December 2016
Season's Greetings!

"Off Camera" December 2016
Renew NATAS Membership Dues Before Dec. 31; Rates Increasing Jan. 1
EMMYS 2017: Call For Entries Open Dec. 1
KRON VP/GM Messina Leaving Station
Goldberger Leaves KGO-TV, Rejoins KNTV As Assistant News Director
Worlds Fair Nano Coming to SF in January
"Gold & Silver Circle Profiles": Aaron Edwards
Media Arrive in Hawaii for 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Attack
International Honors to KOLO's Russell
On The Move
Glenn DuBose, PBS Producer, Dies at 81
Our People: KTVU's Cristina Rendon
Do You Remember?
Write to "Off Camera"
NATAS Job Bank


   Kevin Wing

   Keith Sanders 
   Associate Editor

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Save Money on NATAS!
Renew Membership Before 
Dec. 31, Save on 2017 Rates
Chapter Increasing Dues, A First Since 2002

By Mike Moya
Chapter Membership Chairperson

     It's that time of the year again, time to renew your membership! Student dues will remain the same, but membership dues for the rest of us will increase $10 on January 1, 2017. If you renew before December 31, 2016, you can still get the 2016 rate, saving $10 on your 2017 membership. Save $19 for two years or save $27 for three years.  
     Remember you will need to renew your membership before entering the Emmy® Awards for 2017, otherwise you will be charged the higher non-member rate. Take advantage of your current membership rate and get ahead of the coming year.
     The last increase was in 2002 - this is the first increase for membership dues in 15 years! With inflation and operating costs, this is just a drop in the bucket. The benefits available as a member of the San Francisco / Northern California Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences more than make up for this increase.
     Educational and networking events and opportunities available to NATAS members include television-focused Master Classes at no charge, and free Cinema Club passes to first-run film screenings for you and a guest. 
Professional Headshot
NATAS Member Benefit, new in 2017!
     Starting in 2017 one of the added benefits offered will be a professional headshot. We will set a date and time starting with the Bay Area for those members interested in taking advantage of this complimentary service. These professional headshots will have unlimited usage rights for your bios, resumes or other collateral purposes.
     Also in 2017 we will be working towards developing partnerships with retail vendors for discounts on equipment purchases and rentals. 
     Our chapter has so much to offer. Feel free to contact me with any suggestions for membership benefits: 
Check back often with our website Membership Page

Call For Entries for Emmy®  Awards Dec. 1
Category Changes, Including Separate Category Numbers for Spanish
By Wayne Freedman
Chapter Awards Committee Chairperson

        Again, we have reached that time of year when many of us ask the same series of questions:
"Have I been good?"
"What have I done?"
"What should I give them?"
"What will they like?"
      I speak, not of the holidays, but Emmy® Award submission season, when the competitive among us peruse the Call for Entries and try to match our best work with our best opportunities to receive.
       Not win. Receive. This is a subtle distinction, and important in the eyes of the National Academy. To receive a nomination is, in fact, an award. To receive the Emmy® statuette is an even greater award. Emmy statuette
       Your Awards Committee has spent months taking impartial, critical looks at entry counts and blind scoring totals. We have made additions, subtractions and consolidations of some categories, all with the intent of increasing competition and generating higher scores from judges. When you receive the Emmy® Award, you will know that it truly reflects excellence.
       Put simply, we are raising the bar.
Two Calls For Entries
     This year, with the blessing of The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter has set a precedent by creating two separate-but-similar  Calls For Entries , one for English and another for Spanish. We sincerely thank the Spanish broadcasters for their help and guidance in fairly determining the changes. Last year, Spanish broadcasters entered 51 of 67 categories. This year, they will have 52 categories available to them.
      Why two separate Calls? The one Call we have been using has evolved from 12 categories in 1972 to the more than 60 categories that we have today. Those additional categories came into existence due to demand from more entries and increasing competition. 
      Spanish entries, however, had not generated the numbers or the internal competition to support such a broad Call. And yet, Spanish entries received a higher percentage of awards.
      Last year, 46% of 179 Spanish entries received a nomination.  23% of those received statuettes.   26% of the 757 English entries received nominations. 9% received statuettes. 
      Next year, we intend to see the percentages become balanced. As the number of Spanish entries increase, we will expand those categories.

