Thursday, June 24th
1:00 - 3:00 pm ET | 11:00 am - 1:00 pm PT
 “Ikigai” is the Japanese secret for living and aging well. In this workshop we will take a deep dive into discovering how “Ikigai” can operate in your own day-to-day life. Would you like to unearth where it is already taking place? Are you curious about how you can increase your Ikigai or find new sources and develop more Ikigai? If you’d like to explore how you can personally benefit from this Japanese approach to life and to aging, you will enjoy this workshop where, in the larger group and in dyads, you will have opportunities to learn more about your own Ikigai and to share your new insights with others.
Georgeanna Tryban, MSW, PhD, CSL, has been connected to Japan for over 45 years, since she was an exchange student at 18. She has had the privilege of doing collaborative research with the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology as well as teaching cross-cultural sociology while living in Japan with a three generation Japanese family. She has spent most of her life immersed in learning about Japanese culture and aging and is excited to share the link between Ikigai and Sage-ing with you.

Georgeanna is co-leader of the Education Team of Sage-ing International and a retired professor of social psychology and gerontology at Indiana State University. Her passion for service is shown in her commitment to her local Wisdom Circles and her volunteer work with Youth for Understanding.
Workshop Registration
Date: Thursday, June 24th
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm PT

Fees on Sliding Scale:
$50 workshop and scholarship donation
$40 workshop
$30 reduced tuition
(economic hardship)
Program information or to request one of a limited number of scholarships contact:

Rosemary Cox,
Education Coordinator

Each individual participates through a separate webcam-equipped digital device with internet capability (computer, tablet, smartphone) and mic and video cam capability, on a PC, MAC, or Linux platform. A second registrant at the same email address can register as a “guest,” and pay the fee, but must have a separate digital device.