Less is More

An Occasional Newsletter from
The New England School 
of Homeopathy

Fall 2019
Seminars: US and Abroad
Teaching the Art & Science of Homeopathy Since 1990
Amy and Paul
This coming year we launch our 30th anniversary of NESH! In old fashioned tradition, the gift given at this milestone is the pearl—an enduring gem with qualities of timelessness. When we reflect back at our vision for teaching homeopathy over these last three decades we love that in your hands our work is enduring and stands the test of time. Using information gleaned from our work with patients, while creating an internally consistent and practice-based philosophy has always been our goal. We appreciate all our colleagues, patients, and students who continue to push our own understanding of this beautiful, effective medicine so that we can better perceive, articulate, and teach this body of work.

Our very first class we taught in our home. We enjoyed meals together and stimulating late night conversations. If memory serves, about half the students slept over too! During 2020 & 2021, in various places in the US and overseas, we will be holding 30th anniversary events and we hope to celebrate with you!
In this issue, as a materia medica nibble, Paul would like to share some thoughts on the often-overlooked remedy, Dulcamara . Enjoy!
And as the summer slips away into the glorious New England fall, we send wishes for good health, good work, and time to enjoy it all.
Amy (& Paul)
The Materia Medica of Solanum Duclamara
by Paul Herscu ND, MPH
I have come to believe that disease, as Hahnemann described it, on the energetic level, has a certain perfection to it. As such, I think that one could describe any remedy by describing the perfect energetic flow of it. For instance, we can take Dulcamara as an illustration.

On the energetic level, Dulcamara can be described as a proactive and excess remedy; they are aggravated if acted upon and ameliorated if they act upon the environment. This sentence can explain all the symptoms of the remedy. For example, it explains why there is found in this remedy the following discrepancy. It seems on first reading that Dulcamara is aggravated by all change. However, in arthritis, the remedy is ameliorated by motion and change. So really, they are not aggravated by change itself, rather by change that comes from the outside, as change exerted on them. In contrast, they may be ameliorated by any change that they themselves can cause. Progressing symptom by symptom, one can then explain the remedy. But more than that, understand the reasons why particular symptoms arise in the first place.   

Interested in furthering your understanding of homeopathy or improving your clinical skills?
January 2020 through May 2021
Friday night, Saturday, & Sunday every other month

Take this course if you want to ... 
  • Nourish your love and passion for homeopathy regardless of your current level of experience. 
  • Understand homeopathic remedies in a concise, yet robust and clinically relevant way without the memorization of long lists of symptoms. 
  • Learn a streamlined approach to case taking and analysis to bring efficacy and efficiency into your prescribing. 
  • Confidently integrate homeopathy into your current or future practice.
  • Enroll in a quality program of study paced to work with your busy life. 

Paul Herscu teaching

30th Anniversary Seminar & Party:
Open to NESH Alumni & Current Students:

Have you studied with NESH and Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg in the last 30 years, anywhere in the world? If so, join us in Germany to celebrate with a special 4 day conference entitled Improving Patient Outcomes.

Early-bird pricing through December 31st:

If you have not yet studied with us, consider registering for
one of Dr. Herscu's seminars in Europe this month,
and then join the party in July!

October 19-20, 2019: Dr. Paul Herscu will teach in West Yorkshire, England
Topic: The Treatment of Chronic Illness and Multiple Complex Diseases
Registration :

October 25-27, 2019: Dr. Paul Herscu will teach in Lugano, Switzerland
Topic : Difficult Childhood

NESH Students
Our Recent Featured NESH Alumni
We are delighted to highlight the work and other passions of our wonderful NESH alumni - including our first & only father / daughter duo! We are thrilled to have been part of their education and training. Our goal is to keep creating and supporting members of our NESH family and to generate ongoing opportunities and exposure for the people whose work we admire. Enjoy!
Kitt Guaraldi
Kitt Guaraldi ND
Randall & Alexis Shields ND
Amherst, Massachusetts and Portland, Oregon

For NESH Alum Near & Far - The Learning Goes On! 

Meet and find support & friendship 
 with other Cycle & Segmentarians

The Topic this Year is:
The Ins & Outs of Chronic Disease

There are many challenges to treating those with chronic illness and multiple complex diseases. From where to focus your attention, to how to establish realistic prognoses and to how to handle patients over time, we will tackle your questions and challenges illustrated through the patients we see.

November 9-10, 2019 (OR)
November 15-17, 2019 (MA)

For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here .
Remedy Kit sale
Once again you can purchase homeopathic remedy kits available to our NESH community at discounted prices! NESH does not benefit financially from these sales, but for those who'd like to add a compact kit to your pharmacy, these are an excellent value.

 This year, for the first time, the annual sale will also feature discounted half dram vial remedy refills. This is a chance to look over your kits to determine what vials needs replacing or order extras of remedies like Arnica & others to have on hand when needed. There may also be some remedies not included in your kits which you could buy individually to round out your pharmacy.
Our satellite office of Naturopathic Health Care is now open at 369 Pleasant Street in downtown Northampton, MA. Patients are welcome to continue working with us at our Enfield, CT office where we’ve been since 1986! With the issuing of our ND licenses in Massachusetts imminent, we are thrilled to finally offer natural, integrative medicine to patients in the Pioneer Valley.
Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu accept new patients in person and via Telemedicine Services.
To schedule an appointment: call 1.860.763.1225
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