Categories #1-5 are now exempt from double-dipping.
#2: Journalistic Enterprise
This has become one category with no delineation between 24 Hours and No Time Limit.
#7: General Assignment Report     
Now, entries must have been produced within a 24-hour time limit.
Entries may not include feature stories.
#24A: Promotion, Single Spot
This category now consolidates News and Program entries.
Reporter, Transportation and Traffic
We have deleted this category due to a shortage of appropriate entries.
#27: Director
Expanded to include non-live direction.
Photographer, Video Essay
Deleted due to a shortage of entries.
#30: Editor, News
24-Hour and No Time Limit submissions are now combined.
#31: Video Journalist
Video journalists may now enter as producers in News and Program categories.
Categories #51-55 are now exempt from double-dipping.
#52: Journalistic Enterprise
This is now one category with no delineation between 24-Hour and No Time Limit.
#57: General Assignment News 
Now, entries must have been produced within a 24-hour time limit.
Entries may not include feature stories.
#59: Investigative Report:
This category now consolidates Single Story and Series entries
#62: Documentary:
This has become one category consolidating Cultural Historical and Topical.
#63: Arts/Entertainment
This category now combines Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#64: Informational/Instructional
This category consolidates Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#68: Interview/Discussion
This category combines Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#69: Health/Science/Environment
This category combines Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#70: Technology
This category combines Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#74: Promotion, Single Spot
This category now draws from the News and Program entries.
This category has been deleted due to a shortage of appropriate entries.
#77: Director
Expanded to include non-live direction.
#78: Writer
This combines the News and Program categories.
#79B: Photographer
News and Program combined.
Photographer Video Essay
This category has been deleted due to a shortage of appropriate entries.
#80: Editor
News and Program combined.
#81: Video Journalist:
Video journalists may now enter as producers in News and Program categories.
Help Your Awards Committee: Read The Call For Entries and The Master List
      Please check your  Call For Entries for guidelines and specific requirements in your categories.  Look closely at the rules regarding duplicate entries and double-dipping.  You do not want to get contacted by a member of the Awards Committee during certification.  Trust me on this.
      Additionally, please help your Awards Committee volunteers by reading the  Master List of Entries after we publish it online. It is your responsibility to make sure you have included all the names in your entries. We cannot make additions after we announce nominations.
      Further, look closely at other entries within your categories.  If an entry strikes you as being inappropriate, please send a note to the Awards Committee, citing why.   Again, after we announce nominations, we cannot make changes.
    Your Awards Committee members look forward to your entries this year.
    Good luck!



KRON Not Part of Messina's Plans in 2017
Station VP/GM: "I Will Be Moving On to My Next Challenge"
By Kevin Wing
Editor, Off Camera

       After slightly more than two years on the job, the vice president and general manager of
Ashley Gold Messina
KRON GM leaves this month
San Francisco's KRON 4 has announced she is leaving the station at the end of December.
       Ashley Gold Messina , who has served as the station's vice president and general manager since arriving in September 2014, informed staff Nov. 28 that she will be leaving the statio n at the end of the year. 
       Messina has been doing double duty, also serving as vice president and general manager at KOIN in Portland. KRON and KOIN are owned by Media General. She is also leaving her position at KOIN. 
       "I will be moving on to my next challenge," Messina wrote in a memo.
       She arrived in the Bay Area after serving as vice president and general manager at WDCW in Washington, D.C. Messina originally joined that station as a local account executive in 2001. Six years later, she was promoted to national sales manager, and in 2009, she became general sales manager. In 2010, the station promoted her to vice president and general manager.
       "It is an honor to work with the great team at KRON," Messina said upon her arrival there in 2014. "Our mission will be to serve the Bay Area and grow the station."

Goldberger Knows the Way to San Jose... Again
KGO-TV Executive Producer Becomes KNTV's Assistant News Director

By Kevin Wing
Editor, Off Camera 
       Do you know the way to San Jose?
       Bob Goldberger does.
       Goldberger, a popular, respected Bay Area television news executive who has spent nearly the last two decades working in upper management positions at either KNTV in San Jose or KGO-TV in San Francisco, is finding his way back to San Jose and his old stomping grounds. 
       KNTV NBC Bay Area has recruited Goldberger to become its new assistant news
Robert Goldberger
Rejoining KNTV as assistant news director
director. He is being reunited with Stephanie Adrouny, the station's vice president of news. They worked together at KGO-TV ABC7 for more than a decade until 2014 when Adrouny, then the San Francisco station's assistant news director, was tapped by KNTV to become its assistant news director. Adrouny was promoted by KNTV to become its vice president of news six months ago following the departure of Jonathan Mitchell, who left the station after more than five years there. 
      Goldberger is no stranger to KNTV. Goldberger served as the station's news director from 1999 to 2002, at a time when the station was in transition. Upon his joining KNTV in 1999, it was an ABC affiliate serving the Salinas-Monterey television market. A year later, it ceased its affiliation with ABC to become, briefly, an independent station while it waited to become the then-new NBC owned-and-operated station for the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose television market in January 2002. NBC subsequently ended its 52-year affiliation with KRON in San Francisco.
     Since 2003, Goldberger has served as executive producer of news at KGO-TV.
     Prior to moving to the Bay Area in 1999, he was an assistant news director at WBBH and WZVN in Fort Myers, Florida. 

