August 24, 2018
 13th of Elul, 5778 

School Logo


    Parshat Ki Teitzei
Candle Lighting at 7:30 PM

An Individual Approach

School is off to an incredible start!  After so many days of planning over the summer and after invigorating staff meetings, it was great to finally have a building full of energetic students. On Thursday we opened our doors to all 354 students of KYHS , including a freshman class of 91 and an additional 23 transfer students in grades ten through twelve. So many incredible students with so many different interests, brought together by shared values.

The Netziv, in his introduction to his commentary on Chumash, notes that when the Jewish people received the Torah at Mount Sinai, they were instructed to stay away from the mountain as if it was protected by yellow caution tape. They were told to stand around the mountain in different groupings; the kohanim on one level, community leaders behind them, followed by the masses of men, women, and children. Why did the citizenry stand in different groupings at Mount Sinai?

The Netziv suggests that this teaches an important lesson: All large groups are comprised of different people with varied abilities, interests, and personalities. We should not think that only a select few are privy to Torah, nor should we think that Torah should be taught to everyone in a one-size-fits-all model. We each need to understand ourselves and strive to connect to Torah in the way that most deeply reaches each of our souls.

It was invigorating to see the 354 souls starting school and approaching the mountain, each in their own capacity.  May we all merit a successful year in which we each grow in our own unique ways toward great success in all endeavors.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School

Upcoming Events
Wed. August 29 
College 201 for Seniors and Parents at 7:00 pm

Mon. Semptember 3 
Labor Day-No School

Tues. September 4 
Meet the Teacher Night at 7:30 pm

Good and Welfare

Summer Good and Welfare will be featured in next week's Highlites.

First Day Orientation
Freshman Learn How Amazing KYHS Is
Gra phic by Justin Isaacs ('19) 
Article by Avigayil Frisch ('22)

The class of 2022 has officially arrived at KYHS! Right away we were greeted by our mentors and staff, who guided us to the Beit Midrash to begin Freshman Orientation. Throughout the day we heard from various speakers who addressed some of our questions and gave us a big welcome to our new school. This was followed by lunch and more time to learn about all that KYHS has to offer. An icebreaker game was played to promote class bonding and practicing to work together as a unit. All freshmen can agree, "As a whole, it was nice to interact and be around new people." (Gabe Lugassy '22)  We are looking forward to an awesome next four years!

  (made by Rina Ciment '20)
New Year by the Numbers
Staggering Figures Recorded As New Year Begins 
Gra phic by Mayrav Saketkhou ('20)
Faces of KYHS 
Students Express Their Utmost Joy And Unbridled  Excitement At Start Of New Year    
Graphic by Liora Mayer ('20)
Sara's Scoop: Senioritis 
How To Take It All In Before The Brutal, Impending End    
Graphic by Highlites Staff
Article by Sara Deichman ('19)

After a long summer reprieve, I'm happy to say welcome back! KYHS is officially in full swing again, and for some of us, that means senior year. That means college applications, seminary and yeshiva interviews, and prancing around with speakers in the hallways letting everyone know who we really are. But for decades, a phenomenon has plagued senior classes around the globe. Senioritis. As the Class of 2019 takes on the most epic senior year, it seems just to evaluate the extremities to which our seniors undergo this plague, and has it already hit?

hhhhhBeing a senior at KYHS means being captains of sports teams, heads of clubs, and freshman mentors. But mostly, being a senior means relishing every KYHS moment like it's your last, because spoiler alert, it pretty much is. That test you would have stressed over to the point of tears as a sophomore pales in comparison to simple moments of laughing with your friends in the rotunda. And this, to me, is senioritis. Though Urban Dictionary defines Senioritis as "a crippling disease that strikes high school seniors," I do not think senioritis must be all that crippling. Sure, some students may give up on their grades and barely show up to school, and that amounts to tragic. But I'd like to suggest that senioritis starts after applications go out, and if senioritis means a reevaluation of priorities, like spending more time at sports games and family barbecues than at your desk stressing, by all means, I promise I'll have it. I believe senior year will truly begin as soon as Mrs. Roberts approves our applications and the stressful part is done. But who's to say the senior perspective can't start now? After all, this is the first of many lasts, and we might as well remember it.

This Week in Pictures