August 2018
It's the dog days of Summer and nothing is cooler than getting involved! We're wrapping up the school supply drive this month and are "ruff-ly" hoping to collect and distribute 3,000 backpacks to students across New Jersey. We know that people are taking some time this month to spend with family before the school year starts. Remember, no need to "paws" your commitment to making a difference -- we have hundreds of opportunities for you to get involved.
Keeping the Lights On in Newark
School may be out for the summer, but West Side High School in Newark stays open three nights a week with their Lights On program. Designed to provide a safe space for students, Lights On engages participants in a myriad of activities based on student interests. Click here to join us! 
They're Baaa-ck
Our Four-Legged Friends at the Jersey City Veterans Cemetery. This year, the Cemetery has brought in 4 goats and 2 sheep to help clear the grounds. When these unlikely residents aren’t chomping away or napping in the shade, they spend their days socializing with the volunteers who frequent the Cemetery. Sign up to volunteer here
Making A Difference: Before I Go...A Word of Thanks!

For participants of the Jersey Cares Project Coordinator Fellowship, Demonstration Day marks the end of their internship experience. However, Jenika Scott, a Fellow, felt that she had left some words unspoken. Check out our latest blog post to hear Jenika’s story. 

Meet Our July 
Volunteer Star!

Laura has been a dedicated volunteer with Jersey Cares since January and an active Project Coordinator since April. At 85.5 hours Laura has already earned the title of Volunteer Virtuoso and is well on her way to Expert level! When asked why she chose to get involved with Jersey Cares, Laura shared this… read more.