20% Discount Available to NATAS Members
For 2017 Worlds Fair Nano in S.F. in January

By Keith Sanders
Chapter Education Chairperson

          Worlds Fair USA is bringing The 2017 Worlds Fair Nano to San Francisco on Saturday, January 28th and Sunday, January 29th . This is  an  international showcase of the future, featuring the world's most amazing technology, art, lectures and demonstrations.  Don't miss multi-sensory interactive exhibits, live demonstrations and more.
          Experience the Technology Playground, the closest thing to an adult playground this side of Burning Man, filled with interactive stations specifically designed to let you experience the future. Think virtual reality, augmented reality, drones, motorized skateboards, wearable tech, robotics, IoT, 3D printing, and more. Over 50 companies will be represented.
         There will be an excellent lineup of Founders and CEOs giving technology presentations on topics such as The Future of Democracy, VR v. AR, Artificial Intelligence, Art, Capitalism, Cities and Food.
          The speaker series, technology playground, art installations, food, and music will go on all day at the 2017 Worlds Fair Nano, Saturday, January 28th and Sunday, January 29th at Pier 70 in San Francisco. The building is an epic 65,000 square foot warehouse located at 420 22nd Street.
          Early Bird admission prices are $45 for each day; however NATAS members can get 20% off as a member benefit, including one guest. 
          Go to the ticket purchase page at: Type " NATAS20 " into the promo code box in the bottom left. You will see a " 20% off tix " text box pop up.
          Discover more information about this unique event at:

Sign up for "Cinema Club" to Attend Free Screenings

     FREE   Bay Area Movie Screenings are being offered to NATAS members and a guest.
     Many are previews with "Q & A" with the director and producer of the film following the screening.
     To receive notifications you need be on the Cinema Club mailing list. Send an e-mail to  and put "Cinema Club" and your name in the Subject line. See you at the movies!

KTVU's Haener  Excels  as Mom and Sports Fanatic
Longtime KTVU Anchor "Loves Competition" on Athletic Field

She Has That Competitive Spirit
KTVU Anchor Julie Haener, on the sidelines with son, Jake, a senior quarterback at Monte Vista High School in Danville. Jake will play for the University of Washington next year. 

Story and Photographs 
By Ross Perich
Chapter Governor, San Francisco
        Julie Haener is an adrenaline junkie. Whether covering breaking news while anchoring The Ten O'clock News on Oakland's KTVU Fox 2, competing in an equestrian event, or watching her sons play football, the veteran Bay Area anchor "loves competition and feeling the rush" - whether on the air or the athletic field.
       As the mother of two very athletic, energetic high school boys, Haener proudly has a "profession" away from the newsroom. Bouncing between football, baseball, lacrosse, soccer and golf since Jake and Kyle were little, Julie admits "it's hectic, but I love it. Sports has provided them with life lessons like teamwork, dedication, and hard work. My boys are up early for morning workouts; then they go to school all day, followed by afternoon practices, and then homework. It's constant conditioning and games. They work really hard."
       A tremendous work ethic, coupled with gifted athleticism and being a "football junkie," has resulted in a prolific prep career for Jake, a senior quarterback at Monte Vista High School (Danville) who recently led the Mustangs to the league title and into the NCS championship game this weekend. With multiple recruiting offers, Jake will attend the University of Washington next year to play ball for the nationally ranked Huskies, which happens to be Julie's alma mater.
The Haeners
Julie, with husband, Ryan, and their sons, Kyle and Jake
       "It was fun to dream about, but we never thought he would have the chance to play at UW. I still have family and friends in Seattle, so as hard as it will be to see Jake go, we know he will be very well supported. Plus, my husband, Ryan, never misses a game, so we will be even busier next year with Kyle's games on Friday nights and Jake's college games on Saturday's."
       A sophomore at Monte Vista, Kyle plays receiver and linebacker for the Mustangs, and really excels at lacrosse. "Kyle is trying to decide if he wants to play NCAA lacrosse most likely back East, or opt for a club program possibly at a Pac-12 university. It would be amazing if he ended up going to Washington too, but Kyle really wants to carve his own path."
      With Ryan starring in high school football in Fresno and Julie scoring dozens of ribbons in equestrian, the boys come from "good stock" - an appropriate athletic descriptor for the horse-loving Haener.  "If I could spend six days a week at the barn, I would. I love everything about it - even the smell," Haener says laughing.
      An avid horse jumper, Julie might just be the toughest one in the family. She recounts her trip to Guatemala a few years ago when Ryan bid farewell with his parting words, "whatever you do, don't get hurt down there." Sure enough, Julie decided to "try out a big horse. I went over a jump, fell off, and fractured my pelvis in three places! My trainer can't believe how competitive I am, but I'm not as much of a daredevil now that I'm older."
      With Jake heading off to college, life will be different in the Haener household next Fall and that's why Julie is savoring every minute of every game. "I'm thankful KTVU has been so accommodating with my schedule, allowing me to work Sunday through Thursday, so I never have to miss one of Jake or Kyle's games.
      "We are very proud of our boys. They have learned so much from sports and are better young men because of it. If you love something, go out and do it. If you commit to something, you must follow through - no matter how hard it is. We always stress to our sons: be a good teammate, listen to your coaches, stay humble, and be the best you can be." 

