Provided by the American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®)
in cooperation with Feedstuffs
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Ken Olson, Ph: 630-237-4961, keolson@prodigy.net |
Welcome to the ADSA Annual Meeting Dair-e-news
The ADSA Annual Meeting is underway in Knoxville, Tenn., with well over 1,700 registered for the meeting as of late Sunday afternoon.
Once again we are pleased to be sending "Special Editions" of this newsletter to you from the meeting. We are pleased to again have an outstanding group of graduate students working with us to help provide daily coverage of scientific sessions and other activities that are taking place throughout the meeting.
This year we are pleased to include a greatgroup of undergraduate student writers, allowing us to expand coverage of Student Affiliate division activities.
If you are at the meeting we will have news of some of the activities that are coming up for you.
We welcome you to the meeting and invite you to stop by the ADSA and Feedstuffs booths to say "Hello." If you aren't able to attend, we hope that you get a taste of the meeting and begin making plans to attend next year's meeting that will he held
June 23 to 26, 2019 in Cincinnati, OH.
News from ADSA Annual Meeting
Virginia Tech takes home trophy for student affiliated quiz bowl
By Carrisa Womble
Eight Student Affiliate quiz bowl teams competed on Sunday afternoon for the coveted traveling cow trophy. University of Florida, University of New Hampshire, Pennsylvania State University, Iowa State University, Washington State University, University of Georgia, Virginia Tech, and Louisiana State University were all represented. After six rounds of grueling matchups and challenging dairy questions, Virginia Tech emerged undefeated. Virginia Tech's winning team consisted of Zack Seekford, Katelyn Allen, Sandra Krone, and Sarah Thomas. This year marks the second consecutive win for the Hokies, so they will be able to return to Blacksburg once again with the cow trophy in stow. Honorable mention goes to the second place team from Penn State whose only losses were to the champions of the competition.
Carrisa Womble is a senior pursuing a B.S. in Animal Science at NC State University and serves as the Student Affiliate Third Vice President.
Genomic prediction of service sire fertility in dairy cattle evaluated
In dairy cattle, fertility is an important economic trait but according to an abstract by J.P. Nani, M. Rezende and F. Peñagaricano of the University of Florida in Gainesville, Fla., bull fertility has been largely overlooked.
As such, the goal of research they conducted was to investigate the feasibility of genomic prediction of service sire fertility in Holstein and Jersey dairy cattle. Sire conception rate (SCR) was used as a measured of sire fertility. The data set consisted of 11,500 Holstein and 1,500 Jersey bulls with SCR records and genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data (300,000 SNPs for Holstein, 96,000 SNPs for Jersey).
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Workshop looks at importance of record standardization
By Fernando Masia
The Dairy Records Analysis Workshop, held Sunday during the ADSA Annual Meeting, addressed the problem of characterizing the productive and reproductive efficiency of dairies based on the derivation of indicators using the records obtained from monitoring herds.
It is necessary to generate standardized indicators to be able to conduct a comparison, speakers said. For this reason, the use of software provides tools to improve management decisions and save time in different areas of dairy production that have a direct impact on business profitability.
Fernando Masia is from Argentina and interning at The University of Sydney as a part of his PhD. He is working on the impact of reproductive and health event on the dairy cow lactations.
Improved accuracy of methane emission estimates recommended
Enteric fermentation is estimated to be one of the largest sources of anthropogenic methane emissions in the U.S. Although a range of approaches are currently used to estimate enteric emissions, methods vary in their degree of uncertainty and challenges remain when scaling from individual animals or farms to the national scale.
At the request of multiple federal agencies, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine convened a committee to evaluate methane measurement and monitoring approaches and opportunities to improve inventory development. The study focused on the predominant methane sources, including enteric fermentation, manure management, oil and petroleum systems, landfills and coalmines.
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Seaweed found to reduce enteric methane yield by over 40%
Some species of red seaweed have been shown to reduce methane emissions by over 80% in vitro and in sheep.
Researchers out of the University of California-Davis, Stanford University and CSIRO Agriculture & Food in Queensland, Australia, conducted a study with the objective of determining the effective dose of Asparagopsis armata and quantifying its effect on enteric methane yield in regard to methane per unit of dry matter intake (DMI), milk production and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) in lactating dairy cattle in vivo. E. Kebreab of the University of California presented the findings during the American Dairy Science Assn. annual meeting in Knoxville, Tenn.
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News and Updates for the 2018 Annual Meeting
The ADSA Annual Meeting is getting special coverage this year. The local FOX affiliate will be doing live interviews
from the Convention Center with seven ADSA members as part of their Monday Morning Show. Interviews will take place between 5:20 am and 8:30 am. We are excited to be able to provide viewers in the Knoxville area with this introduction to dairy science.
