Georgia College's campus. The Early College program prepares students for college by giving them an opportunity to learn outside of the traditional middle school and high school set up as well as a chance to earn college credit. Students who are currently in grades 6-9 are eligible to apply for the 2021-2022 academic year. The application and recommendation deadline for the upcoming school year is Friday, April 2nd, at 11:59 p.m. To obtain an application link, please email Dr. Runee B. Sallad, GCEC Director, at the following address:
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on
Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to the new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested in. As a result, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, which is available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces.
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival.
Click on the following links to access district and school websites as well as all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happenings in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!
Click the links below to access our district's strategic plan, Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Blog, School Web Pages, and About Us.
110 North ABC St.
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Phone: 478-453-4176
Fax: 478-457-3327