Gold & Silver Circle Profiles

GSC Profile Header_new

Aaron Edwards
Silver Circle Class of 1996

       If Bud Abbott played the straight man to longtime comic sidekick Lou Costello, then it was Aaron Edwards who played the straight arrow during the early years of Bay Area television and radio to the legendary yet wacky antics of the popular Don Sherwood.
       That was in the 1950s and 60s. Edwards became known as the comic foil to many Sherwood gags, but he also was known for being the consummate newscaster at KSFO.
       In later years, Edwards, inducted into the Silver Circle of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences in 1996, became one of KGO-TV's intrepid reporters in the 1980s and 90s.
       At the time, he had an "elder statesman" kind of status among the Bay Area press corps. 
       In the early years, Edwards' career got a huge jump start with his association with Sherwood.
        Edwards turned being a radio newscaster on KSFO into one of the Bay Area's greatest, longest-running entertainment routines with  Sherwood . While Sherwood poked fun at everything from the platters he spun to the commercials that paid his salary, Edwards played straight man so effectively it was as if he were climbing out of the loudspeakers of the radio in a suit and tie.
       Sherwood would then do everything he could, including exposing parts of his body, to rattle his partner as he reeled out the commercial in his trademark honey-toned cadence.
       Edwards was born in the Bronx, N.Y., to Ben and Rose Gevirtz, and moved to San Francisco with his family in 1938. He married high school sweetheart Selma Waskow in 1941 and worked as a welder in the World War II-era shipyards in Richmond and Hunters Point.
       Then, in 1943, Edwards' mother encouraged him to enter broadcasting because he had a nice voice. 
Silver Circle Class of 1996
Aaron Edwards, far right, with fellow Silver Circle Class of 1996 inductees Bob MacKenzie, Dr. Stuart Hyde, Terry Lowry and Shirley Temple Black
     A stint on KSRO in Santa Rosa led to others doing feature interviews and news reporting in Sacramento, Palo Alto and San Mateo. 
      He landed at KSFO in 1957, the year Sherwood returned to the station after jumping ship for a brief tour with a competitor.
      Sherwood, who died in 1983, was king of the morning drive slot and billed by the station as "The World's Greatest Disc Jockey." The two hit it off right away.
      After 26 years at KSFO, Edwards went to work at KGO-TV as a reporter, staying there until retiring in 1991. He also worked as a freelance reporter at KPIX and KTVU.
      Edwards spent many of his final years in Redwood City, where he enjoyed boating, fishing and visiting with family.
      He died on June 24, 2010 at the age of 90.
      Edwards was also a member of the Broadcast Legends.   

Kevin Wing has been writing 'Gold & Silver Circle Profiles' for 'Off Camera' since the summer of 2007. A 2013 Silver Circle inductee, he is a two-time Emmy® Award-winning producer, reporter and assignment editor in the Bay Area, currently associated with ABC News and 'Good Morning America' . He also has a production company, Kevin Wing Media Communications, and serves as alternate national trustee on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Since 2013, Wing has served as editor of 'Off Camera'.

National, International Media Arrive in Hawaii
for 75th
Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Attack

Preparing for Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary
Local, national and international news media have arrived in Hawaii to cover Dec. 7 events commemorating the 75th anniversary of Japan's military attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor, on Dec. 7, 1941. President Barack Obama will be attending. The keynote speaker that day will be actor Tom Hanks. American Airlines is flying in Pearl Harbor survivors from around the country to attend the commemoration. 

International Award to KOLO's Russell
Chapter Governor for Reno Honored for Best News Feature

       Terri Russell , a reporter at KOLO in Reno and a Governor serving on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, has received an international honor from the International Equus Film Festival, held in New York City last month.
        Russell received best news feature honors for her story, "The Other Side Of The Fence" which documented the wild horse gentling program at Northern Nevada Correctional Center Stewart Conservation Camp in Carson City.
        The New York festival was held Nov. 17-19.
        Congratulations to you, Terri!

On the Move
          Ron Jones, news anchor at KOVR in Sacramento, joins WXIA in Atlanta as a weekend anchor. Jones, who worked at KOVR since 2004, was an Oakland police officer before starting his TV career in Roanoke, Virginia. He has also worked at KCRA in Sacramento and KPIX in San Francisco. 
                    Write us!
Have a new job? Get a promotion? Retiring? We'd like to know about it.
Please write to  On the Move  and  Off Camera  Editor  Kevin Wing  at .

Glenn DuBose, 81
Veteran Producer, Director of PBS Arts Programming
       Glenn DuBose, a veteran producer, director and broadcast executive of PBS arts programming, died Nov. 10 at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach. 
       He was 81. 
       At one time, DuBose taught theater at Chabot College in Hayward. Academy Award-winning actor Tom Hanks, a Bay Area native, was one of DuBose's students. 
       James Arntz, his companion of 55 years and husband since 2009, said the cause of death was melanoma.
       DuBose produced or directed more than 60 national programs for PBS, including the 1996 WNET/Great Performances production of Itzhak Perlman:  In the Fiddler's House, for which he received a Primetime Emmy® Award for Outstanding Cultural Music-Dance program as well as Europe's top television prize, the Rose d'Or de Montreux.
      As Managing Director of Thirteen/WNET's Cultural and Arts Division, DuBose also created City Arts, a weekly arts magazine which was honored with a Peabody Award and continues to be a prototype for public television stations across the United States. His 1989 musical short, Playin' Chicago, toured the country as the first dramatic piece filmed in high-definition television.
      DuBose's television career began with CBS News in New York in the early 1960s. He worked with Harry Reasoner as an associate producer and covered the Kennedy assassination and funeral.  Prior to television, he worked in the New York theater as actor and director and was among the first Off-Off Broadway directors at the legendary Cafe Cino. In 1964, he took a break from television to earn a graduate degree at California State University in San Francisco and to teach and direct theater at Chabot College in Hayward.
      In a recent op-ed piece for the New York Times, actor Hanks extolled his experiences as a student at Chabot College: "That place made me what I am today." DuBose was one of his teachers and recognized and encouraged Hanks' uniquely natural acting style. "Mr. DuBose was the first teacher who taught me to take acting seriously and that acting was an art," he told Sara Lukinson, who had interviewed him for the 2014 Kennedy Center Honors.
      After 11 years of college teaching, DuBose returned to New York in 1978 to help launch the short-lived CBS Cable, where he produced dance and drama programs, including a production of Robert Patrick Kennedy's Children. With CBS Cable's demise, he moved on to public television as an arts producer and executive for Thirteen/WNET, WTTW/Chicago and PBS headquarters, then in Alexandria, Virginia.
     After his retirement from PBS in 2008, the newly installed PBS President, Paula Kerger, had a special request. "I called on Glenn as a special consultant in 2009 to help fulfill a dream of mine and create a formal initiative to promote the arts. The eclectic and exciting PBS Arts Festival continues to this day thanks to him."
     In his final years in South Florida, DuBose returned to his first and favorite job as a teacher, sharing his enthusiasm for the arts with young immigrant students struggling with English and assimilation and opening their eyes to the joys of American theater, music, dance and literature.
     Glenn Emerson DuBose, Jr., was born on July 17, 1935, in San Francisco and lived much of his boyhood in Napa. He earned a BA from Stanford University and served two years in the United States Army .   

Our People
"Reporter Standout"
KTVU FOX 2 Reporter Cristina Rendon stands out in any crowd of journalists, whether in the newsroom or out in the field. 

Do You Remember?
Did you attend this Emmy® Gala with the theme "Wild Wild West?"
What was the year and location? 

In November's Do You Remember?
We asked you to name the  Silver Circle members 
and the year they were inducted. 

SILVER CLASS of 1996:  BOB MACKENZIE*, Reporter, KTVU; DR. STUART HYDE*, (Gold Circle 2012) Professor, San Francisco State University; TERRY LOWRY, Host/Anchor/Reporter, LaCosse Productions; SHIRLEY TEMPLE BLACK*, Actress, Chief of Protocol US; AARON EDWARDS*, Reporter, KGO; (not pictured) KEVIN O'BRIEN, VP/General Manager, KTVU.
Do You Remember?
 If you do, please write to 
Off Camera Editor  Kevin Wing at

Write Us! 
Off Camera Wants to Hear From You!


        Off Camera wants to hear from you. Have a great story idea? Interested in writing a story for us? Want to tell us how we're doing? Whatever it may be, please feel free to drop us a line.  Write to
Off Camera Editor  Kevin Wing at
        Thank you!

NATAS Job Bank
The Board of Governors
President: Steve Shlisky*, KTVU Fox 2/Laney College
Vice President- San Francisco: Don Sanchez *, KGO-TV ABC7 (Retired)
Vice President-Sacramento:  Cynthia Zeiden* Zeiden  Media/Sacramento State University   
Vice President- Fresno:  Kim Stephens* KMPH Fox 26 
Vice President- Hawaii:  Pamela Young*, KHON 2
Vice President- Reno: Landon Miller, KTVN 2 
Vice President-Smaller Markets: Scott Rates, KAEF/KBVU
Secretary:  Randy Forsman KCRA 3
Treasurer:  Jim Spalding Spalding & Company
Past President: Keith Sanders , San Jose State University
Linda Giannecchini* KQED 9/Franklin Mieuli & Associates  (National Awards Chair)
John Odell* CCSF Emeritus
Steve Shlisky*KTVU Fox 2/Laney College  
Cynthia Zeiden*, Zeiden Media/Sacramento State University (National Program Chair)
Kevin Wing* (alternate),  ABC-TV Good Morning America/Kevin Wing Media Communicatiions
Kent Beichley, Pac 12 Networks
Wayne Freedman*, KGO-TV, ABC 7
Alison Gibson, Media Cool (National Treasurer)
Luis Godinez KDTV Univision 14
Richard Harmelink KFSN ABC30  
Pablo Iacub KUVS Univision 19
Brian Johnson KFSN ABC30
George Lang* The Big Picture
Melissa Mapes Mainz, Mainz Media
Joyce Mitchell* 4 U Productions
Michael Moya, fotografx/Laney College
Scott Patterson , San Francisco State University
Pat Patton, KRON 4 (Retired)
Ross PerichProMotion Studios
Manny Ramos* Manny Ramos Communications/Academy of Art University
Erik RosalesKMPH FOX 26
Terri Russell, KOLO 8
Don Sanchez* KGO-TV ABC7 (Retired) 
Juan Serna, San Jose State University
Matt Skryja, AAA NCNU Insurance Exchange  
Julie Watts, KPIX 5
Melanie Woodrow KGO-TV ABC7/Academy of Art Univeristy
Noemi Zeigler Sanchez, Laney College/Academy of Art University
Activities/Programs:  Cynthia Zeiden* Zeiden Media 
Archives/Museum:  John Catchings* Catchings & Associates
                               Linda Giannecchini* KQED 9  
Awards:  Wayne Freedman* , KGO ABC 7
Education:  Keith Sanders , San Jose State University  
Finance:  Alison Gibson Media Cool  
Legal/Bylaws:  Mark Pearson ARC Law Group 
Membership:  Michael Moya, fotografx/Laney College
Marketing:  Patty Zubov Platonic TV

Darryl R. Compton* NATAS

* Silver Circle inductee

Contact Information:

The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
San Francisco/Northern California Chapter
Darryl Compton,
Executive Director
4317 Camden Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94403-5007
Phone: 650 341-7786 or 415 777-0212


The name "Emmy®" and the graphic image of the statuette, are registered trademarks of The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.


"GC" and "SC" references, immediately following an individual's name in a story, refers to that individual being an inductee of the Chapter's Gold Circle and/or Silver Circle, followed by the year, or years, of induction.