ADSA Award Winners
Several ADSA Award winners were recognized during the Opening session on Sunday evening. Those recognized included:
ADSA Award of Honor
Alois Kertz
ADSA Distinguished Service Award
Harjinder Singh
ADSA Fellow Awards
Eric Bastian
Arlyn Jud Heinrichs
Alois Kertz
Young Park
2018 FASS-AFIA Award
Ronald L Horst
The JDS Club 100 - Class of 2018
Rupert M. Bruckmaier
Fran Kosikowski
Juan J. Loor
José E. P. jSantos
Congratulations to all the winners,
You've Got S-PAC®!
An added benefit has been included with your registration for the ADSA Annual Meeting, 90 days of free access to the Searchable Proceedings of Animal Conferences (S-PAC). S-PAC has something for everyone. In addition to abstracts from past ADSA meetings, here are just a few examples from among the 61 conference now in S-PAC:
- Cornell Nutrition Conference, Florida Ruminant Nutrition Conference, Minnesota Nutrition Conference, Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, International Symposium on Dairy Cattle Nutrition, California Nutrition Conference
- Western Dairy Conference, Western Canadian Dairy Seminar, Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, North American Conference on Precision Dairy Management, Virginia Tech Feed and Nutritional Management Cow College
Herd Health
- AABP, USAHA, International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis
Visit us at the ADSA display (Booth 602) or on-line at
https://spac.adsa.org/ to learn more. Ken Olson will be available at the booth from 8:00 to 9:00 am on Monday, and at other times throughout the meeting, to answer questions. Welcome to S-PAC!
Your complementary access to S-PAC will become active following the meeting. To access S-PAC if you are not already a subscriber, simply use the same login that you used to register for the ADSA Annual Meeting. If you have problems, or have forgotten your login there is a "Retrieve login/password" link on the S-PAC page.
Monday Events
The Dairy Foods Division Business Meeting, formerly scheduled for Tuesday at 11:30 am in room 200 A, has been advanced to Monday at 1:00 pm in room 200 DE.
ARPAS Symposium: Sustainable Dairy Production - 9:30 AM-12:00 PM, Room 301 E
Dairy Foods: Joint ADSA-American Society of Nutrition Symposium: New Views on Milk and Human Health - Monday 9:30 AM-12:35 PM, Ballroom F
Reproduction: Joint ADSA-SSR Symposium: The Immune-Reproduction Nexus-The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - 9:30 AM-12:30 PM, Ballroom E
Ruminant Nutrition Symposium: Management and Nutrition of Dairy Cattle in the New Era of Automation - 9:30 AM-12:30 PM, Lecture Hall
Animal Health: Joint ADSA-National Mastitis Council Platform Session: Milk Quality and the Dairy Industry Today - 2:00 PM-5:15 PM,: Lecture Hall
Forages and Pastures Symposium: Fiber Digestibility-From Cell Wall Composition to Forage Utilization - 2:00 PM-5:30 PM, Ballroom A
Joint MILK and Lactation Biology Symposium: Milk Globules, Vesicles, and Exosomes-Update, Origin, Structure, and Function - 2:00 PM-5:35 PM, Ballroom F
Teaching, Undergraduate and Graduate Education Symposium: Active Learning-From Theory to Practice - 2:00 PM-5:30 PM, Room 301 C
Other Events
Awards Program and Ceremony - 7:00 PM-8:00 PM, Ballroom A-B
Ice Cream Social - 8:15 PM-9:30 PM Cumberland Concourse
Thanks to our Corporate Sustaining Members
We appreciate your ongoing support of ADSA and the
Journal of Dairy Science
Ag Processing Inc. ANDHIL LLC
Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition
Dairy Nutrition Plus
Darling Ingredients Inc.
Diamond V
DuPont Pioneer Elanco Animal Health
Global Agri-Trade Corporation
Grande Cheese Company Lallemand Animal Nutrition Masters Choice
Nutriad, Inc.
Papillon Agricultural Company
Quali Tech, Inc.
Renaissance Nutrition Inc.
Zinpro Zoetis
Zook Nutrition & Management Inc.
Did you know that your ADSA Professional Membership, which is the least expensive of all national animal-related professional societies, includes all of the following benefits with no additional fees, charges or suggested donations?
Electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science®
ADSA Annual Meeting registration at reduced member rates
Discover Conference registration at reduced member rates
* Large Dairy Herd Management 3rd edition e-book at reduced member rates
S-PAC: Free access to ADSA Annual Meeting, past JAM and ADSA divisional abstracts
S-PAC subscription at reduced member rates
* A strong voice of advocacy for the animal sciences, animal agriculture and research
Access to ADSA's large and growing recorded symposia library
(semi-annual association newsletter)
ADSA Dair e-news
(ADSA weekly industry newsletter)
Access to member directory
Peer recognition through ADSA, Foundation and Sponsored Award Program
Discounted page charges in Journal of Dairy Science®
Broad author recognition through ADSA/Elsevier press release program
Linked In and You Tube sites for ADSA
Quality networking with academic, government and industry professionals
Travel awards for all graduate students attending Discover Conferences
Opportunity to serve peers via committee and officer positions
American Dairy Science Association
1800 South Oak St., Suite 100, Champaign, IL 61820