October 2019
Should you focus on fall prevention or mobilization?

This is a commonly asked question! With November being promoted as "Fall Prevention Month" in Canada, we thought it would be a good time for discussion.

A fear of falls can result in mobilization hesitation by healthcare providers, older adults, and caregivers, yet o ne of the best ways to prevent falls is mobilization!   Promoting  a positive message, such as "movement is good medicine" instead of "fall prevention" can set up the dialogue for the many benefits of mobilization, and can include tips for mobilizing safely. Maybe its time to rename Falls Prevention Month: "Mobility Matters Month"!

Think of creative ways to engage in the promotion of mobilization in every sector, such as:
  • Using a patient motivator link mobility to the person's goals, for example "Walk to the washroom today and tomorrow and I can stop your injections to prevent blood clots" /  "Getting extra steps in around the house during the day might help you sleep better at night"
  • Questioning the status quo - "Why is this person in pajamas during the day?" / "Why is this person eating in bed?" / "Are we tracking mobilization?" / "Is this person suffering from avoidable harm due to immobility?" / "Can I provide care in a way that encourages this person to move more?"
Our QI coaches share bright ideas to support people who care for older adults living with frailty, and who want to learn from and inspire others. To share tools and experiences or ask for advice from others, including our QI coaches,  join the sfCare Forum  or email us .

New and refreshed early mobilization resources now available!

Mobilization of Vulnerable Elders (MOVE) is an initiative to promote early mobilization practices for vulnerable seniors admitted to hospitals. The initiative focuses on implementing three key messages into practice:  (1) Mobilize patients at least three times a day; (2)  Use progressive, scaled mobilization, and; (3)  Assess mobility within 24 hours of the decision to admit.

The new website contains resources on how to implement and sustain an early mobilization program for older adults within an acute care setting.  There are also resources for patients and families. In future this site will contain resources for home and community care settings as well.  Take a moment to check it out! There are many resources that can help you promote mobility during Fall Prevention Month.
Oct 18, 2019, 12-1pm
Reporting on fitness to drive in dementia in Ontario: what's new since 2018,  Dr. Gary Naglie, MD, FRCPC, FGSA, Baycrest, and Dr. Mark Rapoport, MD, FRCPC, Sunnybrook

This webinar will describe dementia-related driving risks, review recent changes to Fitness to Drive reporting policy in Ontario, and discuss how to interpret and deal with these changes in clinical practiceClick here for more information or to register .

Our free webinar series provides an excellent opportunity to learn from and engage with local and international subject matter experts. Click here to see past webinarsClick here to sign up for webinar invites.

New research to promote movement in older adults in the community

We are pleased to announce that the RGP has received a  grant from the Canadian Frailty Network to create an evidence-based mobilization program for older adults who are unable to easily leave the home. This initiative builds on the success of MOVES - a mobilization program in hospital. Click here to learn more about this research.  

New Resources for Caregivers

The Regional Geriatric Programs of Ontario (RGPO) and six project partners from across the province have launched new educational resources for caregivers who are providing care and support for seniors living with frailty.
These resources have been designed by caregivers and health care experts to improve the skills, knowledge, and confidence of family member and friend caregivers of seniors living with frailty.
To access the resources and learn more about the online course, please visit the RGPO website at https://www.rgps.on.ca/caregiving-strategies

Find more senior friendly resources:  rgptoronto.